Charles Dickens, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K Rowling… You’ve heard of these name right? Of course, they’re all famous authors. Becoming a great writer is something that takes practice but certainly isn’t impossible to achieve. And with the ability to self publish books with relative ease you no longer need to find a publisher to get your work into the hands of people all around the world.
We’ll be looking at Master Writing Jobs today, which tells visitors they can become a paid writer from the comfort of their own home. Can you? Yes of course. Is Master Writing Jobs the place to go to become a master of the written word? I’m afraid not.
I am not an affiliate for Master Writing Jobs. I am however going to show you how you can become a writer for free and I’ll also show you where you can get some experience and training for free.
Master Writing Jobs is a place where you can find writing jobs. Well actually, it doesn’t do that at all.
What it actually does is take your money, give you useless “bonuses” that are irrelevant to someone who wants to become a writer and then points you somewhere else where you’ll find a job. There is no real teaching involved here.
Let’s break it down and I’ll show you what you’d be spending your money on if you signed up.
You cannot make a living using Master Writing Jobs, BUT… if you’re an above-average writer, you CAN build a full-time business around writing over the coming months — as long as you’re willing to work hard.
That’s exactly what our free training will teach you to do (no opt-in required): How to Turn Your Writing Into a Living >>
When I first saw this product, not only did I know it was a scam, I thought there would have been training to show you how to write like a professional.
Sadly, I’m disappointed even further.
I found ONE paragraph of good content here. Check out paragraph 3 in the image below:
The trick to being great is to write about topics you’re passionate about. Just look at several posts here on StoppingScams.com and you’ll see that Ian and I are both very passionate about exposing scams online so people like you aren’t conned out of their hard earned money.
There’s a 41 page eBook the creators have put together to talk about writing but there isn’t anything there that you couldn’t learn here for free and that’s more up to date.
Look at the title. Where on their website did it say that they were going to show you how to become a blogger? It doesn’t. It talks about how you can get paid to be a writer because, according to their website, “Companies NEED your help creating content so they can attract more visitors to their web sites and blogs” and not that you should start up your own blog or website.
Let’s also look at what’s covered in the eBook:
All important topics for starting your own blog. But 41 pages for all of that? This eBook is far too short to give anyone enough information to start their own blog.
It’s also completely outdated. The internet changes all the time. You really need to know what’s current and working otherwise all your efforts are wasted.
If we were still in 2010 and the marketing techniques that worked back then still worked now, this book would be OK at best. Now it would just be a waste of precious megabytes on your hard drive.
Not only is the eBook mentioned earlier irrelevant but the bonuses in the members’ area are also pointless.
Amazon, Twitter, Google, selling on eBay… What has any of this got to do with writing? It doesn’t.
Most companies are after writers to write stellar blog posts, articles or some copy writing.
What you really need is information about learning how to research the topics you’ve been asked to write about, different styles of writing (formal, conversational etc.), formatting and proof reading.
These are useful skills to master.
The biggest gripe I have with Master Writing Jobs is that you can do what they promise on their home page completely free.
You can head over to Elance, Odesk and Freelance which are great places to find 1,000’s of people looking for writers.
You need to create an account which is free and fill out your profile. Most of them ask for your experience but if you have none don’t worry because you’ll still be able to apply for jobs, but don’t expect to get higher paying jobs until you have some experience.
I’ve had experience with Odesk. You can definitely earn upwards of $50+ per hour once you’ve got plenty of experience under your belt and have some all-important positive reviews left by previous customers.
So why would you pay for Master Writing Jobs when you can sign up to these services for free?
All MasterWritingJobs will do is send you over to a similar service for where they’ll earn a commission.
There really is no reason for anyone to purchase Master Writing Jobs with the hopes to become a writer.
Becoming a great writer just takes practice and perseverance. When I first started writing I was terrible. I still get people to proof read my work because there’s usually a handful of mistakes I miss even when I proof read myself. Even the professional writers who have written bestselling novels have several people go through their books before they’re published. Editors make a lot of money to do this job.
The final nail in the coffin with this product, and a good indicator that the product is a scam, is when you try to leave the page you suddenly get offered a “special discount.” Sometimes the products are genuine but I’m afraid Master Writing Jobs isn’t one of them.
My recommendation would be to check out our free training courses as they have a step-by-step, proven way to turn your passion and talent for writing into a part-time or full-time income. Look at the chart below and you’ll see that you’ll also get a lot more than just the training if you want it.
My next recommendation is to sign up to a service like Elance, Odesk or Freelance and just start applying for the simple jobs at first to get the experience. Not only will you get to practice writing but you’ll also see how the process works as a freelance writer.
It really does just take practice and it doesn’t cost you any money to find jobs as a writer.
Have you ever thought of writing for a living? Do you want to become a bestselling author? Well it’s all possible if you put in the work.
Is there anything that you believe will stop you from being a successful writer. Have you seen any other scams like Master Writing Jobs that you think we should cover on StoppingScams.com to warn everyone about? I want to hear about your thoughts on this topic.
I look forward to hearing from all of you.