Our David Dekel review below was originally published in June 2016 when David’s product “Stealth List Building Formula” hit the market. Spoiler alert: we didn’t review it very positively, largely due to the fact that David made grand promises but delivered a product that failed to fulfill the vast majority of them.
That product has long died off, but we still receive hundreds of visitors to this post each month wondering what he’s up to now. So we thought, why not dive back in and give everyone an easy-to-digest update?
So here we are: a David Dekel review that’s current as of December 2020.
Before you dive in: If you’re looking for a 100% free place to learn that doesn’t nickel and dime you for every penny possible, join our 100% free training and community for step-by-step guidance for building your online business.
David Dekel is an internet marketing product publisher who’s released a number of “training” products positioned as a way to help people build online businesses. Oftentimes these products have come with fairly grand promises that claim they make online profits easy & straightforward to achieve.
Since we reviewed “Stealth List Building Formula,” it appears David has released and recommended a number of other systems. Namely (in no particular order):
Which averages a product per year since we originally reviewed him in 2016 (not to mention the YouTube channel he’s been keeping pretty active on since our original review). Why one product per year?
What most people don’t realize about the internet marketing/ online business space is that many product publishers crank similar or rehashed products out over and over again to increase their revenues. Instead of spending time “practicing what they preach” and implementing the system they’re selling to aspiring internet business owners, they crank out product after product that “teaches” people their system.
Their new and re-released products rarely provide much additional insight, but serve to keep the cash flowing into their bank accounts. This is something we see from a lot of “gurus” and product publishers in the online business space here at StoppingScams.com.
When we originally found him, David Dekel was pitching something called the Stealth List Building Formula, which he claimed was a loophole method that fetched him $18,000+ in instant sales commissions. Interestingly, he claimed that his system would show you how to read the minds of your subscribers and use your newfound power to earn piles of commissions on autopilot. He said his method was so “cutting edge” new that no one in the Internet Marketing space was applying it at the time.
We’ve never been in partnership with David Dekel to promote his Stealth List Building Formula or any of David’s other systems for affiliate commissions. We only publish these reviews to objectively provide industry-veteran insights for anyone looking to buy his products.
If you don’t have enough time to read the whole review, read this short version: David Dekel’s Stealth List Building Formula isn’t bad for a less than $10 email marketing training product, but for David to claim that the email marketing method he advocates is brand new and that no one is using it currently isn’t true. I’ve seen better training on email marketing that covers all of David’s methods and more.
Besides, David doesn’t give you certain important hints needed to prepare you to launch, and he expects you to pay more money to learn certain vital skills that are integral to your success as an internet marketer. See the details in the main body of the review.
Like so many product publishers in this space, David benefits from the fact that dozens (if not hundreds) of affiliates will promote anything that might result in an affiliate commission.
They’re so blinded by their opportunity to make money that they recommend anything and everything blindly, often without even purchasing it themselves, without consideration of the fact that the person purchasing the product may send up feeling scammed.
This is part of the reason you’ll see so many people promoting Dekel’s old products, such as Easy1up, Profits Passport, Funnel X, and anything else David decides to publish in the future.
After I paid for the Stealth List Building Formula, there was a slew of upsells and downsells. I passed them all up and proceeded to the product I paid for, which David had claimed was a system that easily raked in $18K.
David Dekel claimed on his sales page that no one else is doing email marketing the way he does it currently. That’s inaccurate because Andre Chaperon launched a product called Autoresponder Madness years ago (and has updated it several times), which uses the email marketing methods taught in David Dekel’s Stealth List Building Formula. Andre’s Autoresponder Madness even covers more useful details than David’s Stealth List Building Formula and has been published and updated since 2009. The only difference is David’s use of JotForm to create survey forms.
As a matter of fact, there’s no basis for comparison between Andre Chaperon’s Autoresponder Madness and David Dekel’s Stealth List Building Formula. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that David himself learned a ton from Andre. Read my complete review of Andre Chaperon’s Autoresponder Madness.
As opposed to the efforts we undertake to teach people how to start a blog for free, David Dekel didn’t provide any hint about the money you’ll spend following his method before your online business begins to take shape. If you’re an entry-level newbie, this can catch you off guard. There are the recurring monthly autoresponder fees. Some autoresponders have free trials, after which you’ll be required to pay monthly fees. When this review was written, GetResponse and Aweber both had a one-month free trial offer.
After the free trial period, GetResponse would start charging $15 per month, $49 per month, $165 per month or $799 per month, depending on whether you settle for the Email, Pro, Max, or Enterprise plans respectively. Aweber, on the other hand, would start charging $19 per month, $29 per month, $49 per month, $69 per month, or $149 per month, depending on your chosen plan.
Then you’ll need some technical skills to be able to create your landing page. Otherwise, you’ll have to settle for the option of a click and drag landing page builder, which will cost you money, or you’ll have to outsource to a freelancer for a fee.
David Dekel recommends an opt-in form builder called JotForm, which is free at the starter level and allows 100 free monthly submissions. However, when your business begins to grow and you begin to get more lead hits, there’ll be a need for more than 100 submissions, at which point you’ll have to start paying at least $19 per month.
This too is a common sales tactic. Product publishers will often recommend premium tools (even if there are free tools that will get the job done) in an attempt to boost the lifetime value (LTV) of their customers thanks to their recommended products’ affiliate commissions.
Just like the original purchase of their product, this is often done with little consideration for the customer’s financial circumstances. All that matters is how much candy they can knock out of the piñata.
All marketers, both online and offline, know the importance of being able to drive traffic to their offers. Website visitors are the lifeblood of any website.
Yet David Dekel didn’t consider teaching traffic-driving methods in his Stealth List Building Formula training. Instead, he pitches his customers another of his products on driving traffic, which he named the 20 Minutes Traffic Expert Program priced at $17.
(noticing a pattern here?)
Moreover, the traffic driving method he teaches is the use of solo ads, which cost money, and are notoriously low-quality. For newbies, solo ads can be very risky, especially when the user hasn’t been able to test solo ads vendors in order to be able to tell which ones are the real deal and which ones are crappy.
To be honest, I wasn’t sold on his upgrade offer. So I didn’t try it and consequently can’t tell if he’ll deliver or not. However, this isn’t the first time some Internet Marketing coach has made such a promise. Nine out of ten times, they fail to deliver.
David Dekel did a great job of holding the hands of his students throughout the training. His are some of the most practical tutorial videos I’ve watched. The videos were mostly on how to use JotForm to create short survey opt-in forms for your subscribers to fill in order to help you ascertain their unique needs. That will help you segregate them into groups according to their needs in your autoresponder account. You can then send them emails that address their particular needs, which could put you in profit.
This method will help improve your email marketing and increase your open rate because your subscribers will begin to perceive your emails as customized to their needs and become more responsive as a result. Again, the survey forms you build with JotForm will provide avenues for you to take peeks into your subscribers’ minds, which will give you hints of the best products to pitch to help resolve their problems and put you in profit.
Again, there’s nothing here that the more holistic Autoresponder Madness didn’t cover, plus significantly more.
David Dekel’s claim that he’s the only dude doing email marketing the way he describes in his members’ area isn’t true, because Andre Chaperon covered all of that and more in his Autoresponder Madness. Furthermore, David didn’t give any hint of the expenses involved. Newbies could be caught napping.
We teach significantly more than David does in our 100% free post teaching How to Start a Blog and Make Money, which doesn’t even require an email address to access (let alone money).
Besides, you’ll have to pay David some extra money to learn the traffic-driving methods he teaches. For less than $10, Stealth List Building Formula isn’t such a bad product. But if you’re looking for a zero cost training on how to start an Internet Marketing business, you’re covered; take this detailed, high quality, 100% free Internet Marketing training that holds you by the hand, takes you through the processes and introduces you to a community of like-minded folks who are always available to give you the much needed support and encouragement to succeed online.
What’s your take on David Dekel’s Stealth List Building Formula? Share your thoughts with the community below.
David clearly has a lot of digital marketing knowledge between his ears, but we haven’t witnessed that come across in his products. Instead what we’ve witnessed is a barrage of upsells, recommendations for unnecessary premium tools, and other blatant attempts to siphon more money out of your financial accounts and into David’s.
We’re not saying there’s zero value in David’s materials. He’s a good teacher and the walkthroughs he provides for the tools he recommends are helpful (although whether they’re more helpful than what could be found online for free is a different issue).
Ultimately, like so many product publishers in this industry, becoming a customer of David’s is a bit like wandering into a spider web. You’ll be caught there for a while and nibbled on little-by-little until there’s nothing left of your funds and desire to pursue an online business.
I've been in internet marketing for over 10 years, and I've purchased dozens of illegitimate products for the sole purpose of evaluating them and exposing the truth about these products to anyone who's thinking about purchasing it. I never let money influence my rating of a product and your success/safety is my absolute highest priority. Don't want to buy a product? Register for one of my 100% free internet marketing training courses>>