Hello there, and welcome to the “FIMP Fam!”
If that doesn’t make any sense to you, I’ll explain in just a moment.
“Bleh, an introduction.”
I know, I know. As someone who’s been known to read a book or two, I know how itchy your fingers might be right now to scroll down and get into the “good stuff.”
However, read ALL of this brief introduction. It will have a critical impact on your success (or failure) following the contents of this training.
The Purpose of This Training
The purpose of this training is to help you build a high-profit online business using less than $100 in startup capital.

It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new and know nothing about online business, or if you’ve “been around the block” a time or two and wasted a bunch of money on products in this industry.
It doesn’t matter if you’re “tech challenged” or if you’re “one with technology” as much as Neo from “The Matrix.”
I’m confident you’ll find this training easy-to-follow, and that it contains everything you need to build a high-profit internet business from scratch (OR overhaul an existing one to get it on a profitable track).
I created FIMP so that people who want to change their lives are able to without breaking the bank. The sad reality of the Internet Marketing industry is that there are several product publishers who only have one goal in mind: money. They create expensive products that claim to teach you how to make money online but instead provide outdated/incomplete methods, only teach you how to promote their product and nothing else, or flat-out nickel and dime you by recommending a bunch of unnecessary tools and services nobody actually needs when they’re just starting out.

It’s a cycle that leaves people disappointed and broke, and it gives the entire industry a bad name.
I don’t recommend anything that’s unnecessary when you’re just getting started. Many people find this so “against the grain” versus what they’re used to seeing in this industry that many find it confusing (more on that in a moment as well).
This is Not the ONLY Path To a High-Profit Online Business for < $100
I’ve personally never explored another path in online business that led to so much profit with so little capital investment, BUT…
They’re out there and I don’t want to give anyone the impression that they’re not.
I can only teach from my own experiences over the last 10+ years. I don’t know (nor would I ever pretend to know) every path to online profit using less than $100.
But what I DO know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that this training will deliver first-time success in online business if you’ve never experienced it before. You’ll need to study and follow it closely, though.
What’s taught in this training are the most time-tested and universally-accessible strategies to find success in online business without a large budget. It doesn’t matter if which FIMP you follow (this text-based training called Free Internet Marketing Project™, or the video-based training called First-Time Internet Marketing Profits™) or another complete system that is run by someone you trust – find one, stick with it until you achieve success, and experiment/combine later.

Most tactics/strategies within this industry do NOT combine well, and it usually takes a seasoned Internet Marketer to know what’s compatible and what’s not.
If you find the strategies within this training aren’t for you, you’re welcome to jump back into “the wild” and try your hand following other training.
Keep in mind, particularly in the dog-eat-dog world of Internet Marketing/online business/make money online/etc., that there’s a 99% chance that the person you end up following is just bashing you like a piñata full of cash, bleeding a little bit more with every blow…
Even if you can’t feel each strike of the bat.
“Internet Marketing” vs. “Blogging” vs. “eCommerce” vs. “Online Business” vs. “Making Money Online,” Etc.
“I don’t want to learn Internet Marketing, Ian. I want to learn how to blog!”
It doesn’t matter if you want to build an eCommerce website, a dropshipping website, a blog, an affiliate marketing business, a lead generation business, a service-based business, or any other common form of monetization in this industry.

If you want to build ANY of those businesses, you need to learn how to market on the internet. That’s why we’re referred to as “Internet Marketers” and why this training often refers to these business models using the all-encompassing umbrella of “Internet Marketing.”
So don’t get discouraged by this term, even if it’s new to you. If you’re trying to build a profitable business on the internet, the skillset you need to develop is “Internet Marketing.”
This Training Is a Written Companion to the First-Time Internet Marketing Profits™ (abbreviated FIMP as well)
With that said, this text training is written specifically to stand very well on its own, even if you never step foot inside the 15+ hours of video training at FIMP.
I know it may be confusing having two FIMPs – Free Internet Marketing Project™ (the free, text-based version) and First-Time Internet Marketing Profits™ (the paid video version), but as a general rule:
If I’m referencing “free training” or text-based training, I’m referring to this free training course. Any time I refer to video training, I’m likely referring to First-Time Internet Marketing Profits™.

If you found this free training before finding First-Time Internet Marketing Profits™, but you’d like to check it out, you can join our community, ask questions when you’re stuck, and study all of the high-quality video training—but don’t feel obligated!
There are certainly a lot of extra perks to signing up for the video training, and we’d love to have you! Plus, some of the step-by-step stuff is easier to follow when you’re watching a video “over my shoulder.”
But sometimes a text-based course is more convenient to digest and study. Use one, or use them both! Either way, please just use them for what they’re designed to do:
Help you take control of and change your life by building a profitable internet business.
“Why Aren’t You Recommending the Tools Everyone Else Recommends?”
Sometimes people are a little bit confused when joining FIMP. They don’t understand why I don’t dig deeply into landing page software, email marketing software, premium themes & plugins, etc.
Trust me — those elements and recommendations aren’t present intentionally.
In 99% of cases, they’re just flat-out unnecessary for where you’re at in your business. People recommend them so commonly in this industry because every purchase you make through their link earns them an affiliate commission.
By recommending a bunch of stuff you don’t need (even though they most often recommend it under the guise that it’s required), they’re boosting the lifetime value (LTV) of their subscriber — that’s you!

And it comes at your expense.
I don’t do that at FIMP or within this book. Are many of those tools helpful? Yes, but not until you have consistent traffic that makes them worth the investment.
If you’re spending thousands of dollars on paid advertising from the get-go, you need to invest in these tools from day one. But if you’re cash-strapped and making up for your lack of startup capital using “elbow grease,” like this book and FIMP’s video course teaches, you don’t need premium tools until at least several months from now.
So, put your wallet away and don’t write off this book or FIMP just because we’re the “odd man out” for not taking you for every dime possible.
I’m Not Going to Waste Your Time With a Flashy “About Me”
I’m not trying to dazzle or impress you.
If gurus flashing Lamborghinis while recording a sales video in a mansion they rented for the day is a prerequisite for you to trust me, you’re going to be disappointed.
I’ll talk a little bit about how I got my start online (I began this journey with nothing), why I was initially attracted to internet business, and I’ll even share a little bit about my income over the years within this book.
I’d prefer to be judged by my body of work: the success stories and testimonials created within the FIMP community, and the depth of Internet Marketing expertise I demonstrate within these pages and the 15+ hours of video training at FIMP.
If you don’t trust me because I’m not flashing rapidly-depreciating financial assets on camera, simply close this window now.
Now Go Forth and Prosper 
I sincerely appreciate you taking a few minutes to read this introduction.
You’ve now properly “set the stage” and set yourself up for success while studying the rest of the training.
Take a deep breath whenever you feel overwhelmed, be kind and forgiving to yourself as you stumble (mistakes are how we learn!), and feel free to connect with me and the rest of the FIMP community online if you need a hand along the way.
Let your suppressed, itchy fingers fly!
Not THAT one.
Oh, just click on the next lesson already.
And enjoy