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In this video I discuss:
- Creating your site’s “core content” and what all that entails
- How to create a high-quality and effective “About Me” page
- How to create a “Contact” page in WordPress
- How to create Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy page(s) for your website
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4.11 Transcript Below
Okay, here we are in the home stretch.
So I want to talk to you about… now that we’ve got everything set up as far as your settings, and your plugins, et cetera, et cetera… we need to start getting some core content. And what I mean when I say ‘core content’ is kind of the content that every site has or should have. So that’s what we’re going to cover in this and then we’re also going to create a menu so that your site’s really easy to navigate and then that’s pretty much it.
We’re going to do one more video about some technical things you need to set up if you want data which is really important. I highly recommend it. That’ll be the last video this section (at least as I envisioned right now) but I may add to it later.
But long story short, we are in the home stretch; we are almost done here; and this will probably be one of the longest videos of the section. But I’ll try to move through it as quickly as I can.
So your core content is composed of an ‘About’ Page, a ‘Contact’ Page, a ‘Privacy Policy’, and a ‘Terms and Conditions’ Page. (Forget the sound of my dog flapping in the background). So ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Terms and Conditions’ are frequently the same page. Not frequently, but it’s okay. It’s not uncommon. And then we need to set up your menu.
So something that a lot of people get up really stuck on for some reason… I understand it especially if you don’t really consider yourself a writer – which, by the way, is something you’re going to have to push past if you want to succeed in this industry. Even if you did a lot of video blogging and stuff like that, writing is pretty significant and important to succeed in this industry.
So the About page… just to give some general rules of thumb… it can really be anything. People get caught up, I think, because they believe it needs to be something really specific and it needs to accomplish a certain task. This doesn’t accomplish anything except allowing people a personal way to connect with you and your website. So it can be anything about you, it can be anything about your niche, or your passion or your journey. Again, it can be about anything.
Ideally, it’ll tie you into the brand that you’re building. And typically, that’s going to be done by talking about if you have certifications; or if you’ve worked in the industry for so many years; or you just really enjoy doing it – you live, breathe, eat, you study this all the time because it’s just one of your biggest passions. So there are no specific requirements for the About page. Do not let it catch you up. Just write what comes to mind and tweak it afterwards. Again, don’t overthink it. And like I said, just type it out and then edit it when you’re done.
And I would say keep it to three to five paragraphs max. People don’t want to see… they don’t want to read a novel, they don’t want to read a dissertation, they don’t want to read a ton of stuff. If someone’s looking at your About page, they just want a really brief introduction to you and maybe the brand that you’re building. But that’s it.
Also I would highly recommend adding an image. I know that makes a lot of people uncomfortable for some reason. I know a lot of people have valid reasons for it. But at the end of the day, if you want to keep things private, you can use a stock image instead of an image that you own. We’ll talk about stock images later when we start talking about writing high quality content because images kind of play into that. They’re really important. Like Pixabay (pixabay.com) would be a really good place to find a stock image. I don’t want to get into that really extensively right now because we’ll cover it really extensively later. But if you’re wondering, “Where do I find a stock image that I can use?” Pixabay.com is a good place to start.
So the other thing is you don’t have to publish your last name on the site. There are a lot of people that kind of go through this cycle of picking an alias or a pin name – and then that can get really confusing in time. You’re totally welcome to do it. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just murky.
It can get complicated when… if that website becomes really successful, it can become really complicated to have to work around that. And maybe you accidentally sign the wrong name in your email, or you know, put the wrong name someplace… it just gets confusing in my experience. It’s not something I do. I just put ‘Ian P.’ on everything now. I don’t put my last name anymore.
I don’t have a problem putting images of me on the internet for my various sites and niche sites; but if you do, that’s how you get around it: use a stock image. And you can use a pin name or an alias – unless you have a really, really unique first name just to not put your last name along with your first name. That’s probably anonymous enough.
So your Contact page is another is another piece of your core content. You just want to add a really friendly invitation to reach out and then add the contact form shortcode. That one’s really simple. The most complex of any of these is the About Page and that’s pretty simple as I mentioned, too. So if that sounds like gibberish to you, just add a contact form and a short code – don’t worry I’m going to show it all on-screen.
And then the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions page or pages. My understanding… okay, so I need to give a very, very firm disclosure here: I can’t give legal advice. I am not a lawyer. I am not taking a single class in law. And even if I had, that wouldn’t qualify me to give legal advice. So if you need legal advice, don’t ask me. Don’t ask the Facebook group. I mean, I guess you can ask the Facebook group to see if anybody there has the experience. But at the end of the day, you need an attorney especially if it’s something really individual and important that you just can’t get wrong, the stakes are high, et cetera.
So I can’t give you legal advice, nobody in the Facebook group… even if they are qualified, they’re probably not going to give you really in-depth legal advice for free. So I want to give that disclosure as I start talking about legal stuff.
My understanding (after talking with attorneys over the years) is that legal writing is not copyrighted. So technically you can copy any legal documents that you find online and find and replace their company name or their website domain and replace it with your domain name or your company name. I’ve done it before. I’ve never had any issues with it. But again, I’m not a lawyer so for all I know I’m doing something really, really stupid here. Check with a lawyer before you jump out on that limb or do more research or whatever. But I’ve done it and I’ve had no problems with it.
You can also use any number of free generators online – both for privacy policies and terms and conditions. It’s just important that when we’re using content that’s duplicate content, that we use the checkbox within Yoast that keeps the search engine from indexing those pages. Similar to what we did when we were setting up the website and we set a couple of those pages to noindex so that the search engines wouldn’t index them and they wouldn’t look at them. That’s what we do for these pages as well. And I’ll show you how to do that. It’s really easy. Like I said, it’s just a checkbox.
And also, consult with an attorney for any special needs beyond this. I can’t overemphasize that. If you write me asking about legal advice, I’ll help as much as I can; but I’m also going to say very clearly: you can’t depend on this. You need to speak with an attorney, alright?
So final step in all of this is setting up your menu that links to all of these content. It’s also super easy when you know what you’re doing and I’ll show that on-screen as well.
So, are you ready to dive in? It seems like a lot, I know. It’s going to take some time for us to do it all. I kind of got a little bit of a head start so that it takes as little time as possible. But none of it is complex and it should only take an hour or two even if it’s the first time you do it. So even if this is your absolute first time doing this, it’s not something that’s going to eat up a bunch of time unless you overanalyze your About page. That’s the only thing I can see taking forever.
Once we’re done, your website’s entire foundation is set for months to come. You will not have to tweak any of this – as long as you do it right in the beginning – for months to come. Your appearance is ready; all the plugins are set up; you’ll have your core content up. So it’s all about adding content and promotion from here.
So after we finish this, we’ll also do a couple of things like I mentioned in another video about collecting really valuable data. But that’s really simple and easy. It’s just punching in a couple of codes.
And for now, let’s hop into WordPress and knock out all of the core content. So, of course, my WordPress Dashboard… you can see I’ve already got a little bit of a head start on my About page. I already wrote it just because I didn’t want you to be sitting here on camera watching it. You can read over it if you want. This is the URL for RueTattoo.com/about-ruetattoo-com. That’s it.
So I typically optimize my About page for my brand name so that when someone searches Rue Tattoo or RueTattoo.com, it’s likely to come up so I make sure to use it in the title of my About page.
And I also make sure… this is all of the… this is why we installed Yoast… this is all of the SEO stuff that you can adjust. You can set the Focus keyword like I put in here RueTattoo.com. And you can also edit. You can click Edit snippet and set your SEO title, set your Meta description, and set your Slug which we talked about earlier – your URL slug. And without getting too in-depth here, we will cover on-page SEO very extensively later in the training.
But early-stage stuff for your About page… if you want it to get ranked for your brand name or your domain when people searched in Google, you want to use the domain and the brand in the title of the page. You want it in the URL slug.
Obviously, you can’t have dots in your URL slug so it’s –com. And you want it in your SEO title down here with Yoast and you want it in your Meta description (this is also referred to as a ‘meta title’). And again, we’ll get to know all of these very, very intimately when we get to that step in the training. But for now, just know if you want to rank for when someone searches – in my case, RueTattoo.com on Google or Rue Tattoo – I’m going to put them in these places. Also, when I inserted this image, I put as my Alternative Text ‘RueTattoo.com’… I can actually probably change that ‘Ian of RueTattoo.com’. So you want to be descriptive but you also want it to contain the keyword you’re trying to boost the page for. You don’t want to abuse that. Again, we’ll talk about that very extensively when we get into SEO. But for now, that’s it.
So if you want to read the Welcome page or the About Me page, you’re welcome to. Yeah. I mean, as it very clearly explains, I’m an idiot for ever getting this tattoo. It’s now… like I said, I’m several sessions in and compared to that, you can barely see it now which I’m grateful for. But I’ve still got several months of treatments spaced out over time. So yeah, as the caption, I put, “Look at that idiot.”
So when you’re drafting this up in WordPress, you have all kinds of options that you can get overwhelmed by. But really, just type it up and you can… of course, you can bold, you can italicize anything, you can do something. You typically want to click this. You have a toolbar toggle here and this is called ‘showing or hiding the kitchen sink’ is what it’s referred to as for whatever reason. And so that opens up some extra options that can be helpful but you don’t really need to worry about them too much especially when we’re just talking about your About page and your Contact page.
So for now, I’m not going to go into them in-depth and you can play around with them in time. But when we start crafting actual content, I’ll talk about all of that stuff more extensively. But at the end of the day, your About page just needs to be three or four paragraphs – maybe five paragraphs. About You ideally include an image. In my case, the image speaks to my credibility in the industry as embarrassing as it is. And I’m not always this bright red. This is actually from my bachelor party years ago. I had accidentally belly-flopped into the lake. We had a party barge on. So yes, for those of you wondering, there was alcohol involved.
So that’s all you really need to know about the About page. Put your content in there and an image. I guess I need to show that the way you add an image in WordPress is wherever you want to put the image, so you put your cursor where you want to put the image, you hit Add Media. In this case, I uploaded a file… you can navigate to your computer to where the file is on your computer… but I already have it here. And when you click on it to insert it, you see this information? You can add a caption. I added… remember I edited this to be Ian of RueTattoo.com because the Alt Text can help me rank for RueTattoo.com or Rue Tattoo. And then you would just click… I navigated away from it too quickly… you would hit Insert into page and it would insert it where your cursor is.
Outside of that, largely as usual, I’m going to qualify this with… this is an oversimplification, but this is referred to as a WYSIWYG editor which is the acronym ‘what you see is what you get’… WYSIWYG… and they operate very, very similarly to Microsoft Word or any other word processor.
And the only other thing worth noting personally is I found working with international audiences over the years… I mentioned two-foot… of course you have to be conscious of the fact that if you are American or if you aren’t American that you’re probably going to end up speaking to both audiences. So whenever I use something like Fahrenheit, I also add the Celsius. It’s as easy as just Googling really quick. Fahrenheit to Celsius… you know, “What is 100°F to °C?” But the same thing with measurements. So I just searched, “What is 24 inches in centimeters?” and it’s just under 61 centimeters. So just something worth nothing. A little pro tip. Over the years, your website will probably get an international following if you stick with it. So just make things like that easy on people.
So I hadn’t published this yet so I’m going to hit Publish here in a second. You can Preview your page to see what it’s going to look like. So this is what the page is going to look like on my website now that my theme is all set up which is pretty cool. So I’m just going to go ahead and hit Publish. And now, this website is live on RueTattoo.com. So if we just click this link, we can see… this is the URL… it’s live. We’re good to go.
So you just saw when I clicked here that my… well you can’t see this on-screen… I just realized it’s cut off… but there’s something called the favicon which is the icon next to the URL in the navigation bar, it defaults to Bluehost.
If you find yourself seeing things like that and you’re worried about it; again, you need to be in the mindset of “How do I find this out myself?” I can’t teach every tiny, tiny detail. I’ll teach you everything that matters. I’ll teach you everything that is necessary and sets you up for success making money. I may not always go into things like how to set a favicon – which is what that’s called. So you can search ‘how to add favicon WordPress site’ on Google and you’ll get that. Or ‘how to set icon for my WordPress site’ you’ll get that on Google.
And we’ll probably have Q&A webinars as time goes on and you can ask those things that I can show you on camera. But it’s really difficult, you know. We’re going to end up so in the weeds with things that don’t really matter. Again, I’m going to teach you everything that matters, everything that’s necessary and sets you up for success in making money. But little details like that, I’ll probably skip over and you can just fill those gaps in with Google. So if I skip over something, it probably wasn’t very important. Just know that.
So that’s the About page. The terribly embarrassing About page. And just to go over this really quick – we’ll go over it most thoroughly when we talk about SEO – it’s not so important about the About page… are not so important for the About page… but you get all kinds of feedback here about how well your page is optimized for on-page SEO. So this is going to be really, really helpful for those of you that are new to SEO whenever we get into creating high quality content that is optimized for the search engines.
So I’m just going to go ahead and close this out because this is done. And I didn’t create the About page off camera because I wanted to show that from start to finish. So I just hovered over Pages, I opened Add New in a new tab here and I’m going to call this ‘Contact’. And you’ll see that after I fill in the page title, the URL slug automatically fills in.
And I already have this over in a document actually… oops wrong one… ta-dah! So I’m just going to copy paste from the text document I have – at least the body of it. So I said, “Looking for something that you can’t find on our website, for some personal advice from someone that’s ‘been there’, or just wanting to say ‘thanks’ for something you saw here on RueTattoo.com? Just fill out the form below and I’ll send you a reply as soon as I can!”
So if I Preview that, there is not contact form here, right? Nothing magical has happened where you just say, “Contact Me” and WordPress knows. It just doesn’t work that way.
So sometimes, a theme will have like a contact page as a type of page you can select. This one doesn’t. So what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to go back into that Contact plugin we installed and we set up that form – if you remember that. So I’m going to click this form and you can see right here, “Copy this shortcode and paste it into your post, page, or text widget content.” So I’m going to highlight this, copy. And this is what I was saying earlier: if a shortcode made no sense to you, this is what it is. So you just hop in here, you put in the shortcode. You can put it in the Visual editor; the Text editor – typically – if you’re inserting like HTML code or something like that, it needs to go in this tab. So you would have to click this tab first and insert it and then click back.
But when you’re talking about shortcodes specifically which work with WordPress – it’s something that works with WordPress – you can just paste them in the Visual editor and it’ll work just the same. So if I hit Preview now, this will refresh, you can see my contact page is there. It’s like magic!
So everything that we set in an earlier video when we installed this plugin and set it up is now ready to rock. This would send to ian@ruetattoo.com as soon as someone filled out this form. So, pretty cool. Alright?
So you may notice these widgets on the side. I’m not going to worry about these too much. It’s as simple as hopping into Appearance – Widgets (I’ll open that up in a new tab) and I have all of these over here. It’s super easy. You can just kind of drag these off and it removes them. But I’m just going to go ahead and leave them for now. It doesn’t really matter. I mean, I guess I’ll go ahead and take them off now. So I’ll just remove Archives, I’ll remove Categories, I’ll remove Meta; and I’ll leave Recent Posts and Recent Comments and Search.
And now, you can see if I refresh the page over here, a lot of that junk is gone. And as comments get added to the site and as I publish posts – which is how we publish content to WordPress sites typically speaking – there’s a post versus pages question. I’m sure I’ll address that at some point when we get there. But as soon as I start adding posts, that’ll start popping up over here, too. So again, not really necessary at this point. Doesn’t really matter in the long run. We can just leave it alone and we’ll handle it when we start getting traffic, alright?
So now that I have filled this out, I’m going to edit my on-page SEO just because I don’t like leaving it not filled out even for basic pages. So I’m going to go, “Contact Ian @ RueTattoo.com”. It doesn’t need to be optimized for anything but I do like to fill it out. I’m going to leave the Slug the same. I just don’t like leaving SEO stuff defaulted. It’s a personal preference. I could have and it wouldn’t have really hurt anything. I’m not going to set a Focus keyword here because: (A) it doesn’t matter, it just helps with the analysis here; and (B) I’m not trying to rank for anything here. I just filled it out because I don’t like leaving it blank. So I’m going to hit Publish. I’m not going to insert any images here. And so now, I have my Contact page as well. It’s live. So I can click it here, you can see my meta data – my meta title – updated here, and everything’s like it should be. Right? So that’s good.
So I’m going to go ahead and close this, close this, just kind of clean up here, and I’ll even close my Dashboard.
So the last thing we need to add is the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. Of course, I mentioned several options there. You could search for them and just find one that was similar to what you needed, replace their company name with your company name or your domain name. For these purposes, I found a really good one at bennadel.com and it’s a Privacy Policy and Terms of Service generator. You can just search Google for Terms and Conditions generator or Website Terms generator and Privacy Policy generator. And you can create these as one page or two page whatever you want. But this one in particular I found to be really helpful.
And so, I’m going to put in… company name is going to be RueTattoo.com; company state for me is Texas; Generate Terms of Service Agreement; and we can see down here a preview for all the Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use. And the really cool thing about this particular tool is that it also spits it out in code. So all of these headers and everything, instead of copying and having to reformat it and all that stuff, we can just paste this code into our site – which is super, super cool.
So I’m going to go Pages – Add New again. I’ll do to ‘Terms/Conditions & Privacy Policy’. Remember I introduced you the Text tab a minute ago, so that’s where anything that’s put in code (I’m just going to edit my URL slug really quick because that’s going to bug me. I’m going to hit OK here)… so anytime you have a code which is that’s what this is – this is code… you can see open paragraph (<p>), close paragraph (</p>), open heading 3 (<h3>), close heading 3 (</h3>)– so whenever you’re going to paste something like that in… if you paste it in the Visual editor, it looks horrible. If we preview it here, it does nothing. So you want to make sure to put content like that in the Text tab. So I’m just going to go and paste that again. And now, if I click back to the Visual tab, you can see everything’s nice and beautiful and formatted correctly.
So this is a Heading 2. We’ll talk about what headings are when we get into SEO as well. But we’ve got a Heading 2, we’ve got a Heading 3 here, Heading 3 here, we have some numbered lists which is really, really cool – and it was all just done by that Terms and Conditions editor. Super, super easy.
This one I’m not even going to worry about. Besides… actually I lied… I am going to work. So I’m going to go ‘RueTattoo.com Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy’. So I’m just going to put ‘RueTattoo.com website terms and conditions as well as our privacy policy, can be found here.’ Close snippet editor.
And remember how I mentioned that we want to make sure that this does not get indexed by the search engines because a lot of this is duplicate content, right? I talked about that earlier. You want to hit over here this little gear icon, and you can see Meta robots index, we’re going to set this to noindex – and that’s it. That’s all we need to do. Now, the search engines will not index this page which is really important, because again, this is duplicate content. We do not want this indexed. Duplicate content can be very bad for rankings. And even though it’s probably not going to destroy you to have a Terms and Conditions or Privacy page that is indexed by Google and is duplicate content… they’re not going to slap the hell out of you for that… they know better… it’s just a best practice to set it to noindex which is really, really easy with Yoast. So I’m going to click Publish and if I open that up, now I have that on my website as well.
So now we face the issue… the very last step of this process is I don’t have a navigation menu that shows any of this, right? And we want people to be able to navigate to especially my About Me and Contact pages, but it’s also important that people can find our Terms/Conditions & Privacy Policy easily.
So creating a menu is that last step of this process. So all of these pages are done. We can navigate away from here. I want to hover over Appearance, and I want to select Menus, and this is going to load up. We don’t have any menus here so I’m just going to type ‘Main Menu’, Create Menu – and you can see all of my pages here. If I wanted to, I could also add posts or I could add a custom link to somewhere else – totally up to me. I’m just going to pop all of these in here, Add to Menu, and I’m also going to create a custom link for the homepage. I have https – again, through Bluehost. It’s automatic these days which is really, really cool. But I’m going to go https://ruerattoo.com and I’m going to set Link Text ‘Home’, I’m going to click Add to Menu.
Just a side note as we’re working with menus: if you ever want your menu to open in a new tab or a menu item to open in a new tab (which is sometimes it’s a very specific need but I’ve had the need in the past) you just need to select Screen Options up here and you need to select Link Target. And then if we close Screen Options, now you’ll notice that there’s this box here that says Open link in a new tab. If this is set to ‘Disabled by default’ – we don’t have that – so just a little pro tip. I don’t need any of these to open in a new tab.
So now I want to set the order of these. Whatever order I set these in is the order they’re going to appear in my menu. So I want my Home page first, I want About second, and then I want Contact page third, and I think I want my Terms/Conditions & Privacy Policy as a dropdown underneath my About page. So if someone hovers over About, they will see (excuse me, I’ve got a hair on my face)… they will see a Terms/Conditions & Privacy Policy. And you can change the labels for these… ‘Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy’… so now that’s what will show up in the menu. So I’ll probably have that open in a new tab just so you can see how that works.
I usually never check Automatically add new top-level pages. That would just make it so that anytime you created a new page that wasn’t categorized under another page… wasn’t sorted… wasn’t organized under another page… it would automatically be added to your menu. I just never check that. But something that’s very important to check… people ask me all the time, they say, “I’ve set my menu, I’ve created my menu, it’s not showing up anywhere. What do I do?” It’s because they haven’t checked this box. So make sure you check for your main navigation menu the Primary Menu box.
And you can also add things if you wanted to – like if you had a Facebook page or a Twitter or an Instagram or whatever – you could use the custom links to add those in there, too. And you would probably want those to open in new tabs because you don’t want people navigating away from your website unnecessarily. So if they’re navigating to another page on your website, you can do it in the same tab. But if they’re navigating off of your website – affiliate marketing, internet marketing – best practice is to have it open in a new tab. That’s true for your affiliate links, too. And you’ll notice it’s something I almost always do whenever you’re navigating on my websites.
So I think I already hit Save Menu but I’m going to save it again. Now if we go to RueTattoo.com, you can see over here on the left hand side, we have our navigation menu. And this is just based on my theme. So my navigation menu appears over here on the left for my theme. It’s something I could worry about right now. In the long run, do I want my navigation menu on the left side instead on the top of my website? Probably not. Is it something I might be able to change in the Themes Appearance settings? Maybe… let’s see… Customize – Menus – Menu Locations… so… but I really want to emphasize right now and it doesn’t look like I can really easily.
So this is one of those things. Like this bugs me. This is not what I wanted. But it just doesn’t matter. This goes back to one of the previous lessons: it just doesn’t matter at the end of the day. So do I like my navigation menu over here? No. I would prefer it to be up top. But again, it just doesn’t matter. And this was determined by my theme.
So you can see I can click down and if I click Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy, see how it opened in a new tab? It was because I selected that option in the Menus options.
So that’s it!
I want to make sure I didn’t miss anything here. So what are we going to do? Core content, About page – did it. Contact page – did it. We included the shortcode. Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions – we did those. I showed you how to find a generator and also talked about how to find different generators – if you don’t want to use that one. Or if you wanted to… I never showed you exactly how I found that… so we can just go ‘Ben Nadel terms generator’ and that’ll probably pop it up. Yeah! So there it is. Again, Google it. It’s as easy as that.
So we talked about all of these stuff, showed you how to set it all up, showed you how to set SEO at a basic level (we’ll talk about that more later), and then also showed you how to set up your menu so people can navigate to these pages.
And depending on the theme you choose, your menu will show up in different places. I’m not happy with where mine showed up, but again, it just doesn’t matter at this stage. It’s functional. Whatever. Move on. Don’t get too caught up in those aesthetic and design details yet.
So, all of our core content is set up. It’s almost completely done and ready to move on. Technically, it’s ready to move on now; but it’s really important that we put some foundational stuff in place so that you can get really good analytics and data on your website. Even if you’re not getting traffic right now, if you don’t have this stuff set up, you won’t know when you start getting traffic and you start seeing traction.
So, we’ll talk about them in-depth much later, but in this last video of this section –at least as I plan it right now – we’re going to talk about how to set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console for your website so that you can get that data when you need it. Very important step. Like I said, technically you’re all ready to rock right now; but if you don’t do that, you are going to regret it.
So if you have any questions, as always, feel free to post them in the Facebook group. That is free for registered members. And I will see you there and I’ll see you in the next video.