People post a lot of things on their blogs. The recommendation for how often one should publish content is two to three 1,800-word blog posts every week.
With that amount of content to be published weekly, you might be wondering what types of articles you can post about on your blog.
Pillar posts are the cornerstone of your blog. These well-researched posts deal with very specific subject-matter, are rich with information, and tend to be more than 3,000 words long.
These are the posts that, when done correctly, will be one of the main drivers of traffic to your site. Although, pillar posts aren’t written in just 2 days. You will need to invest a good amount of time on research when putting together a pillar post.
Admittedly, infographics aren’t the best tool for lead generation, but they are a fantastic resource for driving visitors to your site and gaining backlinks. They’re easy to digest, informative, and engaging.
The reason infographics help gain backlinks is because more often than not, other website owners will share the infographic on their own site. Place an embed code near the infographic to make it easier for them to do that.
After all, who doesn’t love a good infographic?
Listicles are among the most common types of posts that saturate the internet today. This content is presented wholly or partly in the form of a list and includes catchy headlines like, “25 Hilarious Tweets That Describe 2020” A great example of a publisher that dominates the listicle world is Buzzfeed.
There’s a reason behind this trend.
These headlines and short-form posts are proven to promote engagement. Lists are a great way to present information in a digestible and easy-to-share format. People tend to skim articles because most of them don’t have the time to sit down and read a full blog article — and listicles are easily skimmable.
Aside from checking social media platforms multiple times a day, most people get online to discover new skills or solve a pain point. Whether it’s cooking a new recipe or learning the right way to change the oil in your vehicle, people are looking for solutions to their problems.
If users see that you have the answer or solution they seek, they’ll be inclined to click on and read your post. Sharing your industry knowledge in how-to blog posts shows your audience that you know what you’re talking about, which sets the stage for authority building and powerful lead generation.
The more you help users, the higher the chances are that they’ll convert.
These aren’t the only types of blog posts you can write about. There are SO many other options! Some more specific, some a combination of a few. Your creativity is the limit.
Pillar posts, infographics, listicles, and how-to guides are the most common blog post types one can write about. As you can guess, the internet is saturated with these types of posts, so spend some time figuring out how you can stand out from the crowd.
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