FIMP Hotseat Session #2 – November 8, 2017

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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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Hotseat begins around 4:45; feel free to skip to that point in the video.

In this Hotseat Session we discussed:

  • Website analyses for &
  • What motivated me when I first got into internet marketing
  • The importance of nailing every piece of on-page SEO for every article
  • What it means when you see the same article popping up all across the industry
    • And whether or not you should be intimidated by that
  • How to find article inspiration when you feel “stuck” because the “well runs dry”
  • How to deal with personal motivation issues when you find yourself struggling to “get going”

Day-After Analysis #1 – November 2, 2017

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PLUS, get:

  • Time-tested methods to get traffic fast with NO risk of getting Google-slapped.
  • The most profitable ways to make money—and exactly how and when to monetize.
  • Access to Ian’s expertise so that you can ask him questions every time you need to.

Unlock it all by getting the tools your business needs to grow.

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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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Yesterday’s Hotseat Session was a good one with several “gold nuggets” to recap and dig into a bit deeper. In today’s analysis we’re going to recap and cover:

  • How to monetize a typically non-buying niche
  • How to handle your routine (how to maximize productivity)
  • Ideal website layout (conversion optimization)
  • Extra points on SEO (linkbuilding)
  • Other ways to promote your website (Quora & Facebook Groups)


FIMP Hotseat Session #1 Transcript Below

What’s going on, FIMP supporters?

We’ve got some pretty darn good material from yesterday, all things considered. Especially considering for the first hotseat session, it was kind of a shit show, unfortunately. Lots of technical difficulties – my internet went out (which it never does), but whatever. Nice thing is in the day-after analysis, you don’t have to deal with any of that.

We had on Juan and Darren from the group, and both conversations stuck, overall, because of where they are in their journeys – kind of really early stage; but even despite that, we got some really, really good information out of that.

That’s what we’re going to recap today. I’m going to try and go as quickly as possible to keep this as concise, but there’s a lot of good information here so it’s not like it’s going to be a short video. I’m just going to do my best to communicate efficiently and not get too long-winded, okay? But I want to make sure I deliver on this value for you.

The “golden nuggets” that kind of bubbled to the surface throughout the conversation yesterday were: how to monetize a typically non-buying niche, how to handle your routine (how to be more productive), your ideal website layout – which I really dug in there to conversion optimization and stuff that’s taken me years of testing and studying and just learning overall to come up with (which I’m going to share in detail and demonstrate today), extra points on SEO beyond the FIMP training – we dug really deep but we’re going to dig even deeper and I’m going to really share some great resources in this analysis videos, and other ways to promote your website.

It’s a lot of content but it’s some really, really, really good stuff. Some of it will be applicable to your journey right now, some of it will be applicable to your journey 6 months from now, but it’s good to have it all in mind, at the very least, because the more you can see those things coming down the road, the better you can prepare for them and just the better you’re setting yourself up for success.

I will say the number 1 (how to monetize…), number 2 – we’re going to recap pretty briefly. But number 3, 4 and 5 – we’re going to really dig in much further than we touched on in the session yesterday because that’s what this membership is all about (getting you those extra insights, that extra strategy advice, all that stuff to really equip you for success). That’s my way of saying thank you for supporting FIMP.

Let’s dig in!

How to monetize a typically non-buying niche – a non-buying audience?

My advice would be flat out don’t. You know, I’m not trying to be harsh. One asked this, it was a very valid question. He said: “hey, I’m perfectly okay with this being a 5 or 10 month long journey”. And that’s fine, that’s good. I’m glad he was in that mindset because the path he was on – that was absolutely the case. But I think there’s a better way to approach it. You don’t have to starve yourself. If you do this the correct way, it can be much less painful, I think.

I will, personally, only enter a niche if I feel like I can get it to be profitable within 12 to 18 months. In really high-competition niches, I would consider 24 months before I’m kind of breaking even. Anything outside of that, I’m not going to enter. I’m certainly not going to enter a niche where I think: “hey! 5, 10 years down the road, this might be really profitable”.

I would really like any website that I build and I do a lot of content marketing and stuff be at least somewhere in the $5,000 to $10,000 range by the end of the second year – so, by 24 months out.

I’d like it to be in the $5,000 to $10,000 range per month – which means I’m entering some pretty competitive spaces, right? Because there are some spaces that are never even going to have that kind of potential.

At the same time, I just feel like if you’re going to go into a niche expecting to become an authority with kind of that long term vision and that long term game plan, which is totally valid – websites can be really, really, really good for that to establish yourself as an authority so that you can publish books and be a speaker that kind of goes on a speaking circuit, and stuff like that. That can be incredibly lucrative, and websites are an excellent tool for that.

But I would recommend getting at least one or two profitable websites on your belt before you take that route (if that’s something you’re interested in), just because it’s going to make it so much easier on you.

You’re going to learn so much, that’s going to help you achieve success even faster with that site that you’re trying to use to prop you up as an authority in that industry. On top of that, it’s nice to not starve while you’re building these things.

In addition to everything else, it gives you money to reinvest in your future business, right? Whereas, if you’re starting it today and you’re thinking: I’m 5 to 10 years out on this timeline, it’s got a big payoff.

But if you can hire team members to help you write content and take care of some of those daily tasks, you’re going to have a higher life satisfaction and you’re going to also have a lot more time.

Above all else, you’re just going to be so much more productive if you have those resources to invest in the business. You’re just setting yourself up for success all around, in that sense.

That’s my advice there. I, personally, wouldn’t ever go into a non-buying audience where I was trying to kind of gain mass appeal within that niche. Frankly, I just wouldn’t go the route of trying to become the long term, big, go-to authority within a space – that’s not my cup of tea, right?

Personally, that’s not what internet marketing is about. Internet marketing is about building websites, and seeing pretty quick ROI, and hopefully transitioning that into passive income fairly quickly after that.

It’s a trade off. It’s definitely a valid approach, not necessarily something that I would recommend. I think most people watching this video would kind of go: “oh! 5 or 10 years? No way! I’m not in it for that.” And I’m right there with you. Just worth mentioning. Okay?

The next topic we discuss that I think is worth talking about briefly is: to set a routine, or not to set a routine?

You will find that most successful people… and you can read about tons of different very wealthy people’s routines. It’s published online. There are infographics that are really cool – show which ones are morning people, which ones are night owls. There’s a lot of variety there and some really good resources where you can look that up and kind of test those out and see what works for you.

Personally, I’m not much of a rigid routine guy but I have found as I’ve had more responsibilities in my business because I’m making more money, I’m juggling more tasks, I have somewhat settled into somewhat of a routine; but it’s kind of free form, it’s kind of in blocks. I get up, used to, I’d get straight to work and I found that that got really depressing over time because everyday I woke up I just had this sense of dread.

So, I wake up, I kind of make myself a cup of coffee, whatever. You have to test it to find out what works for you. But typically, largely speaking, you want to do your most important tasks first because (the science have proven this) that’s when your cognitive resources are most easy to draw upon.

If you leave those big tasks that are usually very dreadful, as much as it sucks, you want to get those knocked out first thing in the morning because that’s when you’re freshest, that’s when your brain is most ready to go, most capable, working the fastest, etc.

If you leave that for the end of the day, you’re either going to end up pushing it off to the next day (I’ve done that a billion times in my own internet business over the years) or you’re just going to end up doing really sloppy work for something that’s a really, really important task.

It’s referred to as “eat that frog”, right? Just get up and eat that frog. Just go for it and get it out of the way while your mind is fresh because that’s typically very, very important work, okay?

If you’re not into routines, general advice: like I just said, get up and do your most important things first and as the day goes on… you know, a lot of us have the tendency to get up and answer emails first because it’s an easy way to ease into the day.

But again, science supports that that’s actually better towards the end of the day because you can answer emails with a pretty fried out brain but you can’t write really good sales copy with a fried brain, right? Just keep those things in mind.

The other thing is at least integrate some essential practices that help your brain work optimally. There are several of them. Two that I found very helpful in my own business are meditation (I mentioned this yesterday) and regular exercise. Both things are things that people have a lot of trouble integrating and sticking with when they first get started.

One thing is: if you have some pretty conception about meditation being religiously affiliated or that it violates some religious belief, you need to revisit it. It’s scientifically proven (even on a secular level), no spirituality tied to it to really help boost happiness and productivity. Period. It just helps you corral your brain a little bit better, stay more focused, not get distracted as easily. Okay?

Again, there is firm science to prove this. Don’t write off meditation just because you think it’s some woo woo crap. It’s very, very, very beneficial, even just 10 minutes a day. There’s a really good introductory book for that called 8 Minute Meditation.

Also, exercise. I know it’s tough. Personally, I’ve struggled with a lot of depression in my life. Just having to do with the upbringing that I had and I’m genetically predisposed to it as well.

I have found that exercise helps me tremendously. And even if you’re not prone to depression (again scientifically backed), when you exercise, your brain stays more chemically balanced. You have better impulse control over your emotions, better control over your motions overall, and just much healthier general well-being. Of course, more energy and stuff like that too. But your happiness goes up a lot and you’re just more stable rather than having this ups and downs.

If you’re not exercising regularly, I highly recommend it. I don’t want to dig too much into this but if you want to get into these, there’s a really good book – all peer-reviewed scientific data. Everything in this book, I think he shares 7 rules. John Medina shares 7 rules in this book that help you optimize your brain’s productivity and functionality, etc.

Another one is if you can’t get a midafternoon nap (it’s scientifically backed), just 20 or 30 minutes. It’s a really, really good read, pretty easy read overall, and pretty skimmable. You can just pick up those points pretty easily and if you want to read more about a bunch of scientific data – that’s in there.

I highly recommend that. That’s been very helpful for me. But at the very least, if you’re not going to set a routine, do some things that are scientifically proven to help you boost your productivity because you will get a lot more out of everyday and you will be a lot happier overall – which I can’t overemphasize the importance of that as an individual business owner and as an entrepreneur: if you aren’t happy, your business suffers tremendously. So, pay attention to those things.

Ideal website layout. After I go through this side, we’re going to hop over and I’m going to demonstrate some of this. I’ll talk about it abstractly and then we’ll talk about it… I’ll show it to you on one of my own websites.

Granted, this is skipping ahead a little bit, right? If you’re just starting your website, this is not something you need to start implementing right now, but it’s a good thing to have in mind down the road.

Just as I taught in the original, the foundational FIMP training: always keep things crisp, keep them clean, keep them easy to navigate – universal rules, okay?

Don’t just plaster your website with banners (I talked about this on the webinar yesterday). People have a tendency to go on the right hand side – banner, banner, banner, banner, banner and they’re recommending like 5 or 7 or even just 3 different products and that’s actually really bad for your website. It’s horrible for conversions.

No matter what you’re doing, keep conversions as your number 1 priority. Conversion optimization should be above all else. The purpose of a website is not to look pretty. It doesn’t matter if you’re a corporate business, it doesn’t matter if you’re an affiliate marketing, eCommerce, it does not matter. The purpose of your website is to convert. End of story. Okay?

A lot of people get super caught up in design and all these graphics – none of that means anything unless your website is converting. That should be priority number 1.

This means having one, clear, consistent call-to-action throughout the entire page and typically throughout an entire section of your website. I’ll talk a little bit more about that as I show the example. That doesn’t mean you have to have one call-to-action across your entire website.

Typically when you have a lot of content on a website, it will kind of have this silos and even if all of them have the exact same call-to-action, they may be talking to different audiences; and those different audiences may have different hot buttons and different ways that they need to be funneled in to convert effectively, different emotional triggers, different buying needs, etc.

Most importantly, take home message here is keep your call-to-action consistent. Don’t have 3 or 5 banners on the right hand side. Don’t recommend: “hey, you could try this product, but you could also try this product, you could try this product, too. They’re all really good.” – that’s not good. It’s not good.

People (again scientifically proven), when given too many options, just fail to make a decision. They just decide: “This is too cognitively tasking – I’m walking away, not making any decision.” Malcolm Gladwell studied that in his book called Blink and he shares his insights there.

There’s a really good TED talk about it too… I can picture the guy… But anyways… Actually, it might be… I think it’s Malcolm Gladwell, himself, gives a talk about pasta sauces and how when faced with the decision between two pasta sauces, regular and chunky, people made decisions; when faced with the decision of like seven or eleven pasta sauces, they just went: “I’m not doing this”, and they just walked away, emotionally scarred. Same thing applies to your website. Keep those things in mind.

The best thing I found over years for testing: almost picture it like setting nets to catch fish, right? You’re going to set several different nets. A combination, they all have the same call-to-action; but a combination of in-text links, call-to-action buttons throughout the content – throughout the post, and a scrolling banner that follows the user. And I’ll talk about how to do that too.

I want to hop out really quickly and show you what this looks like in practice. You can see here, this is on and this is a survey site review.

This survey site is kind of known for sometimes screwing their users – you know, doing real fun things like that. Obviously, this is a negative review and I’m referring them to one of their competitors that, overall, is much better. They pay out more, they’re much more dependable, much more reputable, better variety, etc.

Someone coming to research a paid survey site is essentially saying: “hey, this one that I was interested in isn’t very good, I’m going to go check out this one instead.” Throughout this post, you will see in-text links to Swagbucks – the one I’m promoting. I even have this comparison tables that they can click this button. I have the scrolling banner that I mentioned. And I have these, in content, CTA buttons, these call-to-action buttons, okay?

I have tracking on each one of these links. This is my number 1 most clicked link. My number 2 most clicked link. The comparison tables are the number 3 because there’s one up top and there’s also one down towards the bottom. Number 3 are the comparison tables. Number 4 are the in-text call-to-action buttons. And number 5 is the banner on the right hand side. Okay?

It doesn’t matter which one you click. I can click this one. It takes me to Swagbucks landing page through my affiliate link. I can click this one – same thing. I can click this one. They have different tracking for each one of them so that I know which are performing the best. But each one of them goes to the exact same place, right?

I have the same consistent call-to-action, and this exact same template and formula is applied to all of my paid survey reviews – whether it’s mysurvey (which is what this one is), whether it’s VIP voice, whether it’s YouGov. These are all paid survey sites. The exact same elements are on every single page.

But, obviously, StoppingScams is not primarily a paid survey review site. I have a lot of internet marketing and affiliate marketing training reviews. I have a lot of content about how to, and lessons, and learning. And so, those have a very different funnel, right?

I’m not going to pass all those people in the paid survey, they’re not going to convert as well. I’m not going to pass the paid survey people into this kind of general make-money-online through affiliate marketing funnel because that’s a lot more effort, that’s a very different audience, okay?

So, that’s what I talked about where we talk about these silos. My calls-to-action remain consistent across those silos – the template, the elements are very similar across all of them if not pretty much exact copies. It’s highly effective.

This is something, like I said, took me so much testing over the years. I think it’s something like 25% of people that find their way to this post – 20-25% click one of these links. That’s a really big deal. If I didn’t have all of these elements, I may be getting 3% or 5% or 10%. But over time, I’ve tested all of these things.

So, when Darren asked about the ideal layout – it has to do with conversion optimization, it’s going to look a whole lot like this. It doesn’t matter if I’m on StoppingScams or if I’m on another one of my affiliate websites, I apply these elements and a scrolling banner that’s really attractive and tempting with a really good message across all of my websites.

I can’t tell you… you can write this off, you can overlook this, you can think: “that’s a small little thing.” I could double a lot of affiliate’s conversions just by applying these principles to their website, okay?

There are guys out there making 5 grand a month that could be making 10 grand, 12 grand, 15 grand a month, if they just apply these elements. Conversion optimization is huge, it’s something I was forced to get very good at, at one point in my journey because I had a huge traffic drop but I needed to figure out how to make the same amount of money from a fifth as much traffic.

Take it for what it’s worth. You can blow it off if you want, I wouldn’t recommend it because this is the kind of thing that makes you a very, very profitable internet marketer versus a guy down the road.

I just want to talk about the plugin I use to make that widget scroll. If you’re a programmer or if you know a good programmer that knows CSS (which is a programming language, stands for Cascading Style Sheet), they can do this very, very easily and it won’t be quite as buggy. This plugin can be a little bit buggy.

Whenever you’re adding a widget in WordPress, obviously, you have something that looks like this. What happens when you install the Q2W3 Fixed Widget plugin (totally free) is you get this little check box, and you just check it and you say: fixed widget. And from then on, it follows your user like this. Okay? So, just worth mentioning.

You’ll notice also that I don’t have a ton of banners around my site. I don’t have a banner up here. I don’t have 3 banners over here with completely independent calls-to-action. I have one consistent call-to-action across the board.

I’m going to stop repeating myself but take that for what it’s worth – very, very valuable advice. I can’t overemphasize that. Make lots of money, blah, blah, blah. Let’s keep going, alright?

Onto the next golden nugget from yesterday.

Recommended “extra efforts” for SEO. This was a very good question, again, by Darren. If you’re going to put more effort into SEO beyond on-page optimization that’s taught in the FIMP foundational training, you should be focusing it on links. Period. All there is to it. If you’re focusing on anything else that has to do with the SEO, it should be links.

There are people out there that are idiots, as far as I’m concerned, that say links are dead, you should stop linking, links are too risky. It’s true that they are risky. Goggle will penalize you if you do it wrong. I can’t overemphasize that. You have to be very careful, and very well-educated, and very conservative if you build links these days. But that does not mean you should stop building links.

If you’re going to focus time outside of content marketing, content creation and on-page SEO (which I emphasize a billion times in the foundational training), that’s enough. You don’t have to do this. But if you are going to invest more time in SEO, put it in the links. Be careful doing it, okay?

Don’t put it in… there are some of that will recognize this… I’m calling out a specific product and it blows my mind. Don’t emphasize getting comments on your website. It would be idiotic for Google to make it so that their algorithm was heavily dependent on something as easily gamed as comments. It just doesn’t make sense.

It’s very hard these days to game links, okay? Didn’t used to be the case. Pre-2012, it was very easy to game links. Still took some effort but it was easy. Now, they need to be relevant, they need to be high-quality, and you need to be careful about your anchor text – which we’ll talk about here.

The way I would recommend very safe, white hat ways to get links to your site are guest posts, which there’s a good resource in… I believe it’s section 7 of the foundational training that talks about guest posts – very, very good article there. The skyscraper technique by a guy named Brian Dean, who owns – we’re going to take a look at his site in a second. And also, broken link building, which is something that people have used for a long time but Brian Dean teaches really well, as well, and that he has a really good guide on his website. I’m going to show it to you here in a second. But that’s the link. Take note of that

If you’re going to do linking, that is a must read. Live and die by it because you can really get into a lot of trouble here if you don’t do it right, but if you do do it right, you will have tremendous payoff.

And just kind of a sidebar here before I keep going, if you’re sitting here and you’re going: “how much time should I invest in link building versus creating content?”

If you’re working 10 hours a week, and only 10 hours a week, you probably don’t have time for both. Focus on your content, at least until you get a really good bulk of it built up, a really good base on your website. And then maybe you alternate weeks between content creation and link building efforts. But if you’ve got 20 to 25 hours a week, I would say you can easily split your time half and half and see a really, really good payoff.

You still want to get your site somewhat established early on with probably 10 or 15 really high-quality articles, but after that, start splitting your time between link building because it can be very, very helpful – tremendously helpful, especially for SEO.

The other thing that I want to discuss, Isaac, in the group, actually asked a question after the video. He said: “hey, what about anchor text?” It’s actually a really good question because that’s one of the things you have to be most careful of when building links in this search climate.

For those of you that don’t know what anchor text is, I think I discussed it in the foundational training – but it’s the blue text that’s highlighted whenever you click the link.

A lot of the time, you’ll see like: for more information, click here. And “here” is highlighted blue, as a link. That means “here” is the anchor text. A lot of the time too, you’ll see like “make money online” as a blue link – that means that the anchor text for that link is “make money online”.

In today’s search climate, the easiest way for Google to penalize someone for intentional link building is for them to look at the link profile. It’s a very, very easy thing for them to determine and algorithmically calculate because a natural link profile does not have a whole lot of keyword anchor text. Most of their anchor texts, the vast majority of it, is going to be brand-based, or brand-oriented, or a naked URL or a domain.

Examples of that are as follows: for Stopping Scams (you know, stopping space scams), StoppingScams is one word,,, Ian P. of, Ian Pribyl – these are all non-keyword anchor texts that have to do with my brand, have to do with my business.

If you’re building intentional backlinks, that you’re deliberately doing this using guest posting, or the skyscraper technique, or broken link building, use these the vast majority of the time. If you want to be really conservative, use them all of the time. You’ll still see a lot of benefit from your SEO efforts.

Now, having keywords in your anchor text is absolutely the most potent link you can build. It’s the most valuable, the most powerful in boosting rankings; but that’s also why it’s so easy for Google to catch it because people try too hard to really get their… every link they’re building has anchor text that’s a keyword, that’s trying to boost rankings – that becomes really obvious really quickly.

I would say, don’t make any more than 5-8% – so, 1 of every 20, approximately, links that you build should have keyword anchor text. Everything else should be brand-based.

If you violate that rule, 8% would even be a little bit aggressive. If you violate that rule, you could very well get penalized. If one in every five, especially if like one in every two of the links you’re building are keyword anchor text, you’re going to get a Google penalty.

Even if you don’t get a Google penalty, you’re going to get buried in the search engines because Google’s going to algorithmically know: “yeah, this site is trying to game the search engines and they’re doing intentional link building.” You don’t want Google to know that’s what you’re doing and you definitely don’t want to come across as abusing their algorithms to try and get ranked.

Keep that in mind. Like I said, live or die by this information if you’re doing manual link building, intentional link building off-site.

I’m going to carry you over here to… actually, I don’t have… link… there it is… I didn’t have it pulled up. This is Brian Dean’s guide on link building, like I said, it’s just – incredible, incredible guide. You can’t do better than this.

He also goes into detail about the strategies that you can use to build links that are all white hat and very safe and he even talks about anchor texts. Just keep those rules in mind.

But if you’re going to do it, if you’re going to invest effort in here, Google has flat out said: “we will be dependent on links, probably for at least several more years.” So anybody that says link building is dead is just not paying attention. It’s straight from the horse’s mouth. Links still work, links are still vital for rankings.

Frankly, anybody that I have seen say otherwise is someone I just instantly… anything they say in internet marketing is now discredited because they are not paying attention to the facts. You can’t build a business in this industry if you’re not paying attention to facts.

Most of those guys have been in this industry a long time, they’re comfy, they’re sitting on their couches, and they’re just making shit up, and that they’re hoping people believe, or they’re trying to sound like an authority. I just would recommend, flat out, unfollowing those people because again, straight from the horse’s mouth.

I’m getting long winded. Trying not to do that. We’re going to move on to Other Ways to Promote Your Website.

This is the last little gold nugget we touched on yesterday (again, from Darren’s hotseat) – very, very good. These are especially helpful when you’re new and you’re trying to get initial traction and following.

One of the best ways to do it is to answer questions on Quora (I’ll go over that, in-depth, in a minute). You want to make sure in all of your answers you provide a ton of value, you really want to come across as a very credible expert. Even if they have no exposure to you, you want them to read your answer and go: “Holy crap! This person really knows what they’re talking about!”

You want to make your title on Quora, as in like your job title or whatever, credible and hopefully somewhat intriguing that if they Google it, they’re going to find you really easily.

Another thing worth mentioning is that you can add links to your answers on Quora; but I wouldn’t abuse it because, again, if you get too many links from one source, it’s going to look like you’re trying to do intentional link building. I would be careful of that.

I’m not saying that… there isn’t hardcore evidence that people are going out in there, they’re posting their link all over Quora and they’re getting penalized. I’m not saying that. I’m just saying, knowing how the search engine algorithms function these days, you’ve got to be careful and very selective about the links you’re building.

I would only add a link to a question on Quora if it was directly relevant and very helpful for the user that you’re answering the question for – like, if you had an article on your site that was exactly what they were asking about. And then, again, I would link it as a naked URL or the anchor text would be like the title of the post (something like that), or even just brand names.

I’ll show you some in-depth insight and step-by-step on how to do this on Quora and I’m also going to show you how to do posting to Facebook groups in a really effective way. That’s a great way to promote your website.

Some niches aren’t going to have as much opportunity as others on both of these, unfortunately. You may just not be able to do this for your niche. That’s a distinct possibility. But most niches are going to have the opportunity to do this.

The way you post to Facebook groups to get traction and start getting people to follow you, again, provide a ton of value. You, usually, cannot link directly to an article. Blatant self-promotion, your own videos – stuff like that are almost never allowed and can actually get you banned from a group very easily.

But if you provide a ton of value and a lot of insight, you’re going to have people check out your profile – which means you want a branded banner that tells them where to find you and where to follow you.

You’ll also get a lot of friend requests, so you may want to create another profile (which is a personal Facebook profile), but that is only for these business promotional purposes; because you’re going to have a branded banner, and you’re going to get a bunch of friend requests from people you don’t know. And if you accept those friend requests, you can market to those people; but if it’s on your personal profile, I think, (myself included) most people don’t want to just constantly promote their business to their actual friends that have no interest in whatever it is they’re talking about. If you want to create an extra personal profile, I highly recommend that, all for it.

Let’s look at how to do both of these things in real time, okay?

A good example is if I were going to promote Free Internet Marketing Project, this is actually something that I’ve wanted to do more of, I just haven’t had the time. You can see right now, I’m in the Affiliate Marketing area. These are all the questions tagged with affiliate marketing on Quora. They’re sorted by what was posted most recently. So, 11 minutes ago, 3 hours ago, 6 hours ago, 10 hours ago, blah, blah, blah.

If you were doing this, you would come here and you would just look for the ones that are followed the most, right? And the easiest way to do this is I can go: “follow”… I usually start at 10, to see if any have 10, 11, and I work my way up to 15. Not always anything in this particular thread for 15. So now I’m going to work my way backwards from 10. And what I’m doing is I’m just looking for the ones that have the most followers recently, okay?

This one says: “how can I earn money through affiliate marketing in India?” So, there’s one match for that. Let’s go follow, 4. “What do most people struggle with when being an affiliate marketer?” What was that other one? “What Shopify plugins can I promote via affiliate link?” – those are really good. “What does it take to start a passive income without an office?”

So, as I’m answering these questions, if I’m promoting FIMP, I want to know: is this person likely to be in my target audience for FIMP? “What do people struggle with when being an affiliate marketer?” – absolutely! Absolutely! This is someone at early stage that could benefit from FIMP.

“What Shopify plugins can I promote via affiliate links?” – that one’s probably a little bit further in their journey and FIMP is best for people earlier in their journey. So, probably not that one.

“How could I become a successful affiliate marketer?” – very early stage in their journey. I could definitely answer that one.

You want to answer ones that really resonate with what you’re delivering as a brand or as a company through your website, and through your products, and through your services. You really want to pay attention to who’s in your target audience versus who is not.

The nice thing about this is answering on Quora, a lot of these posts over time will get ranked. Especially while we’re looking for the popular ones, because we don’t want to spend a whole bunch of time answering things that nobody’s interested in because over time, these are less likely to get ranked.

What we’re really aiming for here is we’re kind of planting a bunch of seeds across Quora, answering with really high-quality answers that are maybe 300 words, 500 words, 700+ words that really demonstrate authority and over time we’re hoping that those get ranked highly in Google for terms that people are searching; because Quora ranks very highly across Google.

Once that happens, people are just searching. And essentially, you have a search engine ranking for your brand, and for your website, but on Quora. Over time, those will really add up if you do this for 3 months, or 6 months, or 9 months on end, as part of your promotional strategy. You’ll start to see a ton of stuff come from Quora.

An addition to that, a lot of people will find your answers when they’re researching and links you from their own websites, which further builds your website authority. This also helps a lot with SEO, even though it’s kind of indirectly.

The other thing I mentioned, you want to have an intriguing title where they can find you. When I answer on Quora, my title is “Lead Instructor @ The Free Internet Marketing Project”. I didn’t put creator, I didn’t put founder, I didn’t put anything like owner, because I didn’t want people to see and they’ll go: “oh, this guy’s probably pretty biased.” Lead Instructor sounds really, really credible and it’s also true.

And the nice thing is if they search Free Internet Marketing Project or The Free Internet Marketing Project, I basically own the first page with all of my properties for Free Internet Marketing Project because I made sure to brand my meta title for my homepage, brand my meta title for my YouTube videos, for my (which is tied to my Apple podcast).

These people are going to find me if they see and are intrigued by Lead Instructor at the Free Internet Marketing Project, which, just imagine, being on Quora, reading a really, really good answer for something that you were interested in and you go: “oh, man! I’m going to look this person up!” – it’s very likely. So, just make sure that you’re propping up high in Google for your brand name, and that it’s distinct, and that it’s easier for them to find you that way.

The next thing that I want to talk about is Facebook groups. Perfect example of this is someone that I recently started following called Matt Staton. Matt does provide a fair amount of value.

Personally, just based on my personal standards in my business, I’m not saying that Matt is putting anything out that’s super low quality. My standards for quality posts, personally, I have found to be higher than his.

So I’m in the ClickFunnels Facebook group right now and he has been very, very effective at bringing people over and he actually has a lot of advocate within the ClickFunnels group, that when some asks: “hey, who’s the go-to for affiliate marketing? Who should I study affiliate marketing from?” Matt’s name comes up all the time and people tag him, and then people find him. It’s just been incredible and it’s all from Facebook promotion.

He started Affiliate Blueprint Marketing, which we’re going to take a look at here in a second, about the same time I started Free Internet Marketing Project – except it appears that he has a lot more time to promote Affiliate Blueprint Marketing than I have to promote FIMP because I’m focusing on… in addition to helping the people at FIMP constantly, I’m focused on building my own internet businesses. So, I haven’t had as much time to promote it as I’d like. I’m hoping to train someone to do that soon.

The stuff that he puts out is not as high value and his training for Affiliate Blueprint Marketing is all about funneling people into ClickFunnels Affiliate Program. What he does is he collects people.

He does put out some valuable stuff. Without a doubt, he’s definitely offering up value – but it’s just not step-by-step training (like is in FIMP). He is leveraging ClickFunnels Affiliate Training to position himself as an authority.

He started this 30-day (I think) or maybe it’s 90-day affiliate marketing challenge where he basically recruited all these people and they kicked off: “Okay here’s the 30-day affiliate marketing challenge. Go sign up for ClickFunnels and follow their affiliate program.” That’s all it is.

I know from a screenshot he posted where he made like $840 in a day pretty soon after he kicked off his challenge, that he’s probably making about a thousand dollars a month from doing this – and that’s recurring revenue, at least, and it’ll continue to build.

So, you’re going from 0-2 moths down the road, making a thousand dollars a month that’s continuing to build and is recurring revenue, so it’ll stack on itself – not too bad. The guy knows what he’s doing and he’s very aggressively promoting through Facebook groups.

The way you do that is you come into a group, you can establish yourself over time – over the first week or two, just answering comments, being really helpful. That way, any administrator that sees you goes: “okay, this person really knows what they’re doing and they’re not just leeching off of our group.” After you establish that credibility, you can start doing posts like this.

Matt Staton says: “We are all stupid” – really, really eye-catching headline with emojis. “I’m stupid for this, I’m stupid for that, I’m stupid for that, or I can outsource.” So, it’s just like a little thought that he had and he’s putting that up as a piece of content to draw people in. But it’s clearly working because when people click his image, he’s got a branded banner (exactly what I talk about) says “Affiliate Blueprint Marketing, More Money! No Bullshit!” Right? So, really, really clear, concise call-to-action.

Over here, he says: “hey, click this link” – it takes you over to his Facebook group for Affiliate Blueprint Marketing – same thing, same tabs I have open here. He has, again, in a couple of months 2,225 members – and from what I’ve seen, it’s basically all through Facebook marketing. He’s doing this in multiple groups – in the affiliate marketing, internet marketing space.

It’s working very, very well and it can work very well in your industry as well. It’s not like you have to deliver a ton of value. I feel like I can very objectively say that… actually, I can say very matter-of-factly, even factoring out objectivity, I put a lot more time into the training at FIMP, it’s much more step-by-step, it’s a lot more original content.

He’s just posting some guides and some videos here and there about referring people into ClickFunnels and the guy is making a really good amount of money. And probably within a year, he’s going to be doing really, really well.

It’s not like you have to go way above and beyond on value like I do. He is very effective at what he does and he’s becoming very, very successful with this project as a result.

That’s all there is to Facebook marketing, right? Establish yourself in probably 3 or 5 groups. After you’ve established yourself as an authority, you can start doing posts like this. Have a branded banner where people can find you. And call-to-action, even like this, funnels them into his Facebook group.

From his Facebook group, over here, he funnels you into his website and his email list to download the ClickFunnels’ DotComSecrets book – which will put you into, if you sign up the ClickFunnels product, $97 a month. And he’s going to be commissioned about $50 a month on all of those.

I’ve kind of fallen down the rabbit hole here. Got a little bit longer winded than I wanted to, but hopefully that’s really helpful. So, those are the steps to Facebook marketing, and it’s an excellent form of promotion.

So, let’s finish up here.

I want to say thank you so much for your support. I hope that this first day-after analysis was very helpful for you. I think there’s some really, really good insight in here. I just want to say that I’m so grateful for your support.

Initially, launching Free Internet Marketing Project, finding out it really wasn’t going to be very sustainable is heart breaking. I couldn’t continue providing all of the foundational training at Free Internet Marketing Project for free without you, so I always want to make sure to overdeliver on stuff like this for those of you that are so kindly and so generously supporting.

Like I said, I want it to be a win-win. I want you to get a lot out of this too and never feel like you’re not getting anything for your money. So, hopefully you’re finding a lot of value in this.

Elite members, I’ll see you for your monthly one-on-one. If we haven’t had it yet, get on my calendar if you’re watching this.

For basic members, I’ll be seeing you around the Facebook group, I’ll be seeing you around the FIMP training, and I look forward to watching you all grow and helping you as much as I possibly can on your internet marketing journey.

Stay safe out there and I’ll talk to you guys soon!

FIMP Hotseat Session #1 – November 1, 2017

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  • Track all of your progress and easily pick up exactly where you left off
  • Get support from me and other members whenever you get stuck using our members-only Facebook group
  • Secure your spot in a followup accountability course designed to assure you’re making progress

Or simply log in if you already have one.


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PLUS, get:

  • Time-tested methods to get traffic fast with NO risk of getting Google-slapped.
  • The most profitable ways to make money—and exactly how and when to monetize.
  • Access to Ian’s expertise so that you can ask him questions every time you need to.

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(Start at around the 2:40 mark. It’s really just chitchat before that.)

In this Hotseat Session, we discussed:

  • How to monetize a typically non-buying niche.
  • Whether or not to build multiple sites at once.
  • How to manage your time and should you set a routine?
  • Is there an ideal website layout?
  • What else should a person learn about SEO?
  • Other ways to promote your website (Quora & Facebook Groups).

Our guests were FIMPers Juan Ignacio Balbi and Darren Sumner.

Introduction to FIMP Hotseat Replays & Day-After Analyses

Thanks for stopping by and checking us out! If you like what you see, make sure to create a free account so that you can:

  • Track all of your progress and easily pick up exactly where you left off
  • Get support from me and other members whenever you get stuck using our members-only Facebook group
  • Secure your spot in a followup accountability course designed to assure you’re making progress

Or simply log in if you already have one.


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PLUS, get:

  • Time-tested methods to get traffic fast with NO risk of getting Google-slapped.
  • The most profitable ways to make money—and exactly how and when to monetize.
  • Access to Ian’s expertise so that you can ask him questions every time you need to.

Unlock it all by getting the tools your business needs to grow.

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I strongly recommending watching this brief introduction FIRST to save yourself a lot of time and get the most “bang for your buck” out of this membership.


Introduction to FIMP Hotseat Replays & Day-After Analyses Transcript Below

Howdy there, FIMP supporters!

First of all, I want to say thank you so much. Obviously, your support means a ton to me. This project is a dream of mine (to be able to give this stuff away to everyone for free), and it wouldn’t be possible without you. Please know that I am highly aware of that and so, so grateful. But, I also want to be really respectful of your time here.

That’s the purpose of this section – is to give you the most “bang for your buck” as quickly as possible.

First things first. If you have not finished the foundational training (Sections 1 through 8) in the Free Internet Marketing Project, I strongly recommend you finish those before you really dig into this section; because a lot of what we talk about references that foundational training as a starting point.

As a result, you may not get as much out of this add-on training until you’ve finished that foundational training, okay? So, just to put that out there, I strongly recommend that you finish those sections before you dig in here.

The other thing is (of course this section is going to have a couple of things): it’s going to have the replays from the FIMP Hotseat Sessions (the live ones) and it’s also going to have the Day-After Analyses.

You can probably skip the Hotseat Sessions because, just by nature, they’re a little bit inefficient. They have some chitchats, they cover some basic stuff that may not be really beneficial to most people, especially of you’ve already watched sections 1 through 8.

What I do in these Day-After Analyses is I dig deep into the golden nuggets. I summarize all of the golden nuggets, everything that I think… this is actually really, really valuable information and it’s not explicitly stated in the FIMP training already.

So, I summarize all of that, I recap all of that, and I dig deeper than I did in the live session for some of those topics and show examples, and stuff like that; because there’s only so much I can do in those really quick live hotseat.

The Day-After Analyses is kind of a compressed golden nugget – it’s the way I would think about it. Like, you know, just pressing it all into one tight space and making it much quicker to digest and kind of getting straight into the meat and cutting out all of the fluff. Okay?

It’s totally up to you. You might find some beneficial points that I don’t consider golden nuggets. If you watch the entire replays, totally up to you. If you’ve got the time for it and that’s what you want to do, no problem. I’m not going to say that’s a bad thing to do because there’s going to be a value in there too.

But, I know how I like to digest content. For me, personally, I would want these Day-After Analyses so I could just dig straight in, get the really, really good stuff, go even deeper than the live conference went, and then just move on to the next one and keep building my business.

That’s what these are here for. I think that is the biggest value of this section, but use it however you want.

If you have any questions, as always, I will see you in the Facebook group. I hope you enjoy. Thank you again so much for your suport.

8.2 …What Now?

Thanks for stopping by and checking us out! If you like what you see, make sure to create a free account so that you can:

  • Track all of your progress and easily pick up exactly where you left off
  • Get support from me and other members whenever you get stuck using our members-only Facebook group
  • Secure your spot in a followup accountability course designed to assure you’re making progress

Or simply log in if you already have one.


[mepr-show if=”loggedin”][mepr-active memberships=”2338,2509″ ifallowed=”hide”]Unlock more training for growing your online income — with the business tools you’ll need in the process.
PLUS, get:

  • Time-tested methods to get traffic fast with NO risk of getting Google-slapped.
  • The most profitable ways to make money—and exactly how and when to monetize.
  • Access to Ian’s expertise so that you can ask him questions every time you need to.

Unlock it all by getting the tools your business needs to grow.

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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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Important links from this video:

In this video I discuss:

  • Who should watch this video vs. who shouldn’t
  • How to set yourself up for long-term success after you’ve finished FIMP

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).


8.2 Transcript Below

What’s going on, FIMP family?

So, you’re going through all of these training up to this point. You’ve completed hours and hours of self-development and you’ve got to be asking yourself: “What now? I’m coming to the end of the FIMP training, and now what do I do?” And that’s what this video is all about.

And I want to drive one thing home. I can’t emphasize this strongly enough, stop this video now unless you’ve finished all of the other training at FIMP, and at the very least, you have completed all of the following: you’ve picked your first niche, you’ve registered your domain, you’ve installed WordPress on your website – if you signed up with Bluehost, it’s automatically installed on your primary domain.

And ideally, these two aren’t required, but I would really like to see you at this point before watching this video. Because otherwise, it’s just going to complicate things for you a little bit too much: you’ve, at least, picked a handful of keywords, and hopefully, you’ve written at least your first 2 to 3 articles on your website.

So, those would be ideal. But at the very least: picked your niche, registered your domain, and WordPress is installed on your website.

So, I can’t overemphasize this: seriously, please stop this video. I know people jump around all of the time. I know tons of people skip Section 2 because they see mindset. And even though I say, over and over again: “watch Section 2, it’s usually helpful”, they skip it.

So, I know that there are going to be people that are hearing me now and going: “Ah, no, I can keep watching”. Stop this video. It’s just going to overcomplicate things, it’s going to make things confusing unless you have finished all of the other training and done everything that I just mentioned, okay?

Seriously, please stop this video if you haven’t finished everything that I just talked about.


If you’re still watching… Seriously. I assume we’re good. Okay.

So, if you have finished all of that, I want to give you a huge congratulations. It’s a really big deal, because only 10% of people finish the training at FIMP. Even though it’s 100% free, even though it’s really step-by-step, and it doesn’t leave a whole lot of margin for error, believe it or not, only 10% of people actually complete all of the training at FIMP.

And my main focus shifts from getting you through all of the training at FIMP, because you’re obviously a self-starter and you’re really motivated, and you’re really ambitious, and you’re taking this very seriously – which is kind of important if you actually want to succeed online.

My goal is to take you from the one in ten that finishes FIMP to the one in one hundred that actually build a profitable online business.

We’ve talked about this a lot since the beginning, that it’s very few and far between when it comes to how many people succeed online and actually build a profitable business.

So, that’s what this video is about; getting you from the one in ten that finish FIMP, to the one in one hundred that are actually going to build a long-term profitable business that lasts, alright?

And that comes down to where you’re at now versus where you need to be, to be that one in one hundred.

So, right now you have the strongest foundation you can possibly get online. I don’t say that to toot my own horn. You know, I’ve just been doing this for a very long time. I’ve seen hundreds upon hundreds, thousands of people over the years attempt to build an online business.

And what has been great about that is I’ve seen a lot of people try a lot of things, and it’s made me recognize all of the patterns that lead to success and all of the patterns that lead to failure.

And that’s what ultimately drove me to create FIMP, and put it into the world, and put it into the world for free – was because I wanted to set as many people up for success as I possibly could.

Even if you stopped here, there are so many products out there that will say: “Okay, now that you’ve finished this, you need to invest in this $500 thing, or this $1,000 thing. Because without it, there’s no way you’re going to be successful.”

And they almost lead you to believe that you need something else, that’s going to make them money, whether it’s their own product or something they’re getting commissioned on.

“You need something else if you want any chance at success” – and that’s not at all true with FIMP. If you stop right here and you didn’t invest in anything else, you have everything you need to succeed online, period.

You just have to work the system, you have to stick with it, you have to be consistent, you have to put in the work, okay? So, just stick closely to the training at FIMP, and that’s all you need. Legitimately. Okay?

But, I do want to say, the more you learn in this industry, the more you’ll succeed. One of the reasons I’ve achieved the levels of success that I’ve achieved now is because I never stop learning.

There was a point, a few years in, where I stopped, I got complacent, and my my entire internet business failed. And I vowed to never make that mistake ever again in my online business.

So, I constantly keep self-developing. And I strongly recommend, as a FIMP finisher, that you do the same. Because that’s what’s going to set you up for success, the best.

And the thing that will help you the most, the best thing you can do for your success at this stage in the journey based on where people begin to fail from here out, is to get plugged in to an active internet marketing community that’s going to help you, that you can continue self-developing and most importantly, you can feel that those people are side-by-side, you’re standing shoulder-to-shoulder with thousands of other people that are on the same journey as you.

Because this industry can get really lonely. And one of the biggest reasons people fail online is because they feel like they’re in it just by themselves and nobody else they know is going through these struggles, nobody else understands what they’re going through, all of the hard hours they’re putting in, and ultimately they just give up because they just can’t connect with other humans that are on the same journey as they are. And I, personally, gave up several times early in my journey because of that, too.

And that’s what this video is about – is getting you connected into a community where you can keep learning, you can keep growing, but most importantly, you can get connected with like-minded people that are going to be there to support you, be there to help you when you get stuck, and all kinds of other things. So that’s what we’re going to talk about here.

And what I’m about to recommend is, you know… there have been a handful of occasions in the Free Internet Marketing Project where I recommended premium tools… premium resources.

And this is one of those rare cases where I’m going to recommend something that’s actually a paid resource instead of a free resource, only because there’s no free resource out there that compares to it.

Even in the community at FIMP, and the training at FIMP, and the Facebook community for members, nothing compares to what I’m about to recommend, alright?

And you’ll see that. Fortunately, you can see that for free. I’ll explain that a little bit later.

But there are two types of people that are watching this video. There are going to be the people that have watched all of the training and you know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I would never recommend something simply for an affiliate commission.

You know, if that’s why I got into this industry… I’ve been doing this now, I’ve been on this side of the industry for 10 years. I’ve worked very hard to preserve my reputation, which is not an easy thing to do in this industry.

I could’ve made a hell of a lot more money, and I would be making a hell of a lot more money today if I just sacrificed my ethics and my morals and said: “I’m just going to recommend things for the affiliate commissions.”

So, hopefully, by this point, you know that I practice what I preach. And that I’m all about delivering value. And my number one priority is always your success, not my bank account.

And if you don’t believe me, and you’re made uncomfortable by this, just don’t buy it through me. Buy it outside of my affiliate link, which is below this video, and just cut me out. And that way you can go: “Oh, okay. Ian doesn’t care whether or not he makes a commission. He’s going to recommend it anyway.” Because that’s the case, I would greatly appreciate it if you help FIMP stay funded by purchasing through my affiliate link. But if that bothers you, then just don’t do it.

And then, there’s the other people that are going to be watching this, and no matter what I say, you think I went to all of this effort, and I spent hundreds of hours creating FIMP, and I continue to spend hundreds of hours every year maintaining the community, growing, helping people just to sell you something.

And if that’s where you’re at, there’s just not much I can do to convince you outside of what I’ve already done. I apologize, but I’m not even going to try. There’s just… I know where my heart’s at, and hopefully you know too. I’m not going to get stuck on this, I can get stuck on things. Hopefully, you belong in the first category. But at the same time, you can’t win them all.

So, the community I’m talking about, some of you may be familiar with, you may be experienced in, you may be of heard about it in the past and it’s called Wealthy Affiliate.

And it’s far from perfect. Even if you’ve heard about it in the past, I guarantee you haven’t heard the perspective I’m about to give on it. Because people like to talk about all the sunshine, and rainbows, and daisies, and all of the gumdrops, all of the great things about Wealthy Affiliate.

But there are a lot of things that aren’t great about Wealthy Affiliate. But there is no other place like it. I’ll talk about that a little bit later too. And at the end of the day, there is no place that I feel like you could get plugged into at this point that’s going to set you up for success better than Wealthy Affiliate, including the FIMP Facebook community. These guys are years, and years ahead of anyone else. And I’ll talk about that later.

But the first thing I want to talk about is the reasons that Wealthy Affiliate sucks. Just flat out. Because I don’t believe in sugarcoating things and I would want someone to be honest with me about these things on the front-end. So, that’s of course, what I’m going to do for you.

The things that I don’t like about Wealthy Affiliate are their foundational training, the stuff that you’ve just gone through at FIMP and everything you’ve learned, isn’t as thorough as I’d prefer it to be.

The training at Wealthy Affiliate probably is about 25% to 30% as thorough as FIMP’s training is. And that’s important because what you get as your foundation is going to shape your success forever.

I mean, if you stay in this industry for 10 or 15 years, the stuff you’ve developed at FIMP, wherever you’ve developed your foundational training, will determine a lot of your success along the way.

And so, of course you don’t really have to worry about that too much because you’ve gone through all of the FIMP training. So, that one’s kind of knocked out, that’s, you know, no concern there. But that’s the one of my biggest problems at Wealthy Affiliate.

And one of the reasons that I created FIMP was to give people a stronger foundation than the number 1 place for beginner internet marketers online was giving. Even they weren’t thorough enough. So that’s one of the reasons I set out to create FIMP.

Another thing, and this isn’t just something I don’t like about Wealthy Affiliate. This is something I despise about Wealthy Affiliate. It’s just the only thing I despise about Wealthy Affiliate, and I am a very vocal opponent of this. They have something called Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp, it’s abbreviated WA Bootcamp. And it’s all about… you’ve probably seen this in other programs, as well. It’s all about becoming successful by promoting their product.

This rolled out, I want to say somewhere around 3 years ago. I have disliked it since it begin. Like I said, I’ve been a very vocal opponent of it. There’s a post on about why I don’t think anyone should do Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp.

So, when you get in there, just know to avoid that. It’s something that I make sure any one I refer into Wealthy Affiliate knows to avoid. I’ll talk about it more in another video down the road. But at the end of the day, it just doesn’t set you up for success like their other path of training and community support does.

And sometimes because it’s a community filled with a lot of newer internet marketers, some pretty crazy stuff gets taught and perpetuated. Things like: Backlinks don’t work. Even when google themselves… you know, there have been engineers and analysts from Google that have come out. And year after year, there are more of them that come out and say: “Hey! Backlinks are still the number one thing that influences rankings”

So, to say backlinks don’t work, really bothers me. Because even Google is telling us that they’re going to continue to be dependent on backlinks as a number one indicator, the number one signal for rankings for years to come.

They are getting more advanced, they are things that are improving, their algorithm is factoring in more things outside of links. But links are still very important. You have to be smart about how you do it, right? We’ve talked about that some.

You don’t want to build backlinks like you used to in 2010 or 2005. But they’re still important, right? And I take issue with any community that says backlinks don’t work. Because it’s pretty clear, by any good data you look at, that backlinks are still really important.

Another thing that comes from the very top of Wealthy Affiliate that I don’t care for very much, personally, based on my experience, is that comments are one of the biggest factors for search engine optimization and search engine rankings.

You know, basically right now, I’m knocking out the top things that you will see in Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll go: “Ah, this is different than what Ian said.” So, I would just say, Ignore them. There’s a lot of good stuff there, too.

But I, personally, have never seen good data, I don’t see good data for my own websites – and I own several of them that shows that comments are one of the biggest factors for rankings.

It would also be really idiotic for Google to do that because it’s one of the easiest things to game. It’s one of the easiest things to fake. And Wealthy Affiliate actually even has like comment exchanges and stuff built into their community, just don’t waste any time with that.

So, yeah, I’m, personally, of the belief that you get traffic and you get more comments, not you get comments and you get more traffic and more rankings. So, it’s a matter of chicken before the egg. And again, I’ve done thorough research, I’ve looked for it and looked for it, and I just have not seen any convincing data that shows that comments lead the rankings, rather than rankings lead the comments, okay?

So, the good thing about all of this is that not only in this video am I here telling you avoid these things, and setting you up for success in the Wealthy Affiliate community that way, but I personally coach every one of my referrals at Wealthy Affiliate on what to avoid.

They have some really cool systems in place that allow me to do that without a whole lot of effort. And so, you’re never going to have to worry about any of those kind of potholes in Wealthy Affiliate, that if you were referred in by someone else, you would potentially fall into. Because basically, what I’m doing through Wealthy Affiliate and through this video is I’m patching those potholes so you never trip over the things that could compromise or jeopardize your success. Okay?

So, now that I’ve talked about the things that I, personally, think suck at Wealthy Affiliate, I want to tell you the reasons that I’ve been at Wealthy Affiliate for over 5 years.

I joined in October 2012. So I’ve been a Wealthy Affiliate premium member, I will continue to be a Wealthy Affiliate premium member. The guys that founded it, the co-founders, their hearts are in the right place. They’ve had opportunity, after opportunity, after opportunity to kind of shift into that really immoral side of internet marketing and do some shady stuff, and they never have.

What they have demonstrated through their training and through the way they’ve built Wealthy Affiliate over the years is that we’re very like-minded. Where I’m at… and I try very hard to be ethical and guide people without thinking about my own monetary gain, and just help people become successful. They have done that over and over again but for many more years than I have, even.

So, the reasons I’ve been a Wealthy Affiliate member for over 5 years is that there is so much training on topics that FIMP doesn’t cover yet. And I want to cover in the future, and I want to cover really in-depth, but with me working on my own internet marketing businesses, it’s a very difficult thing for me to do.

I still have every intention to, I still plan to, and I will continue to record training. But in the mean time, there’s no better place you can go to continue your education and build on that foundation that you’ve poured at FIMP than Wealthy Affiliate. There is no safer community online.

Like I said, they’ve been doing this for years. And just between their own training and all of the training that other members have posted, and other experienced internet marketers have posted, there is a massive training library at Wealthy Affiliate that FIMP just can’t touch. And they’re years ahead, and it continues to grow almost exponentially. So, it’s going to be very difficult to keep up. So, I think you’ll really love that. And that’s one of the reasons I love it.

There are also weekly live webinars by a guy that really knows his stuff. He’s a veteran internet marketer, he runs his own local SEO business, and has a lot of really noteworthy clients, and also does a lot of affiliate marketing, as well. Ans his name is Jay.

And Jay is just a brilliant internet marketer. There are very few people in this industry that are better to learn from. And literally, every single week, he does a live webinar at the end of the week. And his material is just outstanding. He’s a great teacher.

There’s just nowhere else you can go for as cheap as the monthly dues are at Wealthy Affiliate, and get access to someone live, one-on-one, like Jay at Wealthy Affiliate. And so, that’s definitely… that alone is worth the investment at Wealthy Affiliate. But there’s so much more beyond that, as well.

And some of the community’s most knowledgeable members and veteran internet marketers (myself included) regularly add training to the community. Regularly blog about things that we’re learning. But also, something that I’ll be doing a lot more of now is I’m creating video training for Wealthy Affiliate. Just putting that into the community, and of course you would have access to all of that as well in the Wealthy Affiliate community.

And so, like I said earlier too, the community engagement and support is just unbeatable. You can’t go anywhere else and find a community like Wealthy Affiliate. It’s just such a safe place, it’s monitored so closely. It’s just incredible, what they’ve created there.

You know, there were… a couple of years ago, when bootcamp really started to gain a lot of traction. A lot of people are going into it, and I, personally, from the very beginning, didn’t feel like that set people up for success very well.

And I was really upset that it was becoming as popular and as prevalent within the community as it did. And I looked around for days on end to find a place that I could refer people to that was better than Wealthy Affiliate, and a safer community overall. And I just couldn’t find it – no exaggeration, I could not find it.

And at the end of the day, I mean, I’ve kept my eye out over the years and we’ve reviewed hundreds of products as StoppingScams, and nothing else comes close to Wealthy Affiliate.

So, ultimately, what I decided was instead of stopping promoting Wealthy Affiliate altogether, was I started using their systems that they haven’t placed for me to stay connected to my referrals. And like I said, kind of patching those potholes to make sure you never fall into them. Because there just is no other place that you can end up that’s better than Wealthy Affiliate. And it takes a lot for me to say that about a product.

After all of these years, there are very few places that I have been impressed by, but there is only one place that I would give a… I would say an unqualified recommendation, but I have qualified this recommendation a lot. There’s just nowhere that I would recommend stronger than Wealthy Affiliate. You’re just not going to find a better place online to keep growing and keep plugged in to a community.

And the best thing of all is because of the systems in place, they have some incredible support tools for their members like me. I can personally guide and mentor every single one of my referrals into Wealthy Affiliate. And that’s really special for me. It allows me to have a much more one-on-one relationship and keep tabs on your journey a lot easier. And there’s just no way I can do that using something like a Facebook group, because Facebook does not have the tools built-in to help make that efficient like Wealthy Affiliate does.

And so, one of the nice things about Wealthy Affiliate, especially now that you’ve finished FIMP and I know you’re serious about this journey, is we can connect on more of a one-on-one level. And whenever you can’t find what you need at Wealthy Affiliate, or you post a question and nobody answers or gives the answer that you were looking for, you can always reach out to me, individually.

I know that early in FIMP I talked about how you need to be very independent and don’t be you know, pinging me for every single question. You have there a lot of things that you can Google.

And you know, the nice thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that they have systems in place that allow me to have that one-on-one relationship, without it being super time-consuming.

So, you know, that basically takes us down to… I know this is getting a little bit long-winded, but it’s something I’m really passionate about. And again, it’s something that in order for you to go in and have success, you have to go about it a very specific way.

So, I apologize for taking up so much time for this video. But at the end of the day, this is what I truly believe sets you up for success best, so I didn’t want to just make a quick 5-minute video and move on.

So, if all of this sounds good to you and you’re interested in checking it out, you can check it out for free. They have something called a “Starter” account. And if you want to do it through my affiliate link and support FIMP and also, you know, get access to the resources that my referrals get… unfortunately, the only way my referrals get that information is if they’re tagged as one of my referrals because it’s built into Wealthy Affiliate’s system.

This is the link you would use: it’s (all one word, all lowercase). And you can check it out for free. I don’t get commissioned if you check it out for free. This is an affiliate link. It does keep FIMP funded, but only if you upgrade to premium, Ultimately, because you decide it’s good fit for you and where you’re at on your journey.

So, after you create a free account, fill-out your profile just really briefly. You don’t have to do anything super fancy, but upload an image and post your description about yourself, introduce yourself to the community.

And please stop by my profile (you can skip this one step, if you want to). I would love to know that you made it. I would love to know that you went through FIMP, and then you decided: “Okay, I’m going to keep growing, I’m going to keep developing, I’m really serious about this. So, Ian, I ended up at Wealthy Affiliate.”

So, please stop by my profile and just say hi. Just introduce yourself really quickly if we haven’t already connected. And if we have already connected, just let me know you made into Wealthy Affiliate. Because that’s really special for me, to know that a community that I’ve been a member of, and I’m so passionate about – someone from FIMP made it in there, as well.

So, my profile is “Pribs” (P-R-I-B-S), and you can just search that on their platform and you’ll find my profile, and stop by and introduce yourself.

And then, you know, the best part of Wealthy Affiliate, just start interacting with the community. They have a live chat feature, they have the ability to post questions, and you can do a lot of that for the first several days that you’re a free member. If you decide to upgrade, you get unlimited access to the community, and posting in the community, and stuff. But you at least get a taste of it, early on.

And one thing I do want to mention is, you know, in the free starter account at Wealthy Affiliate, you do get access to some training. At the free level, it’s lower level than what you’ve already gotten at FIMP – which is great. It speaks volume as to what we’re doing at FIMP. But at the same time, just know that that is not representative of the plethora of training that becomes available to you after you upgraded to premium.

They have several levels of what’s called “Online Entrepreneur Certification”, I’ll talk about that here in a minute. They have 5 levels and they’re continuing to add to them. You would pick up at level 3 – is where FIMP has left off.

So, you only get access to level 1, as a free member. So that’s not going to be very representative, or very helpful for you if you’ve already completed FIMP, just know that.

And know that if you do like the community, and you like what they’re doing at Wealthy Affiliate, and you decide to invest in their premium membership, which is $19 your first month and $49 every month thereafter. There are some discounts for an annual membership too. But if you decide to do that, you’ll get access to the premium training, as well; which is where you would continue learning, continue growing, and continue developing.

So, the other thing is, I mentioned some of the systems at Wealthy Affiliate has in place for me to stay in touch with you, and keep tabs on you, and guide you, check in on you, et cetera. One of those things is automated messages that I get to post to your profile at Wealthy Affiliate. So keep an eye on your profile for those, again, full disclosure automated messages from me that I’ve put in place.

But, if you ever get stuck, or you look at one of the questions I asked in one of those automated messages and you go: “No, I do really need help with this”, reply to it because I personally receive every single one of those, and I personally respond to every single one of those.

So, although I have some automated messages set up at Wealthy Affiliate, it’s one of the things that enables me to have that more one-on-one coach/mentor relationship with the people that I refer over to Wealthy Affiliate.

So, keep an eye on your profile and on your inbox, if you decide to upgrade to premium. Because I am always just one reply away from my referrals at Wealthy Affiliate, if you decide you need a little bit of help.

So, I just mentioned this too, if you decide to invest in a premium membership and you get access to the premium training, pick up where we left off in the Online Entrepreneur Certification level 3. And I’ll post a link to that below this video as well, so you can just click directly over. But again, you won’t be able to access it until you have a premium account. It’s not accessible through the free starter account. Alright?

So, I want to knock out, before we tie off here, just a couple of questions that are probably on a lot of your minds. And I know, if you don’t have them on your mind right now, they’re going to come up. I’ll just blow through these really quick.

One of them is: Do I need Bluehost or external hosting since Wealthy Affiliate premium includes hosting?

The answer is absolutely yes. In my personal opinion, Wealthy Affiliate has a lot of cool features built into their hosting platform, they also have some limitations. But at the end of the day, if you build your website there, you get trapped into, essentially, $49 a month hosting. If you ever want to cancel your account, and then you have to go through the hassle of transferring your websites out of Wealthy Affiliate to an external host.

So, it’s cheap enough, that from the very beginning, I just recommend hosting externally. That way, when you do decide that you want to leave Wealthy Affiliate, whether it’s a month down the road, or 3 months down the road, or 8 months down the road, not everyone’s going to become a Wealthy Affiliate member for over 5 years, like I have been, you can continue to have access to your websites and not lose access to them because you cancel your Wealthy Affiliate membership.

Another thing that people ask a lot is: Should I use Jaaxy (which is Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool) or LongTail Pro (which I teach as the premium keyword tool in FIMP)?

If you’ve invested in LongTail Pro, absolutely, hands down, use it over Jaaxy. The data is better, the competition data is more reliable, the keyword search volume is more reliable, it’s just all around much better, more reliable tool.

But if you can’t afford LongTail Pro, Wealthy Affiliate’s free version of Jaaxy is better than nothing. They’ve got a really cool engine built into that that’s very good for suggesting keywords. But just make sure that you still use the free tools taught at FIMP. I believe that’s video 5.5, The Free Keyword Planner, Google Keyword Planner, and the Moz bar to check competition. Just double-check the keywords you’re finding in Jaaxy, still. Because the data just isn’t as reliable as I would prefer it to be.

I know they’re constantly improving that, too. But as of right now, as I record this video, just continue to set yourself up for success, as well as possible, using the tools taught at FIMP, as well. But Jaaxy can help a lot if you don’t have the money to afford a premium keyword tool.

And, you know, one of the biggest questions I see coming up at this point is… okay, you’ve taught me a ton at FIMP and you’re going to see some overlap at Wealthy Affiliate and you’re going to go: “Well, how the hell do I actually get the most out of my membership at Wealthy Affiliate?”

Pick up where FIMP left off at the Online Entrepreneur Certification level 3, if you decide to upgrade to premium. Get plugged in to the Wealthy Affiliate community because it is just an outstanding community.

One of the best ways to learn is to teach. I have found that over and over again in everything I’ve done in my life. And you will have plenty of opportunities to help other people and teach.

Obviously, you don’t want to get too caught up in that because it takes time away from your business, and that should be your main focus. But at the end of the day, the more you teach other people in the Wealthy Affiliate community because you have gotten a better foundation than they have at Wealthy Affiliate, the better that’s going to solidify and make more concrete your own understanding of internet business and set you up for long term success.

So, get plugged in to the community, ask questions when you have them yourself, help other people when you have answers to their questions, as long as it’s not taking too much time away from your business. And you’re going to love that. That community is just outstanding, and it is unmatched, unparalleled across the rest of the internet marketing world.

Attend the live weekly webinars by Jay. There are always replays too, if you can’t attend live. Check those out because he’s one of the most knowledgeable members in Wealthy Affiliate.

And drop me a message if you’re ever stuck anywhere. Again, this is one of the biggest advantages to having a Wealthy Affiliate membership is that they have the systems and tools in place for me to have that more one-on-one relationship.

And also, the nice thing is, by this point, especially in this video if you’re still watching, a lot of people have been weeded out throughout the FIMP training. So, it kind of, separates, to live this to the very end, it separates the people that are serious about their success and those that aren’t.

So, I don’t get overwhelmed by this huge support burden by a lot of people that aren’t ever going to take this very seriously. I know you’re serious, I know you’re ambitious, I know you’re committed to this journey, so I want us to have that one-on-one relationship. And the best way for that to happen is through Wealthy Affiliate’s platform. Thanks to the tools and support features that they built in, that I have access to.

So, if you get stuck anywhere, if you can’t get the help you need from the community, drop me a messages, post to my profile, whatever, get in touch with me so that I can help you personally. Alright?

So, I know it’s been a long video. Thanks for hanging in there with me through it all. I guess it’s fitting that we finished again. This is such an important video. Where you go from here will determine so much about your success online.

And I just want to congratulate you for finishing FIMP. That is such a huge accomplishment. And I don’t want to undermine that by just going: “Hey! Alright, you’re done! Now here’s another assignment.”

But at the end of the day, the best thing for you, and the best thing for your success is to get plugged in to a community and keep learning, and keep growing, and don’t become complacent or stagnant. And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the best way to keep you moving forward is to stay in touch with, more of, a one-on-one relationship through Wealthy Affiliate.

So, I hope you’ve enjoyed this video. I hope you’ve enjoyed all of the FIMP training. I have no doubt that you will enjoy the Wealthy Affiliate community, if you decide to get plugged in.

So, if you want to do it in a way that supports FIMP, please click the button below this video, or the link below this video.

If you’re uncomfortable with me making a commission if you upgrade to premium, just go ahead and head straight over to Wealthy Affiliate. But I would greatly appreciate your support for what I’m trying to do at Free Internet Marketing Project if you would create an account through my Wealthy Affiliate link, posted below this video.

And I look forward to seeing you there. I look forward to, hopefully, continuing to see you around the FIMP Facebook community, as well. And most importantly, I look forward to seeing where you end up several months or several years down the road.

And, hopefully, we get you to that one in one hundred that not only finish FIMP, but built a successful, profitable, long-term internet business that helped you change your life.

So, thank you all so much for sticking with me through this long, long, long video. And for completing the FIMP training. I truly hope it helps you change your life.

I’ll be around if you need me. Take care. And I hope to talk to you soon.

8.1 When and How to Monetize Your Content

Thanks for stopping by and checking us out! If you like what you see, make sure to create a free account so that you can:

  • Track all of your progress and easily pick up exactly where you left off
  • Get support from me and other members whenever you get stuck using our members-only Facebook group
  • Secure your spot in a followup accountability course designed to assure you’re making progress

Or simply log in if you already have one.


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PLUS, get:

  • Time-tested methods to get traffic fast with NO risk of getting Google-slapped.
  • The most profitable ways to make money—and exactly how and when to monetize.
  • Access to Ian’s expertise so that you can ask him questions every time you need to.

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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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Helpful links from this video:

In this video I discuss:

  • How many daily visitors you should be receiving before you start worrying about how to monetize your content
  • How to monetize your content using physical products
  • How you should start with physical products and work your way up
  • How to monetize your content using CPA marketing
  • How to monetize your content using digital products
  • When to move from CPA marketing to creating your own digital products
  • Why this is so important and how big of a difference it can make in your bottom line/revenue

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).


8.1 Transcript Below

What’s going on, beautiful people?

Time for another lesson. Another section. This section’s going to be pretty brief overall, at least as I have it planned for now.

And the main thing that I want to talk about in this section is when and how to monetize your content. So this will be a fairly long lesson compared to a lot of the ones we’ve done recently.

But it’s a very, very important thing to address. Because just like people try to get the website design perfect from the very beginning and they play with all the colors, they’re trying to get all their widgets perfect, and, they’re just tweaking all these things that don’t really matter until you get traffic; monetization is the exact same thing. It falls under the same category.

It’s not going to do you any good to worry about all those little details and how finally integrated your affiliate links are. Or how well you’re monetizing or you’re optimizing for opt-ins to your e-mail list. None of that’s really going to matter until you get traffic anyways.

So I want to talk about when to start monetizing your content exactly. And how you might consider monetizing your content once you break that threshold, okay?

So, if you stick things out until you’re getting traffic, that’s really when it’s time to start worrying about monetization. So typically, this is, at least, a few months in. I’ll talk about some exceptions there.

But once you get traffic, it’s time to start making money, right? Once you’re getting consistent traffic, it’s time to start making money. And the way you do that is by monetizing your content.

You will notice that in my article that I created in this section about creating high-quality content, there were no affiliate links, there were no calls-to-action yet. And it’s just flat out… in my experience, it’s not worth spending the time on until you start seeing which of your posts are getting the most traffic, which of your posts are getting the most engagement. And then, you worry about monetizing those posts.

Because I could spend at least a couple three, four hours hunting down affiliate offers or trying to figure out how I’m going to monetize the traffic for that one article. And on top of that, I could spend all kinds of time, as much as dozens of hours, coming up with a lead magnet to get people to opt-in to my list. And none of it means anything until I get traffic anyways.

And another thing you’ll find is – as you work on these dozens of articles over the coming months, you have no idea which ones are going to gain traction first.

So, you could spend two hours optimizing each one of those articles for monetization and getting people to click through your affiliate links, buy things through your affiliate links.

And the ones that you least expect, could be the ones that get the most traffic because they’re the ones that get rankings first.

So, you can spend all kinds of time. Just frankly, in the early stage is wasted, that could go towards traffic-producing activities, worrying about monetization. But I wouldn’t really suggest that. I wouldn’t recommend that.

I would recommend focusing on content, content, content and some promotion. Focusing on everything we’ve talked about up until this point. And once you start to see that tipping point, where your traffic is catching, that’s when you should worry about monetization. Because before you get traffic, it’s just not going to mean anything.

You may lose out on a few dollars over the first few months. But, you know, if you lose out on a couple of hundred dollars over the first 8 or 12 months versus being highly productive and putting out more content and focusing on the things that matter at that stage of your business, I think it’s a pretty fair trade-off.

Because your going to see a lot better results once you start to hit that tipping point if you just focus on the things that matter in those early stages. And that is traffic-producing activities – which are content creation, on-page SEO, picking good keywords and other forms of promotion that we discussed in the last section.

I would say, once your consistently getting about 75-100 visitors… ah, I say that per month, that’s actually supposed to be per day. I’m actually going to correct that because that’s a pretty, pretty big one. Sorry about that. It’s important that that’s in there correctly.

So, once you’re consistently getting 75-100 visitors per day, is when I would start worrying about a monetization. I often don’t even worry about it until I’m getting a couple of hundred visitors per day, it’s just a matter of taste. And I can understand if you’re antsy and you want to get making money as quickly as possible after you’re getting traffic.

And it’s warranted, I’d say, once you get to 75-100 visitors per day. You’re not going to be making anywhere near a full-time income in most niches with only 75-100 visitors per day, but it warrants the time and effort to start worrying about content optimization and monetization. Okay?

So, next bullet point I guess. So, you’re going to have several options and I’m going to go through each one of these, one-by-one.

You have advertising as an option. You have CPA marketing – which is Cost Per Acquisition marketing – and it’s one of the many areas of affiliate marketing that you can participate in. Physical products that you own or dropshipping, and digital products that you own. We’re going to take a look at each one of these in this video.

So, we’ve discussed these, somewhat, a long time ago in one of the first sections. We talked about different ways to monetize content and we talked about each one of these when we discussed reverse math. If you can remember that far back, because it’s probably a ways back, depending on how quickly you’ve covered these lessons.

But advertising is going to be one of the most straightforward and easy things to implement. Especially if you’re going to Google Adsense route. You basically just copy a code from Google Adsense, you paste it on your website and it starts populating ads automatically. And you get paid based on how many times people click those ads on your website.

But as I discussed when we visited this topic the first time, advertising doesn’t make a lot of sense unless you’re getting a ton of traffic. I’m taking about hundreds of thousands, if not millions of visitors a month. And the vast majority of websites just never make it to that point of traffic. And even if they did, unless it’s just in a non-buying audience or it’s just this really weird traffic that isn’t super valuable any other way, advertising is going to be one of the least effective ways to monetize your content.

Because odds are that you could integrate CPA marketing intelligently or your own physical products or your own digital products in a way that you would make a lot more money than advertising is going to produce. Because really, advertising just produces pennies per thousands of visitors. And at the end of the day, that’s just not a level of traffic most people are going to hit to make this make sense.

And as I mentioned, for the vast majority of websites, what this is actually going to do is it’s going to distract from the things that actually make you money.

So what a lot of people do is they integrate maybe their own product and they integrate their own lead magnet – which is opt-in to my e-mail list, get these free things so that you can start pitching them in a sales funnel. And then they, you know… add advertising and they’ve got all of these different CPA offers, their own offers, lead magnet, advertising. And it just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, because what you’re actually doing is dwindling your conversion optimization.

We know based on study, after study, after study in the conversion optimization industry that every time you stack something else onto your page – whether it’s a banner, whether it’s an ad, whether it’s an in-text link – if those things aren’t congruent with one another, if they’re not all part of the same sales funnel on that page, what you’re doing is you’re pulling someone in multiple different directions.

And there have even been psychological studies that show: when you give people too many options, they just don’t make a decision. That’s something that Malcolm Gladwell discusses in his book, Blink. And it’s proven hard science, it’s just how we react as humans.

So the best practice for conversion optimization is to keep people on one straight funnel and kind of pitch them one offer at a time.

Which is why if you see any of my websites, you’ll notice that I have a consistent funnel across all sections of a website. Maybe I have multiple different niches on the same website because it’s really established authority website, but you know… for example: on StoppingScams internet marketing stuff stays internet marketing stuff, survey stuff stays survey stuff.

I don’t pitch survey people on the internet marketing stuff. I don’t pitch internet marketing subscribers, that are looking for ways to make money online, survey offers and ways to make money taking surveys online. I don’t pitch either of those markets anything having to do with MLM or network marketing, because it hurts conversion rates when you do so.

And so, whenever you put ads on a website unnecessarily, maybe you’re making a few extra pennies per day. But what you’re actually doing is really dropping your conversion rate for other offers that could make you more money.

So, for the vast majority of people, advertising just isn’t going to make sense. It’s super easy, yes. It makes you a little bit of money. You know, literally, pocket change. But it’s just not going to make sense for the vast majority of people. Unless you’re getting hundreds of thousands or millions of visitors a month.

The next thing that I would like to discuss is CPA Marketing. And in Cost Per Acquisition Marketing, under that umbrella, you have pay-per-sale, pay-per-free-trial giveaway, pay-per-lead… just all kinds of offers that kind of exist under that umbrella.

And there are tons of different CPA networks that have all kinds of offers that you can look for and compare and shop.

The most important thing about CPA marketing, about anything, when you’re talking about monetization is to remember to integrate offers that are actually valuable to your audience.

If you’re writing a piece of content about a specific topic and about how to solve a pain point or answer their question, don’t just pitch the thing that’s going to make you the most money. Because that’s going to significantly, again, decrease your conversion rates.

What you want to do is you want to pitch things that are actually valuable and helpful to them. And not only are you going to make commissions that way, but you’re going to forge a relationship that you can continue to monetize, as time goes on. And get your lifetime value (which is abbreviated LTV) up and up and up with that subscriber as long as you never burn that bridge.

The first time you recommend something that’s not useful to them, and you’re just recommending it because it’s going to make you a good chunk of money, you’re very likely to burn that relationship and never be able to make money off of that subscriber or that website visitor ever again. And on top of that, most of them won’t even convert because it’s not something that’s truly valuable to them.

So remember that when you’re integrating CPA offers and, again, anything else for monetization on your website, you want to continue building that relationship. You want to continue adding value. You don’t just want to throw out there whatever is going to make you the most money.

If something’s going to make you $10 and it’s relevant. Or something’s going to make you $100 and it’s kind of a stretch, it’s a little bit relevant. Maybe I can get people to convert. Pitch the thing that’s going to make you $10, because you’re going to convert more people and probably make up the vast majority of that difference, if not significantly more by converting more people than the $100 offer that’s only slightly relevant with convert. I hope that makes sense.

It’s best to integrate CPA offers through, in my experience… through in-text links and kind of buttons throughout the content.

So if you’re talking about something and someone’s reading, reading, reading… in my experience, you convert much higher if you kind of integrate your affiliate links in the content as text. Because they’re reading the article and, again, it’s value to them, it’s relevant to what you’re talking about.

If it makes sense to do so, those are some of the best converting links that I have. And some of the best paying affiliate links that I’ve had on any of my websites over the past 10 years.

It converts much better, typically speaking, than banners. Especially if you have multiple banners for different products down the right-hand side of your website, or at the top of your website, or in your content. Those banners just don’t work remotely as well as in-text links and buttons with really strong calls-to-action that tie in contextually to whatever you’re talking about.

So, if you’ve just made a reference to something in your content and you hit a point where it makes sense to add a button – a call-to-action button right there – you know, loop it in to whatever you’re talking about in the content. And try to create a compelling call-to-action, that not only ties in to the content, but also is really enticing to your audience.

And whenever you’re linking through affiliate links, you are legally required to make sure it’s really obvious. You know, the FTC implemented that a long time a go. A lot of people implement this by just kind of trying to bury it in their terms and conditions, and that is not the blatant label that the FTC requires – this is for U.S.-based companies. But other countries also have their own requirements, you need to familiarize yourself with them if you’re getting into affiliate marketing.

But it’s also a good way to forge that trust and that relationship. And typically, what I’m going to do, because I am promoting things that are of value to my audience. I just make it really clear: “Hey! This is an affiliate link and this is how we stay funded. These commissions are what keep us going. They’re what keep us doing this, so please support us by purchasing through our affiliate link.”

And because I am pitching things of value, I’m not just trying to take them for every dime they’re worth. It’s a highly compelling way to increase your conversions and get people supporting you.

Because there’s no reason for them not to support you and purchase through your affiliate link if you’ve really gone out of your way to create a high-quality content that helps them. It’s just a click of a button, they’re going to pay the same amount either way. So they might as well just buy through you.

So, again, Conversion Optimization 101, it’s usually best to push one offer rather than spread your visitor’s attention across several different offers.

And you can find a lot of CPA offers, pretty much no matter what your niche is, through sites like OfferVault or If you want to read reviews from really established affiliates on which CPA networks are the best, there’s AffPaying – A F F… and I can’t remember if there’s a hyphen or not… A F F – Paying. And if there’s no hyphen, it’s just AffPaying, one word… P A Y I N G. AffPaying. Just google it. I can’t remember if it’s a .net or .com.

But they’re the go-to resource for if you’re looking to apply for a CPA network. Kind of… and read reviews on CPA networks, whether they stiff their people on commissions, how helpful their affiliate managers are, how great their selection on offers, and how great their pay-outs compare to other CPA networks. That’s a really, really good resource.

And one of the reasons you want to wait until you’re getting, at least, 75-100 visitors per day, especially when you’re talking CPA marketing, is because any reputable CPA network is going to want to see you have existing traffic.

You know, it’s really hard to get approved for any good CPA network if you’re just getting started. You know, you can get approved for Amazon but their commissions are pretty low compared to a lot of those CPA networks that have pay-per-free-trial giveaways, pay-per-lead, pay-per-email submit, all kinds of stuff like that.

So, that’s just another reason to wait until you’re getting to the point that you’re getting 75-100 visitors per day. Because you’re just not going to get approved by most reputable CPA networks otherwise. And for a lot of them, that even may not be enough traffic.

But if you pick up the phone and you call a lot of those CPA networks and you get in touch with an affiliate manager, you can get approved, a lot of the time, even for a brand new website. If you call them, you talk to them, you prove that you’re trustworthy and you prove that you know what you’re talking about, a lot of the times those guys will approve you just because you went to that extra effort. So keep that in mind as well.

But hopefully, somewhere down the road, I’ll be able to create a more extensive lesson about how to apply for affiliate networks and get approved even if your traffic numbers aren’t as high as they may usually like to see.

Okay. Physical products that you own or dropshipping – this is something I started doing a lot of in my business in the last year. And it’s been really, really helpful to diversify my streams of revenue.

If you go this route, you’re likely going to start off with dropshipping and expands into managing your own inventory, sourcing your own products, or even possibly manufacturing your own products as volume increases. Because, again, 75-100 visitors per day, you’re probably not going to get a massive amount of conversions.

You may be lucky to get 1 or 2 sales per day, pushing physical products, unless it’s just a really, really targeted piece of content – which that does happen, where you would get 5-10% conversion rates compared to in the industry standard of 0.5% or 1%. But anyway around it, you’re probably going to start off with dropshipping.

And for those of you who don’t know what dropshipping is, I apologize. It’s where you never manage inventory, you just receive the order from a customer, you pass that information along to a supplier somewhere else and they ship directly to your customer. You never touch the inventory.

And typically, you’re probably going to be marking up your products at least 2 or 3 times. So maybe someone pays you $20, you buy it from someone else for $5 and they ship it directly to your customer. And now you’ve made $15 profit. So, that’s a pretty cool way to make money if you know what you’re doing. – a lot of products source from China there – is kind of the go-to for cheap products. And you just want to make sure you pay attention to the reviews when you’re sourcing products from there, and how many purchases that product has, and how many purchases that supplier has, when you’re looking on AliExpress.

Because if you’re not ordering the product yourself and verifying quality first, which is the ideal thing to do, you at least want to make sure that it has a lot of reviews, a lot of purchases and a lot of happy customers. Otherwise, you’re really likely to get something shipped to your customer that’s a total piece of crap. And that’s going to hurt your reputation and your relationship with your subscriber, again, and probably burn a bridge that you can never make money off of them again. So be careful with that.

And I actually discussed this extensively – how to evaluate products, how to source products, how to even automate the process whenever you receive an order… just kind of one-click their software, that will go in and fill-out all the customer information – their name, their address – and pass that, all of that, onto your supplier that you’re using to dropship to the customer. Rather than you having to do all of that manually, which is a pretty big pain in the butt.

So, I go through all of that in the article on the screen right now. It is a very, very, very extensive lesson. One of the most extensive on And I think you’ll find it’s very helpful and very high-quality.

So, if this is something you’re interested in doing and you want to start with dropshipping, once you get to 75-100 visitors per day and it starts making sense to integrate some of these things to your content, that is a very, very, very good article for you to check out. I think you’ll find it really insightful.

So, it’s based on experiences in my own business where I got a dropshipping site, up to a little over a hundred thousand dollars of revenue per month.

So, yeah, it’s not to be overlooked. It’s not like I’m some chump that’s just speculating at these things. Whether you believe me or not, that’s up to you.

But it was an adventure, for sure. And it’s something that I’ve really enjoyed, again, expanding as an extra stream of revenue in my business. Because I come from SEO, I come from affiliate marketing. So to get into the kind of the e-commerce world and crack dropshipping – which I always frankly thought was kind of a myth that product publishers kind of made up, was really, really fun and adventurous.

So, all of my experiences are documented, and everything I learned are documented in that article. So, I highly, highly recommend it.

In time, once you’re getting to the point that you’re consistently selling, you know, 100, or 200, or 300 of the same item through your site, you might consider either going directly to the manufacturer. Because most of those suppliers on AliExpress aren’t the manufacturers, they’re just middlemen that buy in bulk.

So they’ll go and they’ll buy from the actual manufacturer. They’ll mark it up, and it’s still super cheap for us in a way that we can mark it up to our consumers. But they’re probably marking it up 1-2 times, at least, themselves.

So, you can kind of cut the middlemen out, go directly to the supplier or start manufacturing yourself and ordering bulk inventory – where you’re buying 500 or 1,000 of these units at once. And fulfilling yourself from your own home or office. Or also there’s the ability to partner with a… oh, I’m having a brain fart… fulfillment facility.

So, you can kind of ship all of your inventory there. Amazon does this too. But there are a lot of companies out there that, you know, you’ll pay a dollar per product, per order that comes through. And they will ship it to your customer.

So technically, you’re still kind of dropshipping even though you’re buying inventory in bulk.

And again, this is something that I’d really like to dig into, really in-depth, down the road. But for now, just know that this is an option and you’re probably going to start off testing the waters with dropshipping. Because it’s really high-risk to buy a thousand units of something, even if it’s only $5 per unit. You’re still paying $5,000 out of pocket before you even know how well it’s going to sell.

So it’s kind of the equivalent of, you know… I’ll talk about digital products here in a second. But typically, you don’t start off just releasing your own digital product. You kind of test the waters with a similar affiliate offer. Some kind of CPA offer first. And then once you see it’s established, you start getting a lot of traffic and you perfect your funnel, then you spend the time to create your own digital product.

And the same is kind of true with physical products. You want to kind of test the waters with dropshipping. That minimizes your risk and minimizes your investment. And then as time goes on, you start supplying, sourcing from your own manufacturer or manufacturing items yourself.

So yeah, I think this is… I don’t think… I know this is one of the most often overlooked ways to monetize a website. People will create a website on brewing… you know, brewing beer or something like that… and they’ll try to monetize it by creating a digital product or by affiliating with certain other info products. The thing that makes the most sense there is if you’ve got the traffic to manufacture or source your own brewing supplies from China. Because they’re super cheap and just dropship them directly to your customer.

Once you get enough going, start building your own brand and start shipping your own branded products. Because when you’re buying in bulk and you’re buying, you know, 500 or 1,000 units at once or manufacturing your own products, they’re going to have your own brand on them, and your own custom packaging and stuff like that. And that’s where you can really get into something that’s incredibly valuable.

And even potentially down the road, a sellable asset that you could sell to someone from 10 to 20 times, even up to 35, 40 times your monthly revenue.

So yeah, worth noting. Just kind of getting off-track there.

But this is, I think, one of the best ways to build a really, really, really big business in internet marketing that most people just aren’t even looking at.

So, again, I hope to get into it more in-depth down the road and kind of create it’s own section. But probably, it would ultimately be at least 2 or 3 sections to really do this topic justice. But know it’s an option. On a high-level, those are kind of the steps you go through. Check out that article I linked.

I just mentioned this, I kind of spoiled it, Digital Products that you own. This is going to be one of the most time-consuming things to do, if you want to do it with any degree of quality. I can tell you right now.

Of course you know I’ve spent several weeks just putting together these first few sections for Free Internet Marketing Project. It is not an easy thing to do. It is very time-consuming, very tasking. And if you want to put out any degree of quality, there is so much you have to learn, and so much time you have to dedicate to it to do it well.

So, if you’re going to go this route, I recommend at least getting to 200-300 visitors per day. And monetizing through CPA marketing until you’re getting to that point. And even two or three-hundred dollars a day is kind of… what?! My brain has gone out the window again.

Even when you get to the point that you’re getting 200-300 visitors per day, it makes a lot of sense to wait longer, in most cases. Because, again, if you release your own digital product and you’re getting a 1% conversion rate, you’re still only getting 2 or 3 sales per day. And it’s just so much time and effort. I mean, to put together a really good digital product is probably going to take you at least a few weeks of full time work. So just keep that in mind.

You can continue promoting CPA offers until you get to the point taht you can really dedicate the time to doing that well. Because again, your reputation is on the line here, your brand is on the line here.

If people buy something from you, and they’ve been your follower for a long time, and it’s not the quality that they’ve come to expect from you, they will never come back to your website. They will unsubscribe from your e-mail list and they will disappear into the dark, okay?

And if you continue fostering a really strong relationship there, and growing your relationship with customer, increasing your credibility in their eyes – that relationship can last, in theory, forever. For years, and years, and years. So just keep that in mind. Always have the long-term play in mind. Don’t just burn your readers and your subscribers for a quick commission.

So, you know, once you’re getting at least 200-300 visitors per day, I would probably say more along the lines of at least 700-1,000 visitors per day, it’s probably time to start considering your own digital product if you’ve kind of tested the waters with CPA marketing and seen what your market is really interested in, what your audience is really interested in.

And you have a really good idea about at least starting market research, where you can e-mail your subscribers and see what their biggest concerns are, what their biggest struggles are, and start to build your product around those.

So, whether that’s an e-book, a video course, or something else – there’s so much potential there. You know, audio tracks, video stock footage, photography stock… by the way, to say that, would be stock photography – you know, selling really high-quality professional bundles of photos. All different kinds of ways to release your own digital products.

So, at that point is when I would kind of start considering doing it because before then, it’s just going to be way too time-consuming for the amount of money it going to produce for you.

Typically, these are going to grow into sales funnels that can really increase revenue. It’s a totally other section but… you can start doing things like selling a bundle of photos for a dollar, right? For 20 super high-quality or 50 or a 100 super high-quality photos, just way overdelivering on value.

And then maybe there’s an upsell for $47 on how to take their own really high-quality photography so they never have to buy stock photography again.

And then after that, maybe there’s another upsell that’s $100 a month membership to ongoing education and growing.

And beyond that, maybe there’s a thousand dollar, two thousand dollar course on exactly everything they have to do, step-by-step super high-quality training on how to start a local photography business.

So that’s kind of what a sales funnel looks like. A really simple example, totally off the top of my head but you can do this in pretty much every industry. And that’s when you start maximizing your value, you maximize your income, your revenue, your profits when you start kind of building the sales funnel that stair steps up – which referred to as a value ladder.

You get them in really early, you overdeliver, you show that you’re reputable and that super credible and trustworthy. And you continue doing that every single tier until you’ve possibly increased your average lifetime value per subscriber to $100 per subscriber.

And if you’re doing paid traffic and you’re paying, on average, $10 for every subscriber to come on board… and based on your value ladder, from everything, from the dollar sale to the up to the two thousand dollar course with continuity – which continuity is like a monthly recurring membership. With continuity in between, you’re getting to the point that you’re paying $10 for a new subscriber but you’re making $100 lifetime value for every subscriber, that’s $90 profit per subscriber.

If you’re getting, on average… if you’re getting 10 subscribers per day, if you’re getting 100 subscribers per day, you’re making some pretty serious money, $900 per day. And then beyond, that’s where the potential really blows up in this industry.

So I’m sorry if I’ve totally lost you just by talking numbers. They’re really clear in my head as they sound but I realized they may not be that way for everyone. But just know, again, I would really like to expand on this with its own section or two.

But when you talk about creating funnels and kind of engineering a really profitable value ladder, if you’ve got the traffic, things get really, really crazy in this industry when you start focusing on that.

So… whew! Okay! I told you it’s going to be a heavy lesson.

I want to kind of wrap up here and recap when and how to monetize your content. You’re probably going to start off with some form of CPA marketing or dropshipping when you get to that 75 or 100 visitors per day level.

Like I said, I’ll (a lot of the time) kind of lazily wait until I’m getting to 200 or 300 visitors per day before I start monetizing my content really actively. But you’re probably going to start off one of those routes.

A lot of people start off with advertising. And again, it’s just not a good idea. You can make a lot more money doing CPA marketing or dropshipping physical products than you will with advertising, unless you’re getting a ton of traffic.

Another important take-away here is don’t just spam your content with a bunch of links and banners and hope for the best. Remember to kind of focus your calls-to-action to one thing in a funnel.

And then after they convert on that thing, you know, kind of move them up to the next thing. And start practicing that value ladder – where you get from making, you know, or possibly losing $5 per every one that subscribes to making $10, or $15, or $20+ every time someone subscribes over the course of their lifetime value. Okay?

And that’s just done by testing, testing, testing. You want to… data is your friend in this industry, it is your absolute bestfriend. You want to make sure that you’re constantly testing. You’re testing new headline, you’re testing new graphics, you’re testing new e-mail messages, new subject lines.

Because every time you get a little 3% bump, or a 5% bump, or you know… say your prayers and get a 10% bump. That has a huge effect across your entire revenue for that funnel, for that website. Because they stack on top of each other. If you get a 10% bump in your opt-ins and then you get a 10% bump on how much money you’re making per opt-in, those things combine. They multiply one another, okay?

And over time, that becomes exponential and you start to, you know, kind of tweak these things. You get these 3%, 5%, 10% increases. And if you get them at multiple points across your sales funnel, they really stack up on one another and kind of, again, become very cumulative and… you know I feel like we’re talking really abstractly here, and I apologize for that. But just know that that’s where the potential is in this industry.

You know, a lot of people would just continue grinding, grinding, grinding on content and pushing out content. There’s a lot to be said for that, because it keeps things simple.

But at the same time, if you begin when it makes sense to focus on some of these other things, you can amplify your income so much faster – if you start focusing on conversion optimization, building funnels, and stuff like that. So, just keep that in mind.

One of the most common ways that you see across every industry, every niche is to use a giveaway – which is what I’ve referred to throughout this video as a lead magnet (very common term for it).

You give something really high-value away for free, you start building your e-mail list, and then you focus on building your relationship and over time, improving that lifetime value. Which again, you do best by just continuing to give them the value that they need – whatever their struggle is, whatever their problem is, help them overcome it. Continue to help them overcome it.

And whether you’re doing that through free training, or whether you’re doing that through paid opportunities along the way, if you’re always overdelivering on quality, you will continue building that lifetime value. And in time, potentially make a metric crap ton of money. So again, that’s where the money’s really at in this industry.

But I want to focus very extensively on e-mail marketing and then building funnels, and stuff like that down the road. So hopefully, I’ll get the opportunity to do that.

So this really is what makes a difference between a $1,000 a month website and a $5,000 a montt website.

I’ve known people that got five times as much traffic as I did in the same niche and they made the same amount of money as I did. And it’s just because I was so much smarter with my traffic. I focused more on conversions and I kind of hit those key points and got those 10% increases, those 5% increases across my entire sales funnel.

And before I knew it, you know, I was making just as much money as someone with 5 to 10 times as much traffic. You know, competing for the same keywords, the same level of qualified traffic. I was just being much smarter in how I built out my funnels on my sites.

So, remember that this makes the difference, alright? This can make a huge, huge, huge difference. And that’s before you even get into… if you’re converting a lot more and your traffic is really high-quality, you can make a lot more money just by negotiating with your affiliate manager. Because you’re one of their top affiliates, you’re producing some of the best revenues, some of the best money, they will actually pay you more per conversion. Whereas, you know, they may pay a standard of $2 per conversion.

I’ve negotiated up to $4 and $6 per conversion because I drove a lot of really high-quality traffic and my conversions were really, really good.

So that’s another way. Again, you just kind of tweak that little thing and you multiply how much money you’re making and how much profit you’re producing.

One little tweak like that has taken me from making $1,500 a month off of one of the affiliate offers I’m pushing to over $5,000 a month. Just because I negotiated a tiered (T-I-E-R-E-D)… so kind of steps up a tiered commission for myself. Because my traffic was converting so well and it was such high-quality.

So, anyways, hopefully we can really dig in to a lot of that stuff down the road. Because that’s where you go from I’m just getting some traffic and making some money to just really boom! Like, stepping it up to where you’re making a really ridiculous and very lucrative full-time income even from one simple authority website.

So anyways, that’s that. I hope I haven’t just totally overwhelmed your brain with way too much. I hope I’ve shown you some of the potential that… you know you’re not going to hit those points when you’re only getting 75-100 visitors per day.

But once you start getting to 300, 500, 1,000 visitors per day, if you’re in a good niche, you should be making a full-time income off of that traffic. You just have to get creative and be committed to testing. Always testing and trying new things.

Alright. So once again, I talk about a lot of things that I want to build extra sections out about in the future. Hopefully I get that opportunity. Hopefully Free Internet Marketing Project does really well, and it’s received well, and we can keep pressing forward with a lot of this, and continuing education.

So, if you have any questions, as always, please feel free to post them to the Facebook group. I’ll keep an eye out for them there. And otherwise, I will just see you in the next video.

7.6 Other Excellent Resources

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Helpful links from this video:

In this video I discuss:

  • Links to the best-of-the-best resources for the most popular ways to promote your website for free
  • A resource on our website for 60 free ways to promote your website — an incredibly in-depth guide

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).


7.6 Transcript Below


Let’s talk about some other really excellent resources that can help you tremendously if you are okay taking on a little bit more complexity. You don’t feel like you’re going to be really easily overwhelmed and you’re kind of saying: “Yeah, I want to spend some time writing or producing really high-quality content, but I also want to supplement it by promoting it other ways. And hopefully seeing results a little bit faster.”

So, I wanted to talk to you really quickly about some other really excellent resources and further reading, in case this is something you want to dig into more.

So, as I mentioned, this section, in particular, is something that I would really like to grow and expand into several sections down the road. Where video marketing gets its own section, pay-per-click advertising on Facebook gets its own section, pay-per-click advertising on AdWords gets its own section. You know, talking really extensively about e-mail marketing if you already have existing traffic and stuff like that.

I would really like to expand into these different areas, individually, in the future. But for now, these are kind of some go-to-guides and great resources for supplementing your content creation efforts with some promotion that can help you see traction a little bit easier.

Just remember, again, there’s a lot to be said for keeping things a little bit simpler and simplifying the equation if this is your first time, sort of, around the block and you haven’t ever had a really profitable internet marketing site before.

So, now that I’ve kind of given this disclaimer, let’s throw caution to the wind and just talk about a few of these resources.

So, Expert Roundups can be a really good way to start seeing traction a lot faster, say you do one of this a month. Because what you do with an expert roundup is you come up with a provocative or an interesting question that you send out to other experts in your industry and it helps you form relationships with these experts. It helps you, kind of, get on their radar for future partnerships or guest blogging, et cetera.

And it also, most importantly, when you quote an expert in your expert roundup, most of the time, those guys are going to share your post with their following. And sometimes they’ll have thousands, or tens of thousands, or potentially hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter, on Facebook, on Pinterest. And that can be very, very helpful to kind of siphon some of their followers over to your website.

It’s just important that your website looks pretty established by the time you do this. You know, having, at least, four or five really high-quality posts. Again, probably better to have seven to ten because when they come to your website, you don’t want them to see a bare skeleton. You know, they can’t tell what your content is like yet.

You want to be able to demonstrate yourself as an authority, as someone that’s credible. So that when they come and read things, they may join your e-mail list or they may add you to their bookmarks and check in on you regularly, okay?

So, expert roundups can be an excellent way, especially early on, to establish yourself as a credible authority in the industry you’re trying to establish yourself in. And this is a really, really good guide. This Smart Blogger guide is a really excellent guide for how to do this step by step. Just carries you through everything.

So, it may feel like I’m kind of, you know, shoveling you off and kind of putting the burden on someone else – which again, to a degree is not inaccurate. I just don’t have the time to teach a whole section on expert roundups right now – which is what’s required to teach it well. But this blog post and this guide on Smart Blogger will help you tremendously in doing that. It’s everything you need to know, okay?

Another thing that’s really helpful… we’ve talked a lot about On-page SEO, but Off-Page SEO is also a very important component to rankings. Arguably, it plays a much bigger role in whether or not you do get rankings. And I won’t even say arguably – I’d say if anybody you spoke to that really knew what they were talking about, would tell you that off-page SEO is much more important than on-page SEO.

On-page SEO is an important requirement to get rankings. You have to have it as, kind of, a foundation.

But off-page SEO is where the battle is really won. And that, mostly, centers about getting high-quality links to your pages that you’re trying to rank. There’s a lot that goes into it.

There’s anchor text… and you have to be really careful these days because you can get penalized by getting… you know, over-optimizing your anchor text. Or getting a lot of really low-quality links instead of fewer high-quality links. The algorithms are so much more complex than they were even three years ago, two years ago.

So you have to be very, very careful if you go this route. Pay very close attention to it. Because this is one of the aspects of internet marketing that is most like playing with fire.

You can see a lot of growth by doing it well. You can also completely torture website by doing it poorly and not paying close attention. And it does get very, very complex and overwhelming.

But if it’s something you want to pursue and you’re interested in off-page SEO, Neil Patel – who is the owner of Quick Sprout and KISSmetrics and all kinds of really, really cool internet marketing services and blogs – for the most part, he’s a pretty legit guy. I’ve seen him push some things that are kind of questionable. But at the very least, this off-page SEO guide is excellent. You won’t get much better than what Neil has put together at this URL, okay?

And another thing that can be really helpful to build authority – and technically, this is a form of off-page SEO – again, you don’t want to abuse it is: Guest Blogging and securing yourself Guest Blogging positions.

And these things can kind of like go hand-in-hand. You can use Expert Roundups to get some traction and get some followers and start establishing relationships. And then, use your relationships that you formed through doing a few expert roundups within your industry to start reaching out and saying: “Hey! I’d love to do a Guest Blog Post on your site” you know, or “I’d love it if you did a Guest Blog Post on my site”.

But you’re more likely, especially when you’re unestablished, to get a Guest Blog Post on someone else’s site – as long as you can prove you write really, really high-quality content. And then, you can link back to your site. And that serves a big benefit in off-page SEO. You just want to make sure you do it well. Because, again, you can torture site doing this the wrong way.

So, this can be very high ROI for your efforts. Again, you’re going to do fine. You’re going to gain traction if you just focus on what I referred to as the “Post and Pray” method – where you pick high-quality keywords, you write really high-quality content and you focus on on-page SEO, you will see results in time.

But if you want to accelerate your results and kind of gain traction a little bit faster, you can do that potentially by doing expert roundups, off-page SEO and guest blogging. Alright?

For further reading… on StoppingScams, we actually have an incredible very, very in-depth article for 60 Way To Promote Your Blog – and they’re all free traffic methods, every single one of them.

So, the best thing I can do without digging into each one of these topics with its own section is refer you to a really, really high-quality article. I believe that article is something like… it’s almost 15,000 words.

So, that is an incredibly in-depth guide that gives you a lot of different ideas and kicks up a lot of different ideas. And you may pick two or three, and say: “Hey! These really played to my strengths. These are things that I’m really interested in.” And just focus on doing those two or three things on top of picking good keywords and writing high-quality content and optimizing on-page SEO. And that could accelerate your traction and kind of shorten your growth curve to success, alright?

So, I’m so sorry that I can’t do more of these topics justice. I’m frankly disappointed that I can’t. It just doesn’t make sense for me to invest hundreds and hundreds of hours in creating these different sections until I know that Free Internet Marketing Project is valid. And that is not just going to be some huge time suck that I go broke because I’m neglecting my other businesses instead of focusing on them. I need to make sure that Free Internet Marketing Project is going to make up for the time I take away from those businesses.

So, I’ll dig into it later as much as I possibly can if FIMP turns out to be something that people really enjoy and find helpful. But between now and then, these resources that I’ve discussed – not only in this video but in the previous videos in this section – should be good enough to get you headed down the right track and get started, if this is something you’re interested in pursuing. Okay?

So, as always, if you have any questions, feel free to post them in the Facebook group. You know, I know a lot about these things. I can answer your questions when it comes to all of these things. I just can’t afford to teach them really in-depth right now because they’re just way too time-consuming to teach well.

I hope to get into it later. I look forward to the day that I can. But between now and then, if you have questions, I’m more than happy to field them. Just post them in the Facebook group and I’ll see you there. If I don’t see you there between now and then, I guess I’ll just see you in the next section. Talk to you then.

7.5 A Brief Discussion About Paid Traffic and Who Should Pursue It

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In this video I discuss:

  • A brief discussion of paid adverting: PPC, PPV, and more
  • Who should pursue paid advertising
  • Who should NOT pursue paid advertising

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).


7.5 Transcript Below


Let’s talk about paid traffic really briefly. This is any form of paid traffic you can think of. Whether it’s pay-per-view, whether it’s pay-per-click on YouTube, pay-per-click on Google, pay-per-click on Bing and Yahoo!, pay-per-click on Facebook, or any other form of paid traffic. Including direct mail (mailing things via post to someone’s home), and even getting into more traditional things like media buys (where you’re buying television or radio space).

Obviously, just by the nature of all of those different things I just mentioned, there’s a lot of complexity and so much to know about each one of those things. And personally, I only know about half of them in a way that can actually generate income from my projects.

But I don’t really get in to traditional media buys, even though that’s what my education was in college – buying TV space, radio space, direct mail, stuff like that. I focus more on the digital media and do pay-per-click and stuff like that.

So, I just want to talk really briefly about who should pursue pay-per-click or paid traffic of any kind and who shouldn’t.

And I really want to emphasize the key word in this is “brief”, right?

I want to have an entire section or multiple sections for paid advertising in the future.

It’s something that I don’t know of any courses that teach it truly well right now.

There are a couple of really good books. One of them, if you’re looking to learn Google AdWords is Advenced Google Adwords by Brad Geddes (G-E-D-D-E-S is his last name), I believe. Just make sure you get the latest edition because it’s updated fairly regularly. But outside of that… and that’s a hard read… outside of that, there isn’t… I haven’t ever seen a course that taught it really, really well, unfortunately.

So, I’d like to come back and teach it someday. But for now, what I want to really emphasize… because this is going to be enough information for most people watching this training, especially if you’re looking to minimize expenses for your internet business.

The people that should pursue pay-per-click and start researching it through free resources online… and there’s some really good Facebook groups dedicated to pay-per-click and other types of paid advertising, you know, whether it’s reading a book or trying to find a product on it.

The people that should pursue this are people that have money to lose. And when I say money to lose, I mean at least a couple of thousand dollars that you can afford to just burn while you’re learning the ropes.

I’ve seen people go as high as $10,000 before they started turning a profit and really cracked pay-per-click for the industry that they were entering. There is a lot of money to be lost in pay-per-click advertising. There’s a lot to be made too.

But the other thing that kind of stinks about pay-per-click advertising over search engine optimization is that there are a lot of spying tools out there.

And as soon as you get a profitable campaign that runs for a few weeks, people are going to be able to see that pattern and see that you’ve been running a campaign for several weeks, which implies that you’re profitable. And they can just rip you off and start underbidding you and building out funnels that have higher lifetime value (LTV) for their visitors than you do, and push you out of your own market that you cornered.

And that’s harder to do with search engine optimization because there’s a lot more that goes into earning those results, whereas you can just pay for a spot in pay-per-click or other forms of paid advertising. And so, just keep that in mind.

You know, you should have at least a couple of thousand dollars that you can afford to lose. Probably safer to have three or five thousand dollars that you can afford to lose before you crack it. And still, there’s no guarantee that you’re going to crack it within that amount of money.

A lot of people get into pay-per-click and they think: “Okay, I’m going to spend $5 a day…” – and I did this, I’m not judging anyone, I did this myself when I was first getting started in affiliate marketing – “I’m going to spend $5 a day, and I’m going to spend $10 a day, and I’m going to crack this and then I’m just going to scale my campaigns and then I’m going to get rich”, and it doesn’t work that way.

You need a lot of money that you can afford to lose because very, very few people launch profitable campaigns right from the start. I mean, I’m talking like, maybe five to ten percent of people. But it’s probably more like one to three percent of people that launch campaigns when they’re new to paid advertising, launch them profitably without having to do a ton of tweaking and paying for a lot of data that they interpret and pay attention to.

And over time, by tweaking their ads and tweaking their landing pages, they finally turn profitable. But by that point, they’ve spent several hundred, if not several thousand dollars just buying all of that data. I’ve done it myself.

So, and the other thing is “thick skin”. Because even for me, it’s so unnerving sometimes to get up to $2,000 spent, $3,000 spent and I’m still not even break even or I’m just barely break even. And it just feels like so much work.

There’s nothing like a profitable pay-per-click campaign. It’s incredible because, you know, you can ramp up for making a hundred dollars a day to making a thousand, or two thousand, or three thousand dollars a day profit in the course of a week. So, there’s nothing like that rush. But at the same time, it can be swept right out from underneath you.

My last pay-per-click site that was… it was an e-commerce site that was doing right around a hundred thousand dollars total revenue a month, sometimes a little bit more. And that was right around 25 to 30 thousand dollars a month profit. I was spending about 20 to 30 thousand dollars a month on Facebook advertising.

And it was… it fizzled. You know, it came and went in the course of about four months because the competition increased so much, I got pushed out of the industry. And still, presently, as I record this, I’m trying to… I’m testing new things and trying to crack back into the profitable side of that niche.

So, just know that’s who should pursue. To give you a very realistic understanding of pay-per-click, you know, I can’t teach it without digging really, really, really deep and spending like two or three weeks writing lessons and taking you over-the-shoulder and taking you through different ad networks, like AdWords and Facebook.

I’d love to do that down the road but I just can’t commit to doing that until I’ve determined the viability of Free Internet Marketing Project.

But just know, for now, you shouldn’t even look into it much further, unless you have several thousand dollars to spare and really thick skin. And you can visualize yourself seeing $3,000 lost, $4,000 lost, $5,000 lost and you’re still not profitable. Because it’s going to be important that you don’t panic and act out of panic in your campaigns. You have to stay very level-headed and just work the system, keep improving until you turn over a new leaf and become profitable.

The people that don’t have a lot of money and they’re just looking for something easier, you know, they think this is going to be a much faster way to break into the industry, but they don’t have the money to invest in it.

Pay-per-click is going to take you just as much time to crack in a lot ways as search engine optimization. It’s just developing a different skill. And anytime you develop a new skill, it’s going to take you a lot of time, a lot of research, a lot of effort, a lot of crunching data, looking at spreadsheets, looking at analytics. It’s not easy, by any means. Not remotely as easy as a lot of people in this industry would lead you to believe.

So, it can be a lot of fun, it can be a rush when you see tremendous growth in a week or two weeks. But it takes a lot of money to get there, and a lot of patience, and really thick skin, okay?

So, I think for the vast majority of people watching these videos, that’s going to be enough information to just rule out pay-per-click at this stage.

But if you are still interested in pursuing it, hopefully it’s something that I’ll have the time to teach really extensively. And kind of show a lot of the things that I’ve learned the hard way by basically just blowing a lot of money on AdWords, and pay-per-click, and Facebook, and Instagram in the past.

But for now, that’s all I can offer up. And hopefully, that’s enough insight to at least get you started in the right direction, okay?

So if you have any questions, as always, feel free to post them in the Facebook group.

Again, I hope to revisit this somewhere not too far down the road and teach it really extensively. But first, I just need to see if Free Internet Marketing Project is going to kind of catch and it’s going to be something that people enjoy, and use, and share. Because if it’s not, I just can’t afford to take all of the time away from my existing business to teach this really in-depth.

So, hopefully, Free Internet Marketing Project is a hit and people share it, and people love it, it gets received well, et cetera. But until then, I just can’t spend all that time teaching these really complex issues individually.

So, hopefully I’ll be able to revisit it someday. But at the same time, hopefully that’s enough information to get you headed in the right direction, okay?

So, thanks so much for watching. I’ll see you in the Facebook group. And if I don’t see you there, I’ll see you in the next video.

7.4 Discussing Automated Traffic and Traffic Networks

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In this video I discuss:

  • Why you should avoid shortcuts for automated traffic, Facebook likes, YouTube views, etc.
  • Why you should avoid shortcuts in internet marketing altogether

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).


7.4 Transcript Below


I want to make a quick video for something that people ask about fairly often when they’re new to this industry, and that’s Automated Traffic and Traffic Networks.

And just flat out don’t use them. They’re a waste of time. I could make this video probably 15 or 20 minutes explaining why. It’s all going to amount to don’t use them. They’re just a total waste of time and money.

Automated traffic does not work in almost all cases. It’s just bot traffic that someone has sent to your website. That little robots that spike your analytics and they try to make them look as organic as possible by making them click a few pages on your site and linger for a little while.

But the vast majority of the time – and I’m talking like 95%+, if not 99%+ – these are going to be a total waste of time because they’re bot traffic.

So the same thing goes with social media likes or buying video views on YouTube or, you know, buying some kind of software that spams people via e-mail. They’re just… all of these automated things are a total waste of time.

People sell them to make money. They make a bunch of sales claims so that you’ll buy them. But you’ll find quickly that those sales claims were totally false.

And so many people that buy in to these things, they go: “Why am I not seeing any results? This guy said I’d be able to flip a switch two hours a week and make 10 to 20 grand a month.” – it just doesn’t work that way.

And… these guys have been around forever, perpetuating these… just crap sales claims and rumors just so they can sell more products. Do not buy in to them.

There is not a shortcut to making money online that is remotely that simple. Okay, if you try to take shortcuts in these industry, your business will pay the price. It will.

There are not copy-paste things, there are not shortcuts where you can flip a switch and get a thousand visitors to your site a day, within the first 2 weeks. It just doesn’t work that way.

And not only will it slow your success because you’re focusing on these kind of shiny objects that are distracting you from things that will actually generate results, it could actually take a complete opposite toll on your business.

And some of these things, some of those automated traffics, those automated software will get you punished by Google and other search engines. Or completely de-indexed, so that you’re taken out. Or destroy your ability to land in someone’s inbox whenever you send an e-mail from your domain name – anything associated with your domain name.

So, just don’t do it. Flat out, don’t waste your time on them. I know they’re really attractive and some of them are very compelling – I don’t care how compelling it is, how attractive it is, how many fake testimonials they bought off of Fiverr and written up on their website – these things do not work.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of them through NoMoreBSReviews and StoppingScams over the past several years. Do not buy them. They’re going to be a waste of your time, a waste of your money, and they’re just going to distract you from things that actually could deliver results, like the other things we’ve discussed in this section.

So, I just wanted to visit this topic very head-on and directly. And if you have any questions, as always, you can post them in the Facebook group that’s free for registered members, and I’ll keep an eye out for them.

But at the end of the day, just don’t do it. Anybody with any credibility in this industry will tell you: do not use automated traffic, do not buy likes, do not buy video views, it’s all a waste of time and money.

And anybody that’s telling you the opposite probably has some vested interest to try and get you to buy one of their crappy products. And you should just look at it with that lens of “how biased is this person that’s giving me this advice”, okay?

So, that’s that. Like I said, feel free to post your questions in the Facebook group. Otherwise, I’ll just see you in the next video.

7.3 Video Marketing

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Helpful links from this video:

In this video I discuss:

  • What you need to succeed with video marketing
  • More importantly, what you DON’T need to succeed with video marketing
  • Resources that are helpful to start video marketing with as little investment as possible

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).


7.3 Transcript Below

Alright! Let’s talk about one of my favorites, which is Video Marketing.

This is, in my experience, a great way to crack a lot of niches that are very high competition, otherwise. Because you get to leverage, like the domain authority of YouTube is 100. On the scale from 1 to 100, it’s absolutely maxed out. And I think there’s a lot to be said for that. And a lot of the time, you can kind of leverage that. And if you just regularly create videos doing keyword research the same way I taught you to do it for writing blog posts, you’re going to see a lot of success over time.

So let’s talk about this pretty quickly, kind of a high-level overview. And then I’ll refer you to some resources to get started and execute everything that I talk about in this video.

So, the first thing to take note of is that most people really overcomplicate video marketing.

They think they need all of these fancy editing skills, these, you know, graphics that slide in and out and flash and do all these fancy things.

It’s just not the case, you know. Of course right now I’ve got a green screen behind me and I’ve got this graphical around this video, right? And I have five point lighting in here with me right now. I have two lights in front of me, two behind me and one directly behind me as a backlight. And a giant green screen covering the back wall.

You don’t need that. You just, flat out, don’t need that.

My early video marketing was atrocious. I mean, absolutely atrocious. Low-quality lighting, really horrible audio from the built-in microphone on a crappy webcam. I remember one of them, my ceiling fan was spinning overhead, which just makes people want to have seizures.

It’s just not… it was so far from where I’m at today. And it’s just been a natural progression over time.

It was funny, I was on YouTube on our smart TV the other day and I got really deep into the suggestions. And a couple of the suggestions were a couple of my old channels that I’ve had in a couple of industries over the years.

And to see the progression, it was just astonishing. Because it starts off so crappy and it just gets better and better over time. And again, it’s a natural progression, just like anything else.

So all you need, all you really need… you can get a really good video set-up that is going to be better than 80% to 90% of what’s on YouTube just by buying three point lighting, which would be two in front and one in back.

And paying attention to getting high-quality video, which these days is super easy because a lot of our iPhones and other smart devices have incredible cameras – up to 4k cameras in them.

And decent audio, you know, like getting a… I don’t want to touch it because it makes so much noise… but getting a lapel or a lavalier microphone, like this. This thing cost me like 20 bucks off of Amazon. And it’s not the best, you know… it’s certainly more sensitive than it needs to be, at times. But it does the job.

And just getting something like this will cut out a ton of the echo. Because if I were using any other kind of microphone… you know, if I were using a shotgun microphone, or if I was using kind of a radio microphone, or if I was using my computer’s built-in microphone, it would be so echoey in here right now. But that’s just fixed by a little $20 microphone off of Amazon.

So, as I mentioned, consistency is key, just like with writing. If you’re focusing on video, try to do one or two or three videos, at least, per week and target the keywords the same way.

And as I mentioned, as always, practice makes perfect. I did not start off with the ability to, you know, put up this much lighting and get a green screen going and create a graphic around it that refers people up to my website. I didn’t have the ability to do any of that when I started this. Just been a natural progression over the years.

But just because this is where I’m at now, doesn’t mean my videos weren’t any less effective. The horrible videos I was talking about earlier, I guess that was probably somewhere around… that was at least 10 years ago. So it was around 2007… 2007, 2008.

And those videos ultimately got traffic to my site that ultimately helped me get rankings in the search engines. And that project, that niche site was making me… at a point, about $3,000 a month. And of course the climate has changed a lot since then but there’s a lot that still holds true. And those were horrible, horrible videos.

So, I know a lot of people are intimidated on camera within a lot of the super affiliate groups that I’m a member of. People kind of joke around and give me a hard time for being the guy that’s comfortable on camera. I was not when I first started. I stuttered, I swallowed hard, it was awkward. Whatever. You just learn. You practice, practice, practice. And you settle into it and you get very comfortable with that camera built into your computer or the webcam as time goes on. It just naturally happens. You get desensitized, I think.

Everything you need to know about starting or about how to do what I’ve listed above… you know, good lighting, high-quality video and decent audio is in this particular article on This is a very, very, very good guide to getting started with video, and the right equipment you need, and to do it cheaply – or at least with spending as little money as possible.

And like I said, this can be a really great way to supplement your written content on your website even. Because it will get traffic through suggested videos on YouTube and by ranking in the search engines just due to YouTube’s domain authority that you would not have the ability to rank for with your regular website.

So, I highly recommend it, if it’s something you can fathom doing. Because some people are just petrified and they can’t even fathom doing this.

You know, every time you write a post, create a corresponding video. And instead of doing two posts per week, do a post and a video per week. Or do two posts and two videos per week instead of three or four posts.

And cover the exact same information, just cover it a little bit differently. And you will find, in time, that people will click through YouTube and start following your website and reading your other contents and stuff because they found your video – which would not have been possible otherwise.

And this can also be a really good way to start seeing results within, you know, three to six months. Instead of only seeing results eight to twelve months out, on average.

Because you’ll start seeing people watching your videos and commenting. And that gets that kind of… it gets you over the hump a little bit quicker and makes you feel like you’re making progress, which can be (as silly as it sounds) very helpful, psychologically, to continuing the long journey.

So, the only other thing that I’ll mention – you can look up video SEO, YouTube SEO – you’ll just find that it’s very, very similar to what you find for your website. You want to make sure your keywords and your title, you want to make sure your keywords and your description, you want to make sure your keywords and your tags on YouTube if it all possible, stuff like that.

And if you embed that video on the post on your website (you know, if you have a video and a post about the same thing and you embed that video on that post), in time, as that post gains authority with the search engines, your video being embedded in that post will also boost your rankings on YouTube and in Google when they’re presenting videos with the search listings. You’ll find that that also builds the authority for your videos. So it kind of boosts your video to have it embedded on high page authority pages on your website.

So anyways, we’re getting a little deep now. You don’t have to worry about it all that much.

But just doing it alone and doing it with good lighting, high-quality video and decent audio is more than enough to get started in internet marketing. And it can act as a great supplement to build your presence, build your credibility, build your authority and start getting traffic through to your website. Okay?

So, that’s that. That’s what I’m going to say about video marketing.

Really, you don’t need to overcomplicate it, you know. Treat the SEO just like you would for a post. Google it if you want to. You know, “YouTube SEO”, like I said. And get a good lighting set-up, get a decent camera and a decent microphone – that’s all you need.

Don’t overthink it, don’t overcomplicate it. There’s so much more that you can do. It’s not necessary. Just start doing, putting out high-quality content that’s really high-value for your audience, and that will be more than enough to get you off and running.

And then as times goes on, just like I have, you’ll get better and better and better just naturally as you kind of elevate your game 5% at a time. And before you know it, you’re 300% better than you were a couple of years ago. Alright?

So, that’s that. That’s all I’m going to say about video marketing here.

Again, check out this article if this is something you’re interested in because it’s an excellent guide.

If you have any questions, as always, feel free to post them in the Facebook group.

This is a topic that I would really like to dig into in the future and give its own section. So know that I have every intention in elaborating on this later. It’s just not something that I can do just yet, we have other important material to cover. And I just still need to determine the viability of this project, if it’s something that people are going to enjoy and use and share, et cetera, before I dig that deep into individual topics.

But this is something that I want to revisit. And I promise I will go in to more depth later – if the Free Internet Marketing Project works out. Okay?

So, I’ll see you in the Facebook group. And if I don’t see you there first, I’ll see you in the next video.
