Michael Cheney is here again with another great sales copy, pitching the Commission Machine 2016. He claims that this system can make you up to $2,642.60 per day even if you have no email list, no experience, and no money. He says all you’ll have to do is copy, deploy, and make money with this underground method. He even promises to show you a scientifically proven way to identify products that are so hot they’ll make you far more money than other affiliates who don’t have that advantage.
This review isn’t influenced my Michael Cheney in any way. It’s only my objective review, which I’ve put together to provide a sneak peek for my reading audience.
If you don’t have enough time to read every word, read this short version: Michael Cheney’s Commission Machine 2016 isn’t a horrible product for less than $10, but it’s the same old Internet Marketing approach creatively repackaged. Contrary to the claim on its sale page, it’s not three-step simple. Even after you’re done with the several demanding steps required, you’ll still need to be a god of some sort to make $2,642.60 per day with it. The details are in the main body of the review.
Right after I checked out, Michael offered me an upsell, which he promised was a quicker and easier way of making sales commissions. It costs $27 per month or $197 for a lifetime. After I passed that up, he offered me a down sell at a slashed price. After I passed that up, there was another done-for-you offer at $97, which I also passed up before I was allowed access to the product I paid for.
Michael Cheney’s Commission Machine 2016 is just the same Internet Marketing strategies rehashed, creatively embellished, and renamed. Michael promised on his sales page that he was going to teach his students a new, little-known way to go about affiliate marketing, which would put them ahead of the competition. This new underground method is something called the “R.A.P.I.D.” method. The “R” stands for Research, the “A” stands for Angle, the “P” and the “I” stand for Provide Incentive, and the “D” stands for Deploy.
What the above acronym means is that as an affiliate marketer, you should look around a bit for products to promote, and position your offers such that you get the right kind of traffic to them. Then, provide bonuses for your prospects to make them buy from you for sales commissions. After doing all of the above with results, you should rinse and repeat.
Now tell me, which one of those approaches is new or little-known? Virtually every affiliate marketer who is getting results is using every one of those approaches. They simply don’t label them with words like Research (find the product to promote), Angle (position them for the relevant kind of traffic), Provide Incentive (offer them bonuses), and so on.
Michael Cheney’s Commission Machine 2016 has free information, such as how to find products on a platform like JVZoo. Michael also coined some special terms for this exercise, such as “How To Find The Commission Goldmines.” But what he’s talking about is pretty much the same as what you’ll find for free on the Internet. For instance, I Googled “how to find highly profitable products to promote on jvzoo youtube” and got 2,790,000 free resources to learn from.
Michael Cheney promised on his sales page that you could succeed with his system even if you didn’t have an email list. Then, he went ahead and taught a method in the members’ area that would require an existing email list to implement. He talked about getting the attention of email subscribers by using the story telling method to promote an affiliate product sent to their inboxes. He even showed his audience a sample email swipe to drive his point home.
Michael eventually came around to showing his audience how to go about it all without an email list, but that method also requires a lot of work. His idea was to post the promotional messages on other media like Facebook or a blog. Let’s take Facebook, for instance. On Facebook, if you just pitch affiliate products on your regular timeline to your friends and family, whose interests are as different as their faces, you’ll get little or no attention because they aren’t targeted traffic.
Besides, you have to go through the rigors of hiding your affiliate link and putting it in the comments area after some engagement in order to keep Facebook off your back. But this sort of thing could work really well after you’ve created a specialized Facebook group in a particular niche and grown an audience of targeted prospects, which takes time and is a lot of hard work.
Michael claimed on his sales page that his Commission Machine 2016 only requires three steps to start making $2,000+ per day. That’s not true because the system is like every other training out there. It’s probably what you’re already practicing, with the only difference being modules with titles that were creatively coined by Michael to get your attention.
As you’ve already noticed, you’ll need to grow an email list to promote your affiliate products with the kinds of story-telling emails that Michael advocates. We all know that growing an email list runs beyond three steps. Then, you’ll have to learn the art of writing interesting emails to send to the list you grow. Alternatively, you’ll have to create and nurture a Facebook group, which isn’t a day’s job.
Don’t forget: before you can promote any product to that list or Facebook group, you’ll first do your research to get the product you would like to promote and create the relevant bonuses in order to incentivize your subscribers to buy from you instead of your competitors. Every single one of these would require more than three steps to accomplish. So how is Michael Cheney’s Commission Machine 2016 a three-step system?
Michael advises his viewers to create bonuses by acquiring PLR products. I know there are exceptions to what I’m about to write, but nine out of ten times, PLR products turn out to be very low quality because they’re usually hastily put together by their authors. The problem is that your customers won’t appreciate it. With that sort of experience with your bonus, your link won’t hold enough appeal to make them buy from you next time.
Michael Cheney is a very creative guy. He showed his audience a lot of his creative email samples and their attention-grabbing titles. That was very informing and entertaining. But Andre Chaperon did a better job in his Autoresponder Madness.
Michael Cheney’s Commission Machine is legitimate Internet Marketing training, but it isn’t anything new as you might have been led to believe by his sales page. It’s the same affiliate marketing methods creatively rehashed. It has basic information, and its sales page misleads you into thinking you can easily make $2,000+ per day in three simple steps without an email list and without any experience.
Having read my review on Michael Cheney’s Commission Machine 2016, what do you think? Have you bought and used it already? What’s your experience with it? Please share your thoughts and experiences with the community below.
Eugenson is just a regular guy, except he doesn't believe in the security of nine-to-five jobs and loves to launch out on his own, trying to realize his dreams his way and at his time. He's tried to make money online for quite some time now, purchasing product after product, and has been swindled by a lot of cyber-fraudsters masquerading as make-money-online messiahs. He has many passions, some of which include drawing, painting, writing, and watching comic movies. He's on a revenge mission to hit fiendish scammers hard by writing reviews that reveal the truth about their unethical schemes and worthless products. He hopes to stifle their online, bloodsucking businesses by forewarning their potential victims and depriving them of the payments they depend on. You can consider Eugenson a friend who's here to give you objective product reviews, helping you uncover the online vampires and discover genuine opportunities.