The product we’re going to be looking at today was a suggestion sent in by you guys. Matthew asked us to take a look at One Month Mentor by John Thornhill because he taught something looked a little suspicious. We can’t turn Matthew down, can we? Of course not! Your wish is our command, so we’ll be digging deep into One Month Mentor to see what rattled your bones.
I’m not an affiliate for One Month Mentor. This is not a product I’d happily recommend to you guys because Matthew was right… Something does seem a little peculiar here, and I’m going to get to the bottom of this.
For a $27 product it’s fairly decent. I’m not saying it’s great, but it’s decent. There are some really good parts to this course, but the bad parts clearly outweigh them, which is a shame.
One Month Mentor is a 31 day video course which will show you how to create a website, how to start getting traffic and how to monetise it. When you first log into the members’ area you’ll see there’s 3 things you’ll need to do:
1. Provide an email address to receive the training over the 31 days.
2. Register for a webinar.
3. Join the Facebook group.
John claims the webinar is live but it’s actually a pre-recorded webinar he’s just made to look like a live webinar, which is a little sneaky (but I’m not going to hold that against him in this review).
The Facebook group seems alright with a relatively small group of just over 1,000 members, so you’ll have a group of people you can talk to who are also going through the course:
Once you’ve submitted an email address in step 1 and clicked accept in the confirmation email, you’ll start receiving the course. You’ll get one email per day for the next 31 days.
Each day you’ll receive access via email to a new part of the course. Each section will contain a collection of videos, a PDF checklist for that day’s tasks, and a link to the support desk if you should have any issues. Each day will look like this:
As you can see, you have the option to either play the videos directly from the web or download them to your computer. It’s recommended that you download the videos if you have a slow connection so you don’t get cut off part-way through a video.
The videos I’ve watched are very thorough:
I was expecting John to rush through each section and leave you a little high and dry to connect the dots yourself. After all, the course is extremely cheap. I’m pleasantly surprised by the details in which John goes through each topic.
Even though this is a decent course for only $27, I still don’t recommend purchasing it. There are a couple reasons, which I’ll outline below.
It’s out of date! So many products we review here are out of date because the creators can’t be bothered with them anymore. Instead of doing the right thing and taking them down, they’re left online for people to stumble across and purchase.
From what I see this course was last updated in 2011:
Also the last comment I could find in the support desk was from September 2011.
In the online world things are constantly changing. Google seems to change their algorithms every 5 minutes and Facebook is always playing around with the way marketers can advertise to their ideal audience. Anything older than 6 months could be considered out-of-date nowadays because of these constant changes, so imagine how out of date a course created 4 years ago is today. Yeah… Pretty freaking old.
John has MANY products for sale on his website:
I checked a few of them out and they all seemed to be outdated too. However I honestly don’t think John really cares because it seems like they’re just there to move people towards his private membership.
He has is own coaching program which he calls “Partner with John” and it’ll cost you a whooping $2,000 to join:
A sales funnel like this is very common. You’re hooked into purchasing a small product, usually below $30, where you’re then shown a product for $100-300 which will “take you to the next level”. Then you’re offered private coaching for $1,000+. The amount of people who take marketers up on offers like this is shocking, and I hope people haven’t signed up to work with John.
Looking at his business model (selling loads of outdated products to then upsell to a private coaching program) it’s not one I would want to follow. I can’t see him genuinely helping people create an ethical business, which is what John is all about apparently:
To me it seems like his advice would be “create a load of cheap information products and at the end promote a coaching program where you’ll earn big money.” No thanks my friend.
The final nail in the coffin is with the amount of promotions John makes at the beginning of the course:
As you can see in the image above there’s 4 emails from John. The first one was the confirmation email I mentioned near the beginning which just confirms the email address you want the course to be sent to. The second one is Day #1 of the program which you’ll receive as soon as you’ve confirmed your email address. Now look at the next two…
Before I even received Day #2 I was sent 2 emails where John was trying to get me to purchase a video production product for $67. Wait… What?!
In Day #1 we just learned how to buy a domain, set up hosting and create our first email address, so why would I need to know ANYTHING about video production right now?
If John were trying to sell me something that was related to the training I had just gone through it would make sense. It would seem like he’s trying to milk more money out of me, but at least it would make sense. Jumping from, “Yay you’ve created your first email address!” to, “Hey go buy this product so you know how to create and produce your own videos.” is a massive leap.
Due to how quickly he starts to push upsells that he’ll get commissioned on and the ultimate $2,000 coaching upsell, John Thornhill has lost credibility in my eyes. It just seems like he’s out to get more money from me, and that he’s more concerned about how much he’s selling/getting commissioned on than his customer’s success. Is that ethical?
Ignoring the negative points I mentioned regarding all of the upsells, the actual $27 “One Month Mentor” course isn’t too bad, which is the only reason I’m not giving it an “F” rating. However, it’s still not something I’d recommend purchasing.
John has a lot of things to change in this course if it’s going to become something of substance that people could actually use to create a profitable business. The first port of call being to update the whole things for 2015!
Thankfully we’ve got your back.
We’ve put together 3 courses which cover different methods of creating an income online. They range from creating a niche website from scratch, driving traffic to an existing website, and how to create a profitable local SEO business. But how do they compare to One Month Mentor? Take a look:
Our courses are completely free, so I’d recommend checking those out before you even consider purchasing One Month Mentor or any other course.
Go on… You know you want to 🙂
What are your thoughts and opinions on John’s product? Do you think it matters that a $27 course like this is out of date? Do you think John is a genius for creating a load of little courses like this mainly to promote his private coaching program?
Share what’s going on between your ears in the comments below and let’s see if we’re on the same brainwave.
Until next time.