Stefan Pylarinos promises that his K Money Mastery training program will draw you closer to your dreams of financial freedom. He promises to reveal to you his proven step-by-step, six-figure, income-generating method of selling kindle books on Amazon.com. He also promises to show you how you can get started making money with kindle even today.
He says He’s a real person who’s been making money with a lot of different methods including affiliate marketing, creation and selling of products, SEO, PPC etc. But that, in his opinion, selling kindle books has proven far more rewarding than everything else he’s ever tried online.
He says he prefers making money online through the creation and sale of kindle books to the various other methods because it’s the easiest and fastest way to make money online. He says you can literarily publish a kindle book on Amazon.com in less than 24 hours and start making sales and seeing profits passively.
He says you can achieve success with creating and selling kindle books on Amazon.com without technical skills, Internet Marketing Knowledge, copywriting skills, Google Search Engine Optimization etc. He says you don’t even need to write your own books, if you don’t want to, because he’s going to show you how to outsource everything and have experts write your books for you at a very low costs. Please see his sales page, which is just an auto play video, to hear the rest of his promises yourself.
I’ve reviewed a lot of Internet Marketing products and seen a lot of crappy stuff put out there to get money from unsuspecting seekers of online income. Unfortunately, I have seen legitimate Internet Marketing products only a few of those times. Whenever I run into one of such rare products, I get very surprised because I’ve almost come to expect to find only crappy products by default.
However, today, as strange as it feels, I’ve found K Money Mastery by Stefan Pylarinos, which has potential to make you money passively. This, like all other legitimate products, requires something on your part, and yes, I’m an affiliate of this product.
This product is a number of video courses and a collection of resources on how to make money online by writing and publishing kindle books on Amazon.com. K Money Mastery does come with some downsides but whether or not these downsides are significant enough to keep you from making money with the training will depend on some factors, which are covered in the review.
After I paid for the product, I was offered an upsell of $47, which was going to enhance my kindle books creation and sales experience on Amazon.com. I found it very enticing but I passed. Then, I was let into the members’ area. In the members’ area, I found nine tabs labeled “Members’ Home, Lessons, Bonuses, Downloads, Resources, Coaching, FAQ, Support, Logout.”
The K Money Mastery Members’ Home tab is simply the home tab where new members’ land whenever a purchase of the product is made. The Lessons tab is where the training videos are. The Bonus tab contains eight bonuses namely: “Bonus Lesson: Automation And Outsourcing With Assistant, Bonus Lesson:
Goal Setting For Kindle Publishing, Bonus Lesson: Kindle Publishing Mindset & Philosophy For Success, Bonus Lesson: Kindle Publishing Ritual For Scaling Up, Bonus Lesson: Non-US Tax Requirements, Bonus Lesson: Creating A Corporation Or LLC For Your Kindle Business, Bonus Lesson: Accounting Basics For Your Kindle Business.”
The downloads tab leads to the various templates to work with as an Amazon kindle book author, publisher and marketer, whether you’re doing things yourself or outsourcing them. The resources tab is loaded with upsells from Stefan Pylarinos for you to buy, including the upsells that were passed up at the beginning.
The Coaching tab leads to a web page with lots of testimonials, which, in turn, eventually leads to an unsafe website when the “Apply Now” button is clicked on. I found this very disappointing. The FAQ is the FAQ, and there’s the Support tab and the Logout tab.
I had a concern regarding uploading my kindle books on other eBook publication sites like NookPress, Lulu, Kobo, Smashwords, Pubit etc after uploading them to Amazon. I wanted to know if it would be alright and wouldn’t violate any rules. So, I reached support with that question.
Guess what, K Money Mastery’s support team replied promptly. When I checked my mail three hours later, there was a reply sitting right in my inbox waiting to be read since three hours ago. Kudos to the support team of K Money Mastery. Great Job!
Kindle Overview
The first video in the lessons area was titled “Kindle Overview” and was a great start into the training. As its title implied, it was a rundown/appreciation of the Amazon.com website interface and how things worked on it. Some very important points on how to get your kindle publications ranked high enough for potential buyers to find and pay for were highlighted. At the end of this lesson, Stefan obliged his students to carry out a practical exercise based on the lesson he’d taught them. Way to go!
There were testimonials below that first lesson. Some of those testimonials were very compelling. It’s either the actors were extraordinarily gifted or they weren’t actors at all but everyday, real people who were seeing results, were happy with their investment on the K Money Mastery product and were looking forward to an exciting future with it.
Lesson 1
The first lesson in K Money Mastery was on finding a niche on Amazon. It was very informative and step-by-step, such that anyone, even a five-year-old, would be able to follow. Stefan did a great job at showing his audience what they should do to find a profitable niche on Amazon. After that, his audience had an actionable assignment to reinforce the lessons he taught them.
Lesson 2
The second lesson was on keyword research, which was like Amazon SEO. Stefan’s presentation was very eye opening into how a kindle book publisher could possibly get ahead of the competition on Amazon. He painstakingly showed his audience the little things they could do to rank on Amazon’s kindle platform. Then, they had another assignment for practice.
Lesson 3
This was a lesson on creating the books with titles that sell. Stefan unveiled the secrets of labeling a kindle book with the right attention-grabbing combination of keywords, and how they (the words) should occur in the sequence of words on the cover page of the kindle book.
Lesson 4
In the fourth lesson, Stefan pointed out the inevitable place of a befitting cover page graphic for the kindle book and went ahead to reveal how to cloak kindle books with covers that compel buyers to click on the “buy” button. His step-by-step instruction on this will prove a valuable asset to his students in the long term.
Lesson 5
Lesson 5 takes students through the step-by-step process of writing their kindle books. Virtually everything a wanna be kindle book publisher should know about writing kindle books was found in this lesson. In this lesson, Stefan showed his students where to outsource their writing jobs if they couldn’t write or hadn’t enough time to write their books themselves.
Lesson 6
Lesson 6 handled everything about formatting the finished kindled book and getting it in the right shape for publishing on the Amazon kindle platform.
Lesson 7
Lesson seven in K Money Mastery adequately handled everything about setting up a KDP account from start to finish in an easy-to-follow sequence. This account usually comes with certain added advantages that would help the kindle publisher’s work gain more publicity on the Amazon kindle platform.
Lesson 8
On lesson 8, Stefan showed his students how to publish their finished kindle books. He practically held the hands of his students through the entire process. In this lesson, Stefan went on to show his students more tricks on how to optimize their books for high rankings on Amazon.
Lesson 9
Lesson nine showed students how to view their published kindle books on Amazon’s kindle platform to enable them see how their books look and rank. He also showed them how to carry out necessary updates to make their books look and rank better. Then, students were shown how to copy the URL that would be leading to their books on the Amazon kindle platform to enable them promote the books on other platforms.
Lesson 10
This lesson of the K Money Mastery members’ area showed students how to get positive reviews on Amazon’s kindle platform, which would help to boost the rankings of their kindle books and exposes them (the books) to more buyers. Stefan explained that there were two kinds of reviews namely verified reviews and unverified reviews. He stresses the impact of verified reviews over unverified reviews and taught his students how to go about getting the verified reviews to boost their sales on Amazon.
Lesson 11
Lesson eleven gave Stefan’s students some of the key strategies Stefan used to rank his kindle books on Amazon and make more sales profits. His did a great job taking his students through the process step-by-step.
Lesson 12
This lesson was about using social media to promote and market the kindle books. The social media platforms mostly covered were Twitter and Facebook. Stefan showed his viewers, in detail, how to employ Twitter and Facebook to give their kindle books more publicity.
Lesson 13
Furthermore, Stefan showed his audience a bunch of different ways and strategies to promote their kindle books. The ways he taught his students to employ for their kindle books promotion were easy to implement and bound to yield results in the short and long terms.
Lesson 14
Lesson14 revealed, to Stefan’s students, more ways to boost the keywords rankings for their finished and published kindle books. One of such ways was to use Amazon’s wish list. Stefan showed his students how to go about it in details.
Lesson 15
In this lesson, Stefan showed his students how to set up an Amazon author central account to increase their credibility and authenticity, which would increase the confidence of buyers in the author they plan on buying from.
Lesson 16
In this lesson, Stefan shoeds his audience a bunch of interesting ways to monetize their kindle books, all of which would lead to a passive income stream over the expanse of time. He even revealed what strategies to apply to a book that isn’t selling as much as desired in order to make it sell.
Lesson 17
This lesson was all about how to make more money by creating a series of other kindle books to align with your older kindle books in any particular niche. For instance, a kindle book author who’s written something on weight loss can write something on dieting, exercising etc. this way, the author generates more credibility and attracts more following and consequently, makes more money.
Lesson 18
This lesson was about how best to deal with negative reviews, which Stefan said was inevitable for great books. According to him, some of the greatest books in human history also had negative reviews. Books such as The Lord of the Rings and a couple of other very successful books inclusive.
Therefore, according to him, K Money Mastery writers and publishers should create some room for negative reviews, which can’t be avoided. He said, among other tips, that one of the best ways to deal and cope with negative reviews would be to see them as feedback, which will aid the kindle publisher improve on their literary work.
Lesson 19
Stefan talks about scaling up income level by outsourcing some of the kindle-related publication in other to allow one enough time to focus on other important aspects of life. he says if your kindle book isn’t doing well, you only have to take a look at the drawing board and see where you got certain things wrong. Then, learn from your mistakes and forge ahead to success.
Lesson 20
Stefan pointed out that sometimes, a kindle book that sold successfully and made its owner money could stop making sales and stop making its publisher money. So, this lesson was on how to keep the published kindle books yielding in the short and long terms. He took his time to outline all the reasons a once successful kindle book could suffer a decline in popularity and become barren, and how to either prevent that from happening or turn that around.
Lesson 21
This lesson exposed students to the knowledge of tracking, managing and optimizing their kindle publications using a software called K Optimizer, which was developed by Stefan and his brother who’ve both been publishing a lot of kindle books on Amazon and making money from them passively.
He said for folks who publish lots of kindle books, at some point, they’ll be overwhelmed by all the regular checking, tracking and managing of their many kindle books, which could lead to an unmonitored drop in rankings and a consequent drop in income level. This is what K Money Mastery Optimizer was built to automatically take care of for kindle publishers.
For the record, every one of these lessons had an actionable assignment that tricks students into getting their kindle books published. Kudos to Stefan Pylarinos.
Are you looking to buy K Money Mastery? Go ahead and buy it if you’re willing to follow simple instructions and are willing to put in the required amount of work. This product has potential to fetch you passive income over time, but will be quite a lot of work initially (like any legitimate business). There’s more good in this product than bad. Some of its downsides aren’t enough to you keep from succeeding with it.
For carrying out due diligence on your part by checking this product out on this site, I’d like to reward you with a bonus high-quality product that will make you money. I’m offering you this product for absolutely free.
Why am I doing this? I’m doing this to encourage folks like you to cooperate with folks like me as we try to sanitize the Internet and do our bit to rid it of the blood-sucking gurus who’ve taken over the Internet Marketing industry, by depriving them of the money they depend on.
Whenever someone decides not to buy something from one of those gurus on account of a 100% objective review they’ve read, that’s one unscrupulous guru punished. Once again, thanks for checking out this product on this site. Grab your high-quality, free gift by clicking on the button below.
Have you bought the K Money Mastery product already? Please leave a comment on your findings for the community below.
Eugenson is just a regular guy, except he doesn't believe in the security of nine-to-five jobs and loves to launch out on his own, trying to realize his dreams his way and at his time. He's tried to make money online for quite some time now, purchasing product after product, and has been swindled by a lot of cyber-fraudsters masquerading as make-money-online messiahs. He has many passions, some of which include drawing, painting, writing, and watching comic movies. He's on a revenge mission to hit fiendish scammers hard by writing reviews that reveal the truth about their unethical schemes and worthless products. He hopes to stifle their online, bloodsucking businesses by forewarning their potential victims and depriving them of the payments they depend on. You can consider Eugenson a friend who's here to give you objective product reviews, helping you uncover the online vampires and discover genuine opportunities.