So many internet marketing myths persist, and believing in them can sabotage your chances. Learn to tell myth from fact and keep your internet marketing efforts on the right track.

Internet marketing is one of the most practical endeavors you can ever learn to do.
Whether you want to start a blog to someday monetize it, or run an online store, or offer services, internet marketing is an essential skill to ensure your success.
However, some myths and misconceptions persist that can derail your business and hinder your profits.
In today’s article, I’ll give a rundown of some of the most persistent internet marketing myths so you can tell myth from fact and keep your internet marketing efforts on the right track.
Internet Marketing Myths
Myth 1: SEO is dead.
Every year or so, think pieces come out proclaiming “SEO is dead.”
Well, guess what? It’s still here.
Internet users will continue to use search engines to find content that will help them solve specific problems. Thus, optimizing your content around long-tail keywords that your readers are likely to use in the search engines will never be passé.
You know what’s dead, though?
Black-hat SEO.
Black hat SEO is a set of unethical techniques that unscrupulous internet marketers and experts apply to get their website higher in search rankings.
Google has been cracking down on black-hat marketers in the last decade by tweaking their algorithms such that only all-natural, non-black hat content is displayed on their search engine results.
The difficult thing with SEO is that you’ll need to continually review and realign your strategies and keywords so that your website survives changes in search engine algorithms. But if you have the best interests of your readers in mind, you’ll never shy away from creating high-quality content, optimizing them organically, and assessing your content and keywords from time to time.
Fact: Organic traffic from search engines remains the primary source of traffic to most websites, and it always pays to optimize content for search engines.
Myth 2: More blog posts means more chances of successful conversions.
We can blame this on the early days of search engine algorithms.
Traditionally, Google rewarded websites that were frequently updated, regardless of the length and quality of the articles. Thus, if internet marketers wanted to increase the ranking of a particular website, their approach was to generate plenty of blog posts through content mills and sometimes even through automatic content creators.
Unfortunately for readers, this resulted in content that wasn’t very valuable to them, and unfortunately for website owners, this resulted in decreased trust in their brands.
Eventually, Google wised up and penalized websites that publish low-value content so that they ranked lower in search results. The websites that survived this reckoning featured high-quality content.
Thus, the focus shifted from churning out content daily to creating content that readers will find useful. Great content is relevant to your audience, engaging, compelling, and inspiring enough to motivate readers to take action. This kind of content instills trust in your readers and is favored by search engine bots.
Fact: Content that converts provides exceptional value to your readers while communicating a clear message that’s consistent across your other marketing efforts.
Myth 3: Internet marketing can only be successful with a huge amount of traffic.
There seems to be some logic behind this myth.
The more visitors your website gets, the more chances you have to sell.
Not all traffic is created equal. Just because you have thousands of visitors a day doesn’t automatically mean you make a profit off them.
This is why SEO can’t really die; building content around long-tail keywords that your target audience are likely to be searching for makes it more likely that the right people will find your content.
The key to maximizing the number of conversions is to make sure to appeal to a specific target audience who are likely to convert, instead of trying to draw in everyone and hoping for the best.
It’s better to have 100 visitors to your website who are interested enough to convert into customers rather than 1000 visitors who are just mildly interested and aren’t very likely to convert.
Fact: When it comes to website traffic, quality is more important than quantity.
Myth 4: You need to be active on every single social media platform.
Social media marketing is an important aspect of internet marketing, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be on each and every social media platform known to man.
It takes a lot of time, work, and resources creating fresh content and updating all the social media platforms you’re on, especially when you’re only just starting with internet marketing.
Instead of stretching yourself thin, it’s smarter to focus on just 2 or 3 social media platforms where your target audience spends the most time in.
For instance, if you’re blogging in a business-related niche, you’re likely to find more potential customers and target audiences on LinkedIn. On the other hand, if you’re in the food niche, your target audience is more likely to be on Instagram. Research thoroughly on your target audience, find out where they hang out and hang out there yourself.
Fact: You only need to be active on social media platforms where your target audience is active.
Myth 5: Social media can replace your blog.
Social media is important, but it shouldn’t be your main internet marketing strategy.
You want your internet marketing strategy to be based on your own platform, i.e., your own website and your own mailing list. If you rely solely on social media marketing, you’ll be building a strategy on a platform that you don’t own and have no control over.
In addition, creating content that gets shared on social media and elsewhere will be wasted effort if the content doesn’t lead back to your website. Your website is where your business is being transacted, and that’s where you need to lead website visitors.
A better approach is to consider social media as an important component of your marketing strategy. Social media works well as a tool to engage with your followers and as a platform for paid ads that command attention.
Fact: Social media alone can’t drive traffic to your website. You’ll need content marketing as well as email marketing.
Myth 6: Email marketing is dead.
Email marketing is another thing that sensationalist marketers like to “kill” every year.
Social media marketing is touted as the future of marketing and is often blamed for email marketing’s so-called “demise.”
Actually, email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience and promote your content as well as your products.
Plus, there’s plenty of data and statistics that disprove this myth. More and more people across all age groups are interacting with more and more brands through email. That means whatever niche you’re in, email marketing can work if you do it right.
Just like with social media, consider email marketing as another important component of your marketing strategy that allows you to build relationships with your subscribers and convert them into buying customers.
Fact: Email marketing is essential to one-on-one marketing and that will never be obsolete.
Myth 7: Internet marketing is a one-time effort.
Some marketers seem to think that all you need to do is to create a website, fill it with content, and call it a day. Target audiences would then somehow find the website, turn into paying customers and that was it.
But actual internet marketing is far from a set-it-and-forget-it operation.
Build a website and leave it? It’s going to die.
Creating a website is just the first step to success, and the next step is to promote this website through social media, content, and email, and any other legal means necessary.
In between these steps and while you’re continually promoting, you need to be updating your website with new content as well. A website that’s continually updated is more likely to attract new readers and subscribers and makes them more likely to become paying customers.
Not to mention that when you do internet marketing, you’re doing business on ever-changing terrain. Search engine algorithms get altered, new social media networks pop up while old social networks die every day, and audience preferences change.
Thus, internet marketing involves continuously planning strategies, testing and executing strategies, assessing the statistics, and managing the day-to-day operations of the website. All of this is to evolve along with the internet and come up on top.
Fact: Internet marketing demands continuous work.
Myth 8: Internet marketing is for everyone.
We’re fond of telling kids that they can be anything they want to be when they grow up; doctor, lawyer, president.

Or a fireman.
Nowadays, it’s said that anyone can be an internet marketer.
But the truth is that not everyone is cut out to be an internet marketer.
Mainly, you need to have an entrepreneurial mindset. You have to be curious and creative to be willing to look at the same old stuff with new eyes and finding novel solutions to existing problems. Plus, you have to be passionate and self-motivated enough to keep doing the everyday tasks required to keep your marketing business going.
Successful internet marketers are also honest. Sincerity to customers and being honest to oneself will get you a long way to getting respect and gaining more customers. Plus, you have to have enough perspective to keep the big picture in mind while never losing sight of the details.
If you think you have what it takes, then doing internet marketing can be a natural fit for you. But not having the mindset and the desired qualities doesn’t automatically mean that you’re not qualified to be an internet marketer. You do have to be willing to put in the time and effort to consciously train yourself to develop these traits to become a successful internet marketer.
Fact: Anyone can start doing internet marketing, but not everyone will succeed.
Myth 9: Internet marketing is a get-rich-quick scam.
This is probably the myth that we want to dispel most of all.
You can do internet marketing without having to give up your integrity, and sell products without selling your soul.
But you need to learn the right way to do it, and this comes from the right motivation: your audience. Their needs, difficulties, and problems all need solutions, and providing these solutions to them should be the main reason for doing your business.

1. Find the problem.
2. Brainstorm.
3. Get ideas.
4. Come up with a solution.
Now, doing the right thing has a price. If you’ve ever done things the right way, you’d know that it’s hardly easy and rarely quick. It takes hard work researching problems of your audience, possible solutions, how to convince them that these solutions are the best for them, and how to run an internet marketing business that’s both helpful to audiences and profitable to you.
But this price you have to pay to do internet marketing the right way can help you earn an income from it. Doing things the right way and with the right inspiration builds a business that’s going to last for the long term. Plus, you get to sleep soundly at night, knowing that you’re earning your income with honest, hard work.
Fact: You can get rich as an internet marketer without being a scammer, but earning income from it is not going to be quick.
Internet marketing is an attractive way to earn money online, but because it’s so popular, there are so many myths surrounding it that prospective marketers believe, and in so doing they hinder their own growth as marketers.
Here again are the internet marketing myths I ran down earlier and the facts that you should believe instead.
Internet Marketing Myths
Myth: SEO is dead.
Fact: Organic traffic from search engines remains the primary source of traffic to most websites, and it always pays to optimize content for search engines.
Myth: More blog posts means more chances of successful conversions.
Fact: Content that converts provides exceptional value to your readers while communicating a clear message that’s consistent across your other marketing efforts.
Myth: Internet marketing can only be successful with a huge amount of traffic.
Fact: When it comes to website traffic, quality is more important than quantity.
Myth: You need to be active on every single social media platform.
Fact: You only need to be active on social media platforms where your target audience is active.
Myth: Social media can replace your blog.
Fact: Social media alone can’t drive traffic to your website. You’ll need content marketing as well as email marketing.
Myth: Email marketing is dead.
Fact: Email marketing is essential to one-on-one marketing and that will never be obsolete.
Myth: Internet marketing is a one-time effort.
Fact: Internet marketing demands continuous work.
Myth: Internet marketing is for everyone.
Fact: Anyone can start doing internet marketing, but not everyone will succeed.
Myth: Internet marketing is a get-rich-quick scam.
Fact: You can get rich as an internet marketer without being a scammer, but earning income from it is not going to be quick.
I hope that from knowing about these myths, you can learn to do internet marketing the right way, grow your business, and earn a decent income without scamming anyone.
Over to You
Did you believe any of these myths? How did you realize that they’re myths? Share your story in the comments!