Has blog commenting become obsolete? Well, the answer depends on what your objectives with blog comments are.
Utilizing blog commenting for link building? Then blog commenting is ineffective.
The comments section of blogs has become an avenue for spam. Tons of people leave comments on blogs for the sole purpose of link building. The essence of contributing to the community has been lost.
Google caught up to this practice and introduced the “nofollow attribute.” When applied to your website, the nofollow attribute tells Google that you don’t endorse any links in your comments section and thus no SEO value should be applied to them.
When Google introduced the nofollow attribute, the comments section regained its purpose: adding value to the original content. So if you think blog commenting can help you SEO-wise, think again.
However, commenting on blogs isn’t completely useless.
Blog commenting can be a great tool for lead generation. It helps build relationships with other bloggers and establishes your brand (and ultimately authority) in the community.
Always use your full name when commenting on other people’s blogs.
How can you build brand awareness if you don’t provide your full name? You want to be as professional as you can because not only will the blog owner see you, so will other people reading the article.
Focus on contributing to the original post, but don’t get too pushy.
If you feel that you’re not qualified to talk about a topic, ask questions about it instead. If you effectively ask the right questions, you’ll raise eyebrows and attract visitors to your website.
Don’t waste your efforts on blogs that aren’t related to your niche or industry.
The answer is very straightforward: so you don’t waste anyone’s time. Blogs unrelated to your niche have different audiences that are probably uninterested in what you have to offer.
Blog commenting has become very limited when it comes to SEO, but it can still be utilized in other ways such as building brand awareness and relationships with other bloggers. It gets your name out there (so always use your full name when commenting on other blogs) and contributes to your authority.
Here are some tips to always keep in mind when commenting on other peoples blogs:
It’s your turn: how do you take advantage of blog commenting? Let us know by leaving a comment on this post!
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