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In this video I discuss:
- Exactly what to delete off of WordPress’ default installation
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4.8 Transcript Below
Alright, we’ve got WordPress installed. I have access to my WordPress account by resetting my password so I killed two birds with one stone there. I needed to reset the password anyways. And now we are ready to strip all of the default crap from WordPress because there’s a fair amount of it. But again, really quick and easy.
So what we’re going to do in this video… I’m about to show you everything on-screen… this should be really quick… but just to guide you through what we’re going to do, WordPress installs a bunch of kind of bloated stuff that you don’t need. And whenever you install it – every single time – you just got to go through and delete, delete, delete, delete. So we’re going to delete a sample page, sample post, sample comment, and some unnecessary plugins that we’re not going to use.
We’re just going to go through and do this really quickly. Like I said, follow along and if I go too fast… it shouldn’t really be an issue… but if I go too fast, feel free to pause until you do it yourself and then play until I do the next thing and then pause and do it yourself. You know how it goes.
So let’s hop on in here to WordPress.
So when you log in to WordPress, you’ll see this is kind of your default page. You know, you don’t need to do this… but I’m just going to go ‘I don’t need help’. You know, you could go through a step-by-step thing if you wanted.
But now, we’ve got all of my… this is what you would see every time you log in to WordPress, okay? So the first thing we want to do, we’ll just work our way down the list.
I’ll go Posts, I’ll go Trash for the ‘Hello world!’ post. And you have all of these notifications, because again, you’ve got all these bloatware. We’ll delete those plugins and they’ll go away.
So I’ll go to Pages – just click on Pages on the left – ‘Sample Page’, I’ll Trash. Look for comments… Oh good! There were no sample comments this time. Oh! Because I already deleted the posted page. Duh. So no sample comments because it was attached to the post that we already deleted.
So now we need to go into Plugins and we’re going to delete most of these, okay? It’s ridiculous… and Bluehost does this by default… but it’s not ridiculous because what they’re trying to do is help and some of these could be genuinely helpful.
But in my experience, some of these are also really, really bloated and they can kind of slow down your website which isn’t a good thing. And there are much better versions. These are kind of the most commonly used ones that have been around for years. And since they’ve become so established, there are competitors that are better than all of them. And in a different video, we’ll replace some of these.
But we don’t need Akismet Anti-Spam. We don’t need Hello Dolly. We damn sure don’t need Hello Dolly.
I’m going to deactivate and delete Jetpack as well which some of you may be kind of like, “Oh my God, he’s deleting Jetpack?” Because Jetpack has a lot of functionality but it is very bloated. Everyone that has development experience – programming experience – would advise you to find other ways to do things that Jetpack does because it’s just so bloated. It loads so many different things that your site doesn’t need to load which decreases your load speed which you’ll find out later is a very bad thing. It can be very bad for SEO and for user experience.
So we’re going to deactivate MOJO Marketplace as well… delete. Deactivate OptinMonster API… delete.
And we’re going to need to add a contact plugin. Technically, we could keep this one and figure out how to use it. I’m just going to choose my own. I guess it doesn’t really matter… but sometimes you get a questionnaire, a survey, when you deactivate something… and I’m going to delete.
So now we don’t have any plugins but that’s fine. We’re going to install some more in one of these next couple of videos.
And that’s it! We just stripped WordPress of all of its unnecessary default crap.
So now we need to kind of adjust our settings; install the plugins that we do want on the site for some extra functionality – that’s really helpful; and I guess then we just need to add some content; pick our theme; and we’re going to be good to go. Then you’re going to have a website up ready to rock. So we’re only a handful of lessons away from that now.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to post them in the Facebook group, I’ll see you there or I’ll see you in the next video.