Paul James’ Azon Retail Profits Review: Is It Profitable?

By Eugenson | Negative Reviews

Azon Retail Profits Featured Image

Paul James’ Claims

Paul James is offering the community a product he calls the Azon Retail Profits.  He says this Internet Marketing training program will take away all the obstacles usually associated with making money online. He says he’ll show his customers how to do bank up to $6,000+ in their first month applying his method on He says his students will need nothing more than the screen they’re reading and the desire to succeed. He refers to his Azon Retail Profits as “The Lowest Barrier Way To Make Money Online.”  Let’s see how true his claims are.

I’m not showcasing Paul James’ Azon Retail Profit as an affiliate for commissions. I’m only reviewing it objectively to provide insider information for my reading audience who might be looking to buy it.

Azon Retail Profits Featured Image

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Summary: Paul James’ Azon Retail Profits Review

If you’re short on time, read this condensed version of the review: Paul James’ Azon Retail Profits is a legitimate way to make money online by selling physical products on, but you’ll be taken aback by how much you weren’t told on Paul’s sales page regarding how much you need to spend. Besides, if you live outside the U.S., this might be difficult for you to apply. The details are in the main body of the review.

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I Bought the Azon Retail Profits

After I checked out, there were two upsells. After I passed them up, I was granted access to the members’ area of my purchase.


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Cost of upsell

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Another upsell

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Cost of another upsell

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You Might Grapple with Glitches

When I got to the members’ area, I found that I didn’t have access to the training. I was only given access to the dashboard of the members’ area without the training modules. I thought the page hadn’t loaded properly. So I tried to refresh it and was prompted to log in again. When I tried to do so, I got an error message that read “You are already registered to this level.” I wasn’t allowed to proceed beyond that point until I reached support for help.

Login screenshot

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That reminded me of something Paul said in his welcome video about glitches that could occur. He advised that if that happened, such customers should reach support for help. That implied that he was aware of the bugs, but why didn’t he fix them and save his customers the trouble and waste of time?

No Heads Up on Expenses

On his sales page, Paul James claims that the method he teaches is easy to implement with $0. But that isn’t accurate. You can only try it at zero cost for three days, which is typically not enough time to see results.

$0 cost

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He failed to give his potential customers a heads up on the startup costs and other related expenses associated with the methods he teaches. First off, you’ll need to pay for two software, without which your business will fail.

The first software is called Rank Informer, which you can try free for three days and subsequently pay $9.99 per month. Alternatively, you can pay a one-time fee of $77 for a lifetime access (which Paul claims is a special deal for his customers). According to him, the software will make the difference between those who succeed and those who fail using his system because it helps to determine what products are selling faster.

The second software is called Profit Bandit and costs $9.99 per month. This one has no one-time fee alternative. According to Paul, it helps you determine your profit margin before you invest in a product, which saves you from losing money by trying and erring. Then, you have to pay for Amazon’s FBA account, for warehouse space, for packing and delivery fees, etc.

A professional seller Central account

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More expenses

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Rank Informer onetime fee

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May Be Difficult for Internationals

This method is best suited for folks who live in the U.S. Other folks outside the U.S. will lose money because they’ll have to first ship the products to their homeland, covering the cost of longer distances than those in the U.S., to physically prepare the products before shipping to

What I Liked About It

Overall, the method taught in Azon Retail Profits is a legitimate way to make money online by selling physical products on Furthermore, Paul James cares about his customers. I know that because each time I reached him for help or asked him questions regarding his product, he responded very promptly and did everything he could to help out.

Hey again paul

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The way around that

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He seemed genuinely interested in the success of his customers. Again, though his method requires more money than his sales page disclosed, it’s still better than most of the training out there on how to make money online selling physical products on

Also, his training is practical and his methods aren’t very common. Especially the part where he shows you how to use the Rank Informer software and the Profit Bandit software to scout for winning products before committing your hard-earned money to list them for sale on If you live in the U.S. and you’re able to afford the expenses associated with the implementation of his method, you’re likely to see results.

However, here’s my recommended product for you to learn to make money online with. It’s a detailed, high quality and 100% free product.

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Final Rating: C

Paul James’ Azon Retail Profits provides legitimate training on how to make money online by selling physical products on It’s better than most other products of its kind. However, you might bump into a glitch or two and have to reach support for help. Again, Paul wasn’t completely transparent about how much his potential customers should be looking to spend before their businesses can kick off. Furthermore, non-U.S. residents might have trouble following Paul’s method because they’ll spend more on shipping, which will eat into their return on investment and leave them with little or no profit.

Having read my review on Paul James’ Azon Retail Profits, what’s your take? Have you bought it already? Please share your experience with the community below.


About the Author

Eugenson is just a regular guy, except he doesn't believe in the security of nine-to-five jobs and loves to launch out on his own, trying to realize his dreams his way and at his time. He's tried to make money online for quite some time now, purchasing product after product, and has been swindled by a lot of cyber-fraudsters masquerading as make-money-online messiahs. He has many passions, some of which include drawing, painting, writing, and watching comic movies. He's on a revenge mission to hit fiendish scammers hard by writing reviews that reveal the truth about their unethical schemes and worthless products. He hopes to stifle their online, bloodsucking businesses by forewarning their potential victims and depriving them of the payments they depend on. You can consider Eugenson a friend who's here to give you objective product reviews, helping you uncover the online vampires and discover genuine opportunities.