Today I’ll be taking you through EZ Money Team by Jeffery Hart. Jeffery claims that his product is a copy-and-paste system that’ll help you to make a ton of money in a short amount of time – no experience required. He says that EZ Money Team will allow you to create a full-time income online, even going as far to say that you can potentially make $1,000,000 within the next 12 months.
Yes, you read that correctly – a million buckaroos.
Sounds a tad too good to be true if you ask me. Let’s see if Jeffery Hart can provide an internet marketing training product that has a strong enough walk to go with his loud talk.
On, And One More Thing… The team here at Stopping Scams is dedicated to helping you become successful internet marketers. How do we do this? By providing you with the most honest, authentic, and real reviews that you’ll ever read in your life. Our job is to steer you away from the sea of internet marketing fluff on the internet; there are so many products in this niche that aren’t worth your hard-earned money or time, and we do our best to make sure you don’t purchase these products.
We also have found a couple of gems along the way, and we obviously have no problem with recommending these products to you, since we know for a FACT that they’ll aid you in becoming a pyjama-wearing, cash-raking, filthy rich internet marketer.
With that outta the way, let’s get stuck into the review.
Ez Money Team is just another crappy, low-quality internet marketing product that isn’t worth your time and money.
The strategy they advocate is almost guaranteed to fail, they advise you to promote their own products so Jeffery can squeeze as much money out of you as possible, and the quality of the video training is terrible.
You’d think that if Jeffery was so internet rich, he’d have enough money to buy a proper mic), and the strategy isn’t built off of fundamental concepts such as providing value to your clients/customers.
For these reasons… Your time and money are better invested elsewhere.
There were only two products on offer after the purchase of EZ Money Team. These products were the EZ Money Team Platinum Membership Access (where I guess it’s just an “EZ Money Team 2.0” with more crappy training), and an EZ Money Team Gold Membership Upgrade. The problem, however, is that Jeffery provided a total of 3 downsells of both products, which meant if we include the initial upsell offers, I had to skip past 5 pages, which made accessing the initial product more of a hassle.
After skipping the upsells, I was taken to the EZ Money Team membership site where they host all of the video training and all that jazz. It looks a lil’ something like this.
I was pretty skeptical about this product after looking at the titles for their training program. And once I jumped into the videos, my pre-judgements were confirmed about this product being just another low-quality internet marketing product.
There are a bunch of geezers on the net claiming to be internet marketing geniuses who’ve made a ton of money from their online business. They create a product teaching others how to make money because they’re so “kind” and they’re ready to share their knowledge with the world. Unfortunately, 99% of these people have never created an internet business before, and are instead making money online teaching others how to make money online; it’s one big filthy “make money online” circle jerk.
Steven Jackson (who’s the coordinator of the training) advocates a method of creating a crappy looking website through some low-quality hosting and landing pages, then sending some low-quality traffic to these sites and hope you make money off of an affiliate link.
This is one of the main reasons why I know for a fact that this product is low-quality; it’s an EXTREMELY short term way to make money online – these people have a created a short-term business that will soon be stuffed into the I.M. garbage bin due to honest reviews like the one that you’re reading now. It’s not a long term way of making money that actually helps people, and for this reason, it’s not something that you should even glance over.
As expected, their section on how to drive traffic with these methods are really low-quality too. Steven includes a 3-4 page guide on how to drive traffic to your website. It’s really bland, and doesn’t live up to the sales claims of “teaching everything you need to know about how to make a living online!” He also advises you in his video training to use paid advertising, which is a TERRIBLE idea if you don’t know what you’re doing; you could essentially be wasting hundreds, if not thousands of dollars trying to get your business some traffic.
He also advises you to make a post on Facebook with some clickbait in order to attract another group who are easily misled by fancy benefits such as “make a $1,000,000 in 24 hours!”
Obviously, you may get some people who fall into the trap, but they’ll be heavily disappointed when they see the quality of the product, word will go around about your crappy business that you’ve set up, and all of a sudden your business will be at the bottom of the internet marketing trash can.
The last reason why you shouldn’t buy this product is because they advise their EZ Money Team customers to promote their own products. Generally, this is because they want to squeeze as much money out of you as possible; even if you don’t end up making any money with their own product, they’ll still be getting an extra paycheck.
Steven also recommends that you check out 12 Minute Pay Day in order to learn how to build a list. 12 Minute Pay Day is another product I’ve reviewed. It’s practically identical to this product; it advocates the same way of making money, and it’s just essentially a pile of I.M. crap.
I’ve got no problem with giving EZ Money Team a solid F. It’s just part of the filthy I.M. training circle of making some geezer rich in an unethical way. The video training is terrible, the landing pages look crappy and click bait as hell, and I know for a fact that you’re not going to be able to make $1,000,000 within a years time like the sales page says so. EZ Money Team is just another product that you can happily avoid.
If you have any questions about this product or any other one I’ve reviewed, just chuck me a comment! One of the team members will do our best to help you out, and we love interacting with our loyal, dedicated readers.
Catch Ya Later Ya Internet Marketing Fanatics!