Want to get started blogging but still confused about what to write about? Learn how to choose a profitable blog topic, discover the top blog niches that make money, PLUS jumpstart your brainstorming process with the 75 most successful blog topics you can write about now.
If you’re just planning to start a blog, you might be wondering what to write about.
How do you choose a single topic out of all the topics out there? And how do you make sure that your topic gets traction?
In this blog post, I’ll give you some tips on how to choose a profitable blog niche, and niches that have traditionally made money. Finally, I list down the most successful blog topics that you can start writing about.
I’ve written about how to know which blog niche to write about, and while I raised plenty of points to think about in that article, here is a quick four-point test to know if your blog topic will be successful.
You can write insightful, well-researched articles, but if these articles don’t help anyone do anything, or solve a problem, they won’t gain a large enough audience to be sustainable.
Blogs that teach people how to be a better version of themselves are the blogs that tend to have a captive audience and turn out to be successful.
It’s easier to start creating content about topics that you already have experience in or have at least some knowledge on.
This is why in the article I mentioned above, one of the categories I suggested listing down is “things that you know about more than anyone else.”
While you can probably begin writing blog posts about a topic you already know, it’s hard to imagine sustaining the same kind of energy for a topic you know but have no interest in.
Remember, blogging for profit is 12 to 18 months of hustling up content. Choose a topic you can write about for that long.
It’s one thing to have a loyal audience base, and another to have a loyal audience base that has the disposable income and who’s willing to spend money for solutions to their problems.
Without that, you might as well be blogging as a hobby.
If you answered “yes” to all of the above questions, then you’re well on your way.
Once you have that niche that you want in your head, just take a moment and look over these niches that have been proven time and again to make money.
Why’d I wait till now to spring this on you?
I didn’t want to influence your decision before you even thought about it. This is your blog, your topic, your content; YOU should decide what’s the right fit for you and what you can actually write about.
These are just to give an idea of what’s out there and whether you’re on the right track, should your topic fall as a sub-niche of one of these broad niches. These might even coax out a long-hidden thought or idea for a blog topic that’s been brewing in your subconscious for a while.
The quest to become fit and have the ideal body has driven humans since the dawn of time, it seems.
Many trends and fads have come and gone with this niche, so take care when choosing your topic. You want to be relevant but you also want to be around for a long time.
Fitness programs tailored to a specific lifestyle can earn you a lot, but you’ll have to be sure that you’re tailoring to a paying audience.
Food will always, always have an audience.
But it used to be notoriously hard to monetize food blogs because people who browse food blogs are normally just looking for recipes and are done.
The primary way to monetize food blogs then was to display ads, and unless you had tons of traffic, you’d be hard-pressed to see an income from your food blog.
Then affiliate marketing came along.
Affiliate marketing allowed visitors to buy the equipment, tools, and ingredients they needed right on your blog by clicking affiliate links. No more “But where do I get saffron???” crises and “But where to get a silicone baking sheet???” Link to them in your recipe, and bam!
Also, the popularity of self-publishing on Amazon meant that everyone, and I mean everyone can potentially create their own cookbook and promote and sell said cookbook on their blog.
Now, food blogs have a fair chance of being monetized.
Anyone who’s in this niche knows that it isn’t enough to model pretty clothes.
The ones who succeed in fashion blogging are those who have a unique fashion sense and the personality to back it up. If people wanted to see just clothes, they’d just read a fashion magazine.
There’s a reason why fashion bloggers are known by name; their personas are what they’re selling, and what their audiences are coming back to their blogs to see, not just the clothes and shoes.
Travel blogs are popular nowadays because of the notion that it’s better to spend on experiences rather than goods.
The challenge now is to stand out from the sea of travel bloggers, because it seems like everyone has written about all the countries and all the destinations. Let your personality shine through so that even if you’re writing about a destination that’s been written before, you still get to express your own unique take on it.
Tell your own travel story. Don’t be afraid to publish your own take on a place or experience; what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you ate, where you slept.
But remember to always be respectful of other cultures and other religions. You don’t want to be banned from a place forever.
People who are working and earning money want to be able to handle their money better. They want to know how to budget, how to save, how to get out of debt, and how to start investing and grow the money that they’re earning.
You’re likely to have a captive audience here because many people are currently in debt, want to get out of debt, but seems stuck in a cycle of earning just enough to survive but never enough to get out of that debt.
If you’ve experienced this yourself and made it out debt-free, people will want to know exactly what you did to dig yourself out and will want to emulate you.
Lifestyle blogs are designed to showcase content inspired by the author’s personal lifestyle: their hobbies, interests, and daily activities. For this reason, it can talk about many topics, even the topics I mentioned above, all in the same blog.
For example, if you’re a fashion enthusiast who’s into yoga and veganism, and also into doing these things on a budget (so you probably cook a lot of your food as well), all those topics will probably find their way into your blog.
This is both a boon and a bane because having a wide range of topics means your audience base is potentially large, but then if you don’t zero in on a specific topic you want to talk about, the audience you’ll attract will probably not be a buying one.
This is why some industry experts argue that lifestyle isn’t an actual niche and that bloggers need to narrow down their focus in order to make money from it.
Actually, plenty of lifestyle blogs are profitable. The trick is to get a loyal following from a buying audience who will trust your recommendations for everything.
Yes, as annoyingly meta as it is, teaching people how to make money is one of the most lucrative niches there is.
But the thing is, if you’re only starting with your blog, you’re probably in no position to teach other people how to make money with their blog.
If you insist on taking this route, take your audience along for the ride. That is, narrate everything you experience from the start: from building your blog from the ground up, to writing your content, to making your first dollar, everything.
Your audience will find value in your real-life case study when you note everything that worked and everything that didn’t. Plus, it gives them encouragement from someone who they know is taking this journey with them. It’s so much easier for them to become invested in you and your journey.
I included the qualifier “potentially” because even the most successful blog topics in the hands of an inept or half-hearted blogger won’t gain traction.
Without further ado, here are the most successful blog topics you can write about today (in no particular order):
I sincerely hope that the pointers I gave on how to choose a profitable blog topic plus the broad niches that make money PLUS the 75 blog topic ideas I listed inspired you as you think of what to write about.
Just a few more things before you go ahead and start writing down blog posts.
When you’re just starting out, you may want to start writing but you feel your topic isn’t specific enough yet.
That’s fine!
It’s okay to start out with general topics around a niche, especially if you’re not really sure what problem you want to solve, just that you want to write in that niche and you want to get started.
For example, you might start out writing about general beauty topics, eventually focusing more on skincare, and then zeroing in on how to manage cystic acne: best products, makeup that’ll cover them and not make them worse, prevention, etc.
Starting with a broad topic allows you to see which articles are gaining attention and which ones aren’t such a big hit.
You may be scared to narrow it down to just a single, specific topic because not many people might want to read about it and you might end up losing your audience.
Don’t be.
The readers that stay on are more valuable to you than those that leave because those who stay are your captive audience and the ones who you want to help and give value to.
There are various ways to monetize a blog, but some methods work better for specific niches than with others.
The best way to know which one will work is to actually do the legwork and research it. Find out what all the other bloggers are doing and try to emulate them.
If you have no direct competitor, then it’s going to be your duty to test out methods and find out which ones work and which ones don’t.
There are rules, and then there are exceptions.
Sometimes, writing for a known moneymaking niche can be a bust, or writing for a known unlucrative niche can be a surprise hit.
My point is these outliers exist, but you can’t always assume you’re going to be the exception to the rule.
That said, experimenting and going down the road less traveled may be worth it. After all, even if you do fail to make money, you’ll still be rich in lessons that your average blogger may not know anything about.
What topic did you end up choosing? Or if you’re already blogging, what topic are you writing about now and what have you been doing to monetize your blog? Share it in the comments!
JoAnne is your average, everyday, sane stay-at-home mom who believes in the power of the internet to make dreams come true. She has an insatiable appetite for chocolate, as well as all things internet marketing. She keeps up with the latest trends in blogging, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and more.