By Eugenson | Positive Reviews
Chris Record promises to show you how he went from dead broke to $150,000 a month through his 8k Per Day Affiliate Formula. Chris’ 8k Per Day Affiliate Formula is an affiliate marketing training program that’s broken down into several sections. He claims he’ll teach you how to get a $20,000+ spending limit for FB ads.
He also promises to teach you how to get a $10,000 working capital loan from PayPal, build a 10,000+ person opt-in email list in 7 steps, set up promotional bonus sequences, promote the most suitable offers to your list and double your profits on every offer you promote.
He further promises to teach you how to run profitable ads to the offers you promote and how to dominantly launch products on a quarterly basis that will earn you six figures.
As you must have already noticed, the Internet Marketing niche has become very crowded with crap. As a result, I almost never expect to find any good product with value for the end user who’s looking to make money online or looking to improve online earnings. This is a very rare moment, however. One in which I review an Internet Marketing product with nods of approval and a strong sense of anticipation as I go through.
I didn’t believe it when I stumbled on this one. This product is so unbelievably packed full of value that I decided to do the unusual. I’m usually not an affiliate of the Internet Marketing products I review because of their poor qualities that don’t meet the standards I deem fit for end user satisfaction. But, I’m proudly an affiliate of Chris Record’s 8k Per Day Affiliate Formula with good reasons. Actually, I’m excited [grins].
Don’t get your hopes up. This product is probably one of the best on the Internet and is capable of earning you a decent Internet-based lifestyle. But, some people are just not meant to succeed, not because they can’t but because they won’t.
They won’t succeed because of certain factors and how they let those factors play out in their lives. Now, I asked you not to get your hopes up because there’s no way of telling if you’re one of such people or not.
At the end of this review, you’ll be able to tell if you’re one of those who can or can’t succeed by using the simple but very effective methods thought by Chris Record in his 8k Per Day Affiliate Formula training.
In section 1 titled PayPal Working Capital Loans, Chris Record lets you into a golden information on how to get an interest-free, soft loan from PayPal up to $10,000 and more. He does this to address the challenge many online entrepreneurs have with working capital to start a business.
With PayPal’s working capital loan, you’re not under any form of pressure to pay back within a predefined timeframe, there’re no late fees, no penalty fees or any other loan-related fees except for a very low, fixed fee. Chris Record intends for this to get you off to a good start as an internet entrepreneur.
However, there’re some very simple things you need to do to qualify for this loan. Chris Record lays it all bare in his 8k Per Day Formula training within the members’ only area.
In section 2 titled Facebook Spending Limits, Chris Record reveals little-known facts about Facebook ads. Did you know you could get Facebook to advance you ad spend worth up to $20,000 or more to place your offer before laser-targeted, hungry traffic?
Imagine the power of this for an internet marketer who’s looking to drive paid traffic to a winning campaign with quick results but doesn’t have the money to do so.
That’s kinda like getting $20,000 loan from Facebook to invest in your business and pay only when due and absolutely interest-free. If you got a $20,000 loan invested in your business, which returns $45,000, how cool is that? That’s just a random example of what’s entirely possible.
Chris goes ahead to show you how to systematically combine your PayPal Working Capital Loans with your Facebook Ad Spend to give your Internet Marketing earnings a giant upsurge. Think about this. If you had a winning ad campaign that you could scale up 10x or 100x bigger, do you have the money to scale it? How would you answer that question?
Well, if you knew how to leverage the powerful combination of PayPal Working Capital Loans and Facebook Ad Spend, your answer would be a definite yes. That was the thought-inciting question Chris asked in the members’ area. You don’t bump into this kind of solid, business finance support strategy every day, do you?
In section 3 titled 7 Steps to Build Your Email Opt-In List, Chris Record goes through each of the seven steps to effectively build a 10,000+ email subscriber list, in details. He identifies the 7 steps as:
Chris provides a step-by-step walkthrough on each of them in the members’ area.
He pinpoints some very common practices among email marketers that backfire. Chances are you’re guilty of some of them, which accounts for the less than excellent results you’re having as an email marketer.
One of these identified email-marketing misapplications is to, repeatedly, mail the same offers to your list with the hope that they eventually buy. Chris says that’s a ridiculous way to try to get your subscribers to buy stuff from you. He identifies more of such email marketing blunders and provides more effective alternatives for them in the members’ area.
Chris further teaches how to take advantage of the power of bridge marketing to steal your way into and completely dominate even the most competitive and saturated Internet Marketing niches. Bridge marketing requires a bit of creativity
but it’s not rocket science. It’s simple enough for anyone to learn. Make sure to see the images below for a working illustration of how it works.
In section 4 titled Affiliate Marketing Bonuses, Chris walks his students through very effective bonuses that increase sales and induce repeated sales. He gave examples of what kind of bonuses work the most.
On his list are regular bonus examples as well as unconventional bonus examples that are applicable to all niches. He goes ahead to reveal how to get each kind of bonus ready for subscribers/customers. They are surprisingly easier than they seem.
In section 5 titled Finding the Right Affiliate Offers to Promote, Chris Record addresses one of the biggest mistakes affiliate/email marketers make. Finding a winning affiliate offer to promote by email is not as simple as it seems.
It involves the application of certain methods, which is a fact many affiliate/email marketers seem unaware of. However, Chris gives his audience a detailed walkthrough on the process he uses to find the best suitable products to promote.
He goes ahead and identifies 8 key features to look out for in a great product to promote. What makes the difference between winning, super affiliates and mediocre or downright failing affiliates lies in the knowledge or lack of knowledge of what to look out for in a product to promote. You’ll be surprised what these 8 qualities are, and chances are you’re overlooking them.
In section 6 titled Affiliate Marketing Resources, he shows his audience three ways to, quickly, make money online. In one of those examples, he demonstrated how to make $1,000 per week by graphic design arbitrage, a very easy process that anyone who’s shown how can take advantage of and begin to make money online with. It’s so easy, it doesn’t require any kind of experience to handle.
In section 7 titled Bridge Marketing 101 – Using Bridge Pages to Increase Your Sales, Chris Record goes further to demonstrate how Bridge Pages are used in bridge marketing to increase affiliate sales.
He also shares effective strategies with his audience on how to make their first $1,000-$10,000 online, and how to keep it consistent. He also shows his audience how to get Facebook video views for as low as $0.0003 each. Now, how cool is that? He goes ahead to show his audience how to make money online using what he calls the “5-course dinner sales funnel concept”.
Chris goes further to teach his audience how to deal with times when the market is unfavorable and how to turn such situations into awesome success stories. Here’s one lesson every Internet Marketer must learn in order to succeed rather than cave in under possible frustrations.
Annoyingly, there wasn’t much in this section except a recorded webinar. The rest of the videos were not ready. What a buzz kill?!
The name of the product, 8k Per Day, can be very easily misunderstood and can result in a false hope, as some folks can easily think they can start making 8k per day, every day, right off the bat after purchasing the product. Making 8k per day is entirely possible with this product, but that requires some work and time.
The product doesn’t cover much stark newbie grounds such as how to set up an Autoresponder account for email marketing, get a website up, purchase a domain name, get a web hosting account etc., which are some of the basic requirements for newbies to get their online businesses off the ground.
There’s no way of telling if beer was served at Chris Record’s Internet Marketing Bar. But, it seems Chris had too much beer before shooting some of his videos. I can assure you he shot them upside-down, didn’t even notice and did nothing to remedy the embarrassment. I’ve found a place in my heart to forgive him, though. He did an awesome job, except for messing up some of those videos. I wonder who got beer his way. Whew!
Apart from upside-down videos, one other video was just a black screen for five, long, unpleasant minutes. However, Chris recognized that fact and apologized in text about it.
Other videos were simply not ready. The videos on section 8 were mostly in question here. All you’ll see, as at when this review was written, would be “Coming October 2015”. Well, this is October 2015. Is it possible there’s another October 2015 in time and space? Well, the month is still rolling on. Let’s wait and see.
At the base of the members’ only training area, I saw a ninth section labeled 16k Per Day Case Study Training & Resources. When I clicked to access it, it led nowhere. It only returned me to the login page. When I logged in and tried again, the same thing happened.
Chris Record did an awesome job here and worked very hard to ruin his good work somewhere down the road. But, overall, he passed the test. Now, as I said earlier, some people are not meant to succeed, not because they can’t, but because they won’t. This product is very capable of making you money.
But if you’re like those folks who believe in easy, push-button money, who’re not willing to put in a decent amount of effort, (you know the kind who wait for manna from heaven until they’re sick of the wait and end up in the slammer for breaking a bank vault) then, you won’t succeed with this or with anything else.
Have you bought Chris Record’s 8k Per Day Affiliate Formula already? Please tell the community about your findings. Are you looking to buy? Go on and click the button below. It’s absolutely safe and in your best interest.
Eugenson is just a regular guy, except he doesn't believe in the security of nine-to-five jobs and loves to launch out on his own, trying to realize his dreams his way and at his time. He's tried to make money online for quite some time now, purchasing product after product, and has been swindled by a lot of cyber-fraudsters masquerading as make-money-online messiahs. He has many passions, some of which include drawing, painting, writing, and watching comic movies. He's on a revenge mission to hit fiendish scammers hard by writing reviews that reveal the truth about their unethical schemes and worthless products. He hopes to stifle their online, bloodsucking businesses by forewarning their potential victims and depriving them of the payments they depend on. You can consider Eugenson a friend who's here to give you objective product reviews, helping you uncover the online vampires and discover genuine opportunities.