Over the past two weeks, StoppingScams has reviewed a couple of products from Ewen Chia. Ewen has sold TONS of internet marketing products, how-to guides, and books – o many it’s actually hard to track them all down. You can find traces of presently non-existing programs that he sold years ago spread across the internet.
Based on what Luke found in his Commission Money Machine and Autopilot Profits reviews, Ewen Chia has a lot of explaining to do. If you’re considering purchasing one of his products, I highly recommend reading the review below to figure out whether or not you think this guy’s scamming people. I know what we think, but what matters is what YOU think after reading this review.
If you go to Ewen’s main website, it’s obvious by the right-side banner that he’s pushing A LOT of products.
That’s not photoshopped – Ewen is peddling so much junk on his site with these animated banners that there should be an epilepsy warning. Ewen created and sells all of the following programs:
This is an incomplete list because the task of hunting down everything that Ewen Chia promotes or has promoted in the past is IMPOSSIBLE. One thing is for sure though – nothing comes up when you research Ewen Chia except for get rich quick products that promise to make you a millionaire online with virtually zero effort.
Ewen also takes speaking gigs and sells books promoting “If you can think it you can be it” mumbo-jumbo. If you look at the blog posts on his main website you’ll find a lot of painfully obvious, “I’m-just-blogging-so-my-website-doesn’t-look-dead” information that isn’t helpful to anyone – and the members’ areas of his products are no different.
On a scale from “burning car in an inner city slum” to “living next door to Olivia Wilde”, Ewen Chia’s products are somewhere along the lines of “getting shanked in a prison shower by an arts and crafts project”.
These things are BAD. I mean, realllllly bad.
There’s nothing like that sinking feeling after you’ve watched a sales page, gotten really excited about a product, and logged in for the first time just to feel completely scammed and disappointed. If you like that feeling, Ewen’s products are for you. If you’re normal and that’s something you try to avoid, you should stay away from Ewen’s products at all costs.
Everything you’ll find in Ewen Chia’s “training” will be at least 3-5 years out-of-date. That may not sound like much, but in internet marketing that’s a VERY big deal.
The search engine climate has changed entirely over the past five years. Ewen’s training is COMPLETELY untouched since he launched each of these products. Five years before that, the search engine climate was entirely different.
Ewen has been selling products in this industry since it was the absolute lowest-hanging fruit anyone in internet marketing could find. You could throw together a sales page, a cheap product, and promise people they’d become rich and everyone would buy.
The publishers around that time who didn’t have any moral compass struck this seemingly bottomless piñata time, after time, after time. Ewen was one of the first up-to-bat, and he cashed in HUGE which is likely where all of his internet millions come from.
That’s right, when you buy from Ewen Chia you’re buying from a guy claiming you can make millions online who’s made the vast majority of his money selling said products. Do you see a pattern here?
If you’ve purchased many products in this industry, you’re probably familiar with the series of hoops you frequently have to jump through after checkout to actually access your product. Upsell, after upsell, after upsell.
Ewen is the king of this, and some of his sites are so old and non-updated that it’s nearly impossible to shut down his sales presentations. In both of the products we’ve reviewed, the “welcome” video has an “X” in the top-right corner to close it, but when you do, Ewen’s audio doesn’t shut down so you’re forced to listen to him drag on and on about something you’re not interested in.
And it doesn’t even stop once you get into the members’ area! You’ll find just as many upsells in the training as you’ll find video lessons:
And they all follow the EXACT same sales formula. They promise you a bunch of money that the previous product, the one you’ve already purchased, promised too! It’s a vicious, endless cycle that Ewen Chia throws his customers into as soon as they buy.
And it doesn’t stop there. He also tries to cross-sell you into private coaching opportunities, useless software like DesktopLightning, and MLM opportunities like PureLeverage. Ewen’s grubby, money-hungry fingers don’t stop grabbing at your wallet until you firmly tell him “NO” by closing your browser down and unsubscribing from all of his crappy email lists.
So let’s do exactly that. If you’re researching a Ewen chia product, training, book, coaching class, or even if you’re just Googling his name for a date you have with him – turn around and RUN the other direction right now. Avoid him and everything he publishes at all costs. Unsubscribe from his email lists and anyone’s email list that sends you an email promoting his products.
This guy is what internet marketing nightmares are made of, but that headline doesn’t sell as many products when you put it on your website.
There are extremely good internet marketing training products out there, but Ewen Chia doesn’t create them or even tell you they exist. After reviewing over 100 products online, the highest rated review I’ve conducted absolutely blows away all of Ewen’s products, so don’t lose hope. Just be willing to work hard, and be very weary of any “shortcuts” like Ewen Chia is promoting.
At the beginning of this review I told you that you’d know whether or not Ewen Chia was a scammer by the end of the review. So what do you think after reading all of the above? Are you still going to buy one of his products, or do you have any lingering questions you’d like me to answer for you?
Leave your thoughts, comments, and questions below! I’m happy to help any way that I can, and I hope you’ve found this review helpful. Stay safe out there!
I've been in internet marketing for over 10 years, and I've purchased dozens of illegitimate products for the sole purpose of evaluating them and exposing the truth about these products to anyone who's thinking about purchasing it. I never let money influence my rating of a product and your success/safety is my absolute highest priority. Don't want to buy a product? Register for one of my 100% free internet marketing training courses>>