Before you can get your website to work, you’ll need a platform to build your website on, such as a Content Management System (CMS). There are many options available, from the tried-and-tested to the done-for-you. However, one CMS stands out among the rest: WordPress. In this lesson, I’ll discuss why WordPress is the best blogging platform to make money and the ONLY platform you should consider using.

Admittedly, there are easier CMS platforms to learn than WordPress, like SquareSpace, Weebly, and Wix, to name a few. However, their ease of use is also their biggest disadvantage. There will be a point in your Internet Marketing business where you’ll need to customize things that these done-for-you platforms either bury deep in their code or restrict access to. Even when you try to find solutions and workarounds, there are too few users of these platforms. That means not all the solutions are readily available.
WordPress has so many users that it’s likely someone has experienced the same difficulties you might encounter and posted about them. It’s the same story for any custom functions you want to place on your website; chances are someone somewhere has tried it and either posted how to do it or posted why it can’t be done.
Another reason to opt for WordPress is their plugin selection. Plugins are little pieces of software that add various functions to your website. Although plugins are available for other platforms, WordPress’ selection is unrivaled in terms of number, variety, and quality. If you ever hope to build a profitable internet business, WordPress is the way to go.
For more details comparing the different CMS platforms available, their pros and cons, and why WordPress is hands down the best platform, read the article titled How to Build a Blog from Scratch: A Comprehensive Guide.
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Why WordPress Is The Best Blogging Platform For You
Choosing the best blogging platform out of dozens can be confusing, but in this section of the article How To Build A Blog From Scratch: A Comprehensive Guide, I discuss why WordPress is the best blogging platform for you.