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Important links from this video:
FIMP Members enjoy some awesome, exclusive perks at Bluehost:
- The lowest pricing for Bluehost possible: You can’t find FIMP’s discounted prices on Bluehost’s website without using the link above
- Exclusive, frustration-free support guarantee: if you join Bluehost through FIMP and ever need help, you have exclusive support options to make sure you always get the help you need in a quick and pain-free fashion
Alternative hosting companies (other than my #1 recommendation listed above) can be found on the members-only Links & Resources page, but unfortunately Bluehost is the only provider specifically going above-and-beyond for FIMP members.
In this video I discuss:
- The best place to host your websites
- The value/cost balance necessary for early-stage website hosting
- Brief explanation of shared hosting vs. VPS hosting vs. dedicated hosting
- Why purchasing a plan with “unlimited” domains is essential for internet marketing entrepreneurs
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
4.4 Transcript Below
Okay, on to Lesson 4.4!
So you should have your domain name by now, and hopefully, you’ve registered it with your choice – unless your choice was the hosting company in which case you would combine both of those steps here: you would register as you paid for hosting; you would also pay for the domain name. Again, it’s not my preferred or recommended route but to each their own. Totally understand.
And so now we’re going to talk about where to secure your hosting for your website, what that means – all that stuff. You’ve probably heard it before. You may even have existing hosting but I encourage you to watch this video any way around it.
So Part 1 was getting the domain name. Part 2 is getting hosting. Those are the two essential components for owning a website online.
So in case you don’t know what hosting is, just really simply put: it’s your server. You’ve probably heard the term ‘server’ as well. It’s where your files are stored to deliver up to the people that visit your website. So when someone… again, an oversimplified explanation… but when someone types in RueTattoo.com, their browser pulls the files from my server and displays that to them. That’s what makes that my web page. Again, oversimplification – but that’s basically how it works.
So hosting is where your files are stored. It’s essential for having a website online. And there are a ton of different options. I’ve hosted with well over a dozen different companies over the years. I’ve hosted with every single one of the absolute best brands that’s out there and I’ve had varying experiences with each of them.
You know some of them I’ve had experiences that were bad enough to make me never register or never host my websites there again. I’ve also had some frustrating encounters – maybe live chat was a little bit too long – but based on the pricing and what I was paying for… you know… I couldn’t be too upset. I was upset at the time, but long term, it’s just the nature of shared hosting.
So in this video, we’re going to talk about my recommended host and that is Bluehost. And I mentioned this towards the beginning of the training – you know, one of the introductory videos – please use my link if you’re signing up for hosting. That is like the one point that Free Internet Marketing Project receives commissions and monetization consistently. So I would just ask that you please use my link. The link is StoppingScams.com/Bluehost. If for some reason that link isn’t working when you try to shoot me an email and I’ll give you the direct full code of the link. But that should work. StoppingScams.com/Bluehost.
And in my experience, you could Google… you could say, “Okay, should I host at Bluehost?” and you’re going to find a lot of people that are really upset. Because at the end of the day, that’s going to be true for HostGator, that’s going to be true for Bluehost, that’s going to be true for 1&1 Hosting, that’s going to be true for every low-cost shared host.
I have personally hosted with HostGator for years before I moved over to Bluehost. Just full disclosure: I just found the services and the support (the performance overall) to be much better with Bluehost than it was with any of the other kind of low cost shared hosting companies – which is why I recommend them. I personally think based on my experiences that they’re the best place for someone to start off hosting.
And just for full disclosure too, Bluehost pays anywhere from $65 for everyone that signs up. If I do a certain amount of volume, they pay me $125 per person. There are hosting companies that pay much better than that – much, much better than that. There are hosting companies that would pay me up to $200+ if I referred you to them but they’re going to be more expensive, they’re going to be lower quality.
And again, my priority is to put you in the best place, not to make as much money as possible. So I just put all that out on the table. I really hope you support the Free Internet Marketing Project by purchasing hosting through Bluehost using this link.
So the other thing to note is any shared host (whether it’s Bluehost or HostGator or anyone)… you keep hearing me use the term ‘shared host’ which… shared hosting means that you are sharing server space with a lot of other websites. You don’t have your own server. That would be a dedicated server where you are the only website on that server. And in between, there’s something called VPS which stands for ‘virtual private server’ – not to be confused with the VPN. That’s a very different thing that has nothing to do with hosting, typically speaking. But a VPS is a kind of an in-between. It’s a virtual dedicated server basically.
So there are other people on the server but you are allocated a specific amount of technical specifications like RAM and processor speed and memory. So right… this is again eyes glazing over, people are just falling asleep, and just like hitting keys on their keyboard trying to figure out how to make this stop. I understand that’s way more technical than most of you want to know, but I also want to throw it out there for the people that are curious at least at a high level.
So when I say ‘shared hosting’, it’s kind of the most basic level, the lowest cost hosting. You should hope to outgrow any shared host in time because when you get to a certain level of traffic and a certain amount of money per month, it’s just going to make sense for you to move on to at least a VPS (a virtual private server). It’s probably months, if not years down the road. Don’t worry about it right now. They’re more expensive and that’s why I don’t recommended them right off the bat. But you should hope to outgrow any shared host whether it’s Bluehost or HostGator or GoDaddy (if you hosted with them) but I find Bluehost and any shared host to be the absolute best value for when you’re getting started. And like I said, I find Bluehost to be the most dependable of those options.
The other thing is to make sure whatever host you’re going with, most of them will have a really low-priced tier that they advertise. They’re like, “It’s only $2.99 a year for hosting!” And then you look at it and you’re like, “Oh, that’s only for one domain name.” Again, as an internet marketer, you are probably going to run multiple websites in time so just spring for the unlimited domains right from the beginning.
I will also say full disclosure: I don’t say that because I get paid a bigger commission. I get paid the same commission whether you sign up for the one domain account or the unlimited domains account. I just say that from experience.
Technically, you could upgrade when you got to that point but I think it’s just easier to sign up for unlimited domains from the beginning because whether it’s you registering another domain two weeks from now and stating a different site, whether it’s abandoning the niche you’re working in and wanting to host another site two months from now, or whether you’re just expanding into multiple sites down the road… I think my main hosting account has something like fifteen domains on it (they’re all different sites that I run or have run in the past)… so long story short, make sure to buy the unlimited domains option.
Okay so we’re going to hop in and look at this. Again, just like domain registration… I haven’t finished checking out like I said I would but I actually will after this video because we’ll need it for the next video.
I want to come in here and I’m going to… you know… go to StoppingScams.com/Bluehost… and of course, it auto filled my Bluehost review of the URL… so that would take me to Bluehost through my affiliate link. Again, thank you so much if you go through the effort of doing that. You don’t have to. You’re going to pay the same amount either way and one way I get supported and another way I don’t. So I appreciate it if you do that. But you can see here they say, “Oh, starting at $3.95 a month.” That’s going to be the single domain option.
So the only thing I want to point out is really call your attention to the different hosting tiers I talked about.
So with the Basic hosting tier, you’re going to get one website, you’re going to get one domain that you can host. With the Plus tier, you’re going to get unlimited websites. And yeah, there’s all these extra stuff, too. You technically get an included domain.
Personally, again, I would still register it in NameCheap. I’m not even commissioned on those NameCheap purchases. I just say that because they’re going to give you that included domain for the first year, and then the next year, it’s going to build at $25 and every year thereafter – and you’re going to lose in the long run.
But if you want to take advantage of that free domain, the totally go for it. Just know that your costs are going to be higher in the coming years. So you know, you could go up to the next year. I don’t see any reason to. I don’t know why I’m… I don’t see the difference here. Okay, one spam experts, one domain privacy. I see. So even domain privacy wouldn’t be included here which their cost for domain privacy would pay for the first year with NameCheap anyways.
So the only thing I really want to show here is make sure you select the option with unlimited websites. So I would say RueTattoo.com. You would put in whatever domain name you registered and then you would come in and you would just fill up and just checkout anything else. You can uncheck Site Backup Pro (it’s just an upsell), uncheck Site Lock Security. These may change over time and don’t be too terrified of this price because that’s going to change here in a second, too. But they’re just checking those as upsells by default. Again, just like anything else, just like hosting, keep an eye out for those upsells and uncheck them.
And if you’re strapped for cash… again, I mentioned earlier on you’re going to need somewhere between $150 to $200 to get your business started up. The main chunk of that is hosting. So if you pay for more – you know, if you do 36 months; if you do 24 months – you’re going to get a bigger discount. But I am totally conscious of your pains as someone… a lot of you are trying to get a business started for as little money as possible so I just bumped this down to the lowest price for… or excuse me, the lowest term… which is the overall lowest total which is 12 months.
And you just want to make sure to uncheck any upsells because they very clearly add to your total down here. So just uncheck those and then you would input your information.
What it’s going to look like from here… again, I’m not going to checkout onscreen largely because I already own several Bluehost hosting accounts and I’ll use one of those to walk you through what we need to do later. But what’s going to happen is you’re going to get an immediate confirmation after you checkout and in your inbox you’ll see that. And once your hosting is set up for that account, you’ll receive another email that contains all kinds of information. You want to print that out, you want to star it, you want to keep track of that email because it contains some really important information that you may need down the road as long as you’re hosted with Bluehost. So potentially, you may need that email eight years from now if you stayed with Bluehost for a really long time.
So anyways, you would checkout for hosting. And at this point, by the end of this video before you move on the next one, you should have your domain name, you should have secured hosting with Bluehost or already have hosting somewhere else. And in the next video, we’re going to talk about how to link your domain registrar – wherever you registered your domain – to your hosting account at Bluehost.
And of course, if you bought your domain at Bluehost through this process – you know you’re going to pay a little bit extra over time, whatever – you can skip the next video. But anyone that registered a domain at GoDaddy or NameCheap or anywhere else and has hosting somewhere else, you’re going to need to watch the next video because I’m going to show you how to update those name servers. And it’s much quicker and more painless than it sounds. I promise.
If you have any questions, as always, please feel free to post them to the Facebook group – free for registered members.
For anyone that does end up buying through my affiliate link for Bluehost, go ahead and shoot me an email, forward me your receipt, and I have a nifty little bonus – kind of a really detailed reference guide for all of the kind of common problems and encounters and things that people need help with frequently when they’re setting up hosting and stuff like that. So forward me your receipt if you bought through my affiliate link and I will make sure to follow up with you and send you that bonus.
Otherwise… deep breath… we will get into the technical stuff now and I will show you how to update your name servers, connect your domain to your hosting, alright? I’ll see you in the next video.