If you’ve seen George Brown’s sales video and are considering springing for his product, you need to read this entire Google Sniper 2.0 review before spending any of your money. There are some serious, blatant flaws with this product, but there are also some legitimate applications for the product if you know what you’re getting yourself into. In this review I’m going to do my best to summarize them so that you don’t get scammed and waste your hard-earned money. There are no affiliate links in this review. I am not an affiliate for George Brown and do not make any money selling his products.
If you don’t want to read the full review below, here’s a summary: George Brown’s products are massively outdated and potentially very dangerous for aspiring internet entrepreneurs. This product was created, hashed, rehashed, and is now just an overwhelming members’ area of (rare) periodic updates stacked on top of old, mostly ineffective internet marketing tactics that haven’t worked in years. The search engines evolve and adapt every few months with a couple of major updates each year.
If you’re willing to spend $1 to gain access to the product and spend a few hours getting a historic understanding of how Google and other search engines have worked over the years, that $1 would be very well spent (just make sure to cancel the automatic billing portion before the 7 days are up).
But If you’re going into this product expecting to make a living or generate consistent income using Google Sniper, you should avoid buying the product. Although the methods taught in Google Sniper 2.0 were effective several years ago, they are now extraordinarily out-of-date and will not even come close to fulfilling the promises that George Brown makes on his sales page. This product will not make you rich, and it certainly won’t allow you to sit around all day while income pours into your bank account like George makes it seem.
There is A LOT of information in the Google Sniper members’ area. In the image above you can see the multiple sections that members can explore. There’s a manual with over 100 pages, there are hours of video content that George has added over the years, and a lot of other content to explore if you’re interested.
I went through the members’ area and took a tally. This is how much content you’re getting access to if you buy Google Sniper: 59 training videos, 23 coaching webinars, multiple PDF downloads, and links to external resources which, granted, will earn George Brown an affiliate commission but are services you will need as an internet entrepreneur. With all of that material, what could a person possibly not like about the product?
There was a time that Google Sniper was a very up-to-date, useful internet marketing crash course. There are people out there that made thousands, and I’m sure there are successful internet marketers to this day that started with Google Sniper many years ago. But Google Sniper’s glory days are long gone, and George Brown has done a pretty poor job keeping the product up-to-date.
Remember that 100+ page eBook I mentioned? It was created in 2011, which in this industry means it’s almost entirely out-of-date. Search engines and internet marketing as a whole change tremendously each year. There are many points where a simple “update” won’t address the new material either – in the past couple of years there have been some things that turned the internet marketing world upside down and forced internet marketing entrepreneurs like myself to reconsider how we were approaching entire aspects of our business.
The best analogy I can give here is if you built a great house with a sturdy foundation that stood very strongly for a couple of years. Suddenly (and without notice) a landslide caused the house to crumble to rubble. Instead of pouring a new foundation, building a new frame, and creating a new, great house you just continue to pile on top of the rubble and do the best you can with what you created previously.
That is what George Brown has done with Google Sniper over the years. The industry completely changed, but he released a couple of update videos. It changed again, and he released a couple more. These updates don’t teach you remotely as well as a product that was rebuilt from scratch with these changes in mind though. Yes, there’s a lot of content in the members’ area, but it’s not remotely as helpful as you would expect, and it’s not worth the price tag that George is charging.
Read More: The Dangers of an Outdated Product
With all of that being said, I think there’s a legitimate application of the Google Sniper 2.0 program. If you’re on the GS2.0 sales page, try to close the tab. You’ll be prompted to buy Google Sniper for $1, and if you accept that offer you can get access to the entire product for seven days. That’s plenty of time to go through a lot of the information.
Now, once you’re in the product you still need to be VERY careful about what you take seriously and what you throw out. There’s a ton of outdated information regarding search engine optimization (SEO), for example, and you shouldn’t do ANY backlinking like George Brown teaches. These strategies used to bump your site to the top of the search engines, but now they will cause your site to get penalized and make it impossible to get any organic visitors to your site.
All-in-all though, it’s hard to go wrong for $1. If you’re interested in a historic understanding of how internet marketing has evolved over the past five years, that will be a dollar well spent. If you’re planning to buy Google Sniper 2.0 and have it live up to all of George Brown’s promises of making you rich with very little time and effort, you will be hugely disappointed and feel scammed. Do not buy Google Sniper 2.0 with this purpose in mind.
If you’re thinking about buying Google Sniper to strike it rich, you’re going to be really disappointed in this product. You’ll get confused, overwhelmed, possibly spend weeks or months implementing the methods, and ultimately give up because nothing is working.
However, if you just sign up for the $1 trial to learn as much as you can about internet marketing and take most of it with a grain of salt, it will be $1 well spent. Just make sure to cancel the trial within seven days if you go this route.
I reply to all comments personally, so if you have a question or just want to thank me for the above review because I saved you from wasting your money, leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you and help any way that I can!
I've been in internet marketing for over 10 years, and I've purchased dozens of illegitimate products for the sole purpose of evaluating them and exposing the truth about these products to anyone who's thinking about purchasing it. I never let money influence my rating of a product and your success/safety is my absolute highest priority. Don't want to buy a product? Register for one of my 100% free internet marketing training courses>>