I’ve seen so many sales videos that they make my eyes bleed. They’re all the same. Some hyped up guy making wild claims, showing off “real” screenshots of their bank accounts and saying “I’m not going to scam you”. But that’s what most of them do… They scam you.
Today we’re looking at Online Success Apprentice by Simon Stanley to see if he’s just like everyone else.
I’m not an affiliate for Online Success Apprentice. Unless we absolutely love a product we won’t endorse and sell it to you. We’re not out to make as much money as possible from you, we just want to do our best to keep you safe.
Let’s dig in.
Simon has created a small course to show you how to sell a digital product you’ll create. Inside you’ll find 3 main modules:
That’s the quick start core training you’ll find straight away.
The overall premise of Online Success Apprentice is Simon teaching you the way he built up his business using the Warrior Forum. The Warrior Forum is a huge forum when internet marketers and people who want to start an online business come to buy/sell digital products. You’ll find 100’s if not 1000’s of products on there covering a multitude of topics.
This is how Simon got started and I believe him. With 1000’s of people on the forum at any one time it’s quite possible to make some money. If you know what you’re doing.
This is where Simon’s course comes in. Let’s look at the good, the bad and the ugly.
Once you’re in the members’ area you’ll find several videos and a couple of supplementary PDFs. Here’s a screenshot of one:
The PDF download is very good. Lots of screenshots to walk you through what Simon covers in the video. It’s only 15 pages and it walks you through how to set up an account at the Warrior Forum, as well as the important things to know once you’re on the inside.
One thing that really stood out to me inside the PDF was one little paragraph:
YES! Finally someone said it. Those “I make $12,692 in 5 minutes with a few clicks of a button” crappy “one-click riches” programs are rubbish. I love that Simon points that out. He says “you’re building a business here” which is exactly the way you should be looking at this if you want to be successful.
Even though the main part of this course is about how to use the Warrior Forum to make money with digital products you’ll create later, Simon teaches you what to do afterwards. You don’t want to keep them on the Warrior Forum. You’ll want to move each product onto it’s on website:
Admittedly, that image is confusing if you haven’t seen the video.
Basically, once you have the product you were selling on the Warrior Forum onto it’s own website, you can start charging more money for additional services. You’ll have the product itself on a membership site and then you can add things like additional coaching for those people who’re interested in extra help.
Simon also teaches the importance of list building:
You’ll be collecting email address from people who are buying your product. You’ll have a “targeted” list of people who’ve already brought a product off you. You can use email to nurture your relationship so that they may buy another product from you in the future. Now you’re making more money without having to find new people. This is why list building is so important.
Simon recommends two different services. One is an autoresponder for storing the email addresses you’re collecting and sending emails. The other a piece of software to help collect the email addresses with landing pages. These are GetResponse and LeadPages, respectively. I personally use both and love them, so Simon isn’t recommended crap just to earn a quick commission like a lot of other product publishers.
The first thing I noticed was the forum in the members’ area was dead:
There’s no one using it. I’m not entirely sure if there’s even anyone monitoring the forum so I doubt you’d be able to get your questions answered. For a popular course I was surprised to see that there were only 4 topics in the entire forum!
Maybe the forum is new. I can’t find any information to see whether that is true but you guys should know that it’s pretty much dead.
One big negative point for Online Success Apprentice is the lack of training on how to build your product. The course only focuses on selling it on the Warrior Forum and after that.
Simon goes through doing the research to find out what should sell well, skips the creation, and then jumps straight into how to promote the product.
The only thing I see on this front is Simon recommending hiring a copywriter or a programmer depending on whether you’re creating a book or piece of software. I would have loved to see a section devoted to building a product. Even if it only focused on writing a book/course and then recommended hiring a programmer if you wanted to get into software.
I feel that would have rounded Online Success Apprentice nicely.
I like this course. I’ve never seen anyone teach people how to use a massive marketplace like the Warrior Forum to sell their products, so it’s a novel and unique angle.
I’m extremely happy to see Simon going through how you’d take your product, which you know is popular because you would have made some sales, off of the Warrior Forum and onto it’s own website. I think this is really important because the majority of products on the Warrior forum are around the $10-20 mark.
If you want to start making great money online you’ll ideally want to sell products at a higher price point. Something Simon also goes through.
I’ve only given this course a B- rating because of the scammy sales page. I think Simon could have done a much better job if he just explained what’s inside his course instead of hyping it up like all the scammers do. Also I’d like to have seen a section on product creation – the product has a very noticeable hole without it.
How does Online Success Apprentice compare to our free internet marketing training?
Online Success Apprentice is great for its intended purpose – learning how to use Warrior Forum to find customers for your product and to build an email list. If you want a more well-rounded, holistic understanding of internet marketing, then our free training courses are going to be much more helpful.
What are your thoughts on Online Success Apprentice? Am I the only one who thinks the name is a little stupid? Do you think the course is worthy of the B- rating?
Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. Go on, express yourself.