By Luke T. | Negative Reviews
Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, Facebook is huge! Sadly, there are A LOT of shady characters trying to sell “systems” to make money from it, and today we’re look at one of them.
Hyper FB Traffic by David Blaze and Simon Adams is very similar to other products which focus on promoting the course you just purchased, except this one is using Facebook as its USP (unique selling proposition).
I’m not an affiliate for Hyper FB Traffic. There’s not a lot to this product because its sole focus is promoting Hyper FB Traffic, something I don’t agree with. In this review I’m going to show you what you’ll find if you logged into the members’ area. Let’s dig in.
If you parted with $39 to purchase this course, the first 10 steps focus on promoting the product and you’re given some really bad tools. You’re going to be giving videos, audio files, swipe files, and links to relevant websites to promote Hyper FB Traffic.
The first thing you’re told to do is to create a ClickBank account:
You’re going to need a unique link to give to people so you’ll be credited with any future sale. David and Simon are going to pay you 50% for any purchase made through this link.
The majority of the members’ area is “10 steps to promoting the product”, so let’s take a look at them:
The video walks you through how to create an account on ClickBank to get your affiliate link and talk about how you can use Facebook to get some sales.
Very simple stuff in this video.
You’re shown how David and Simon recommend you promote your link on Facebook. You’re given a couple of URL shorteners to hide the fact you’re using an affiliate link, which they claim will make people more likely to click your link.
You’re also given a suggested status to post on Facebook. I hate swipes files because there’s a good chance of people seeing the exact same message multiple times from different people, which can instantly destroy your credibility. It’s less likely to happen on a Facebook status, but this is also a risk with the email swipe files you’re given later in the course.
I hate this! You’re given a handful of videos along with several titles you can use. Underneath that, you can see descriptions and tags to add to those videos when you upload them to video hosting websites.
This means there could be hundreds or thousands of duplicate videos (because everyone’s using the same videos) with the same titles, descriptions, and tags. There’s no differentiation between videos and there’s a good chance people researching Hyper FB Traffic are going notice it. People will become suspicious and avoid clicking your links.
This leads to no sales. Create your own videos, titles, and descriptions in whatever internet marketing path you decide to follow – duplicate content and swipe files won’t get you anywhere.
This video walks you through using Twitter to share your affiliate link. You’re given a URL shortener to hide the fact you’re posting an affiliate link and given tweets you can use.
If you’re brand new to Twitter and have no followers, this step is of no use to you until you’ve developed a following. And if you’re hoping that’ll be covered in the course, David and Simon don’t teach how to build a following at all.
This will not work! Using Fiverr.com to get traffic will not result in any sales because the quality of the traffic is extremely poor. You’re most likely going to get “bots” clicking on your link so it looks like you’re getting lots of clicks. But they’re not real people who can buy Hyper FB Traffic.
Any money spent on buying traffic on Fiverr is a complete waste. You’re better off using the money on Facebook ads, but you’re not allowed to use affiliate links in FB ads.
David and Simon recommend purchasing solo ads, which is essentially where you pay someone a fee to email your message to their subscribers. It’s kind of like “renting” someone else’s email list.
This method is the only one that’s at all likely to pay off, if you can get your ad in an email that’s going to a group of relevant people. If your ad is going to people who are looking to use Facebook to make money, they’re more likely to buy it. If it’s going to people who are interested in gardening, they’re not going to click your link.
Article directories aren’t as effective as they were a few years ago and, to make it worse, you’re given swipe files to copy and paste. Google hates duplicate content! Google will not show your articles in their search results following these methods.
If you want to use articles to get traffic, write your own. If you do this, you’re not going to get penalised by Google and you’ll have a better chance of ranking well in the search results.
You can use this 70 minute audio file to help entice people to click your affiliate link wherever you’re promoting Hyper FB Traffic.
In the picture above, it says you’ll need to paste your affiliate link wherever/however it is you’re going to distribute the audio file, e.g. Forums, emails, solo ads, podcasts, etc…
You can use the banner ads anywhere you want. Use them in solo ads, post them on your own website or blog, or wherever else you can think of.
The email swipe file is pretty long and split into several emails to promote Hyper FB Traffic. If you have an email list, I wouldn’t use these because these messages use hard selling – I mean really low-quality, promotional emails. This turns the vast majority of potential customers off.
You should know your audience and know how to communicate effectively with them. Writing your own emails will be more effective and genuine.
This is not a resource page. It’s more like a collection of crappy products that David and Simon are trying to get you to purchase. There’s no information about what the products are, why you should click on them, or if they’re something that will be helpful to you.
This seems like another attempt for David and Simon to get more money out of you. Each “resource” is an affiliate link.
For a product based on getting traffic using Facebook, only step one is about using Facebook to promote it. I would have expected a lot more information about using Facebook ads because this is one of the main ways to get targeted traffic online.
Also, this course is pretty old. If you check the sales page, you’ll see all the screenshots are from 2010. This explains why methods like solo ads and banner ads are in the course, which aren’t used remotely as much present-day as they were in the past.
Did you know we have our own free courses that shows you how to get traffic? Here’s how they compare to Hyper FB Traffic:
Our courses cover methods that are being used today and are more effective than what’s covered in Hyper FB Traffic. Plus, our courses are free.
I’d recommend signing up to one of our free courses, and if you’re still interested in David and Simon’s course after that, then buy it. I personally think it’s a blatant waste of $39 that could be used for something much more important.
What are your thoughts on Hyper FB Traffic after this review? Are you surprised to see a Facebook Traffic course only have one step based on Facebook? Would you buy a product that’s exclusively about promoting/selling the exact same product you just paid for?
Use the comments section below to share your thoughts. I look forward to seeing what you have to say.
Until next time.