How To Get Traffic From Quora: Brilliant Tips To Try Today

By JoAnne D. | Traffic & Promotion

How To Get Traffic From Quora

Aside from being a high-quality question and answer site, Quora is an underrated source of traffic to your blog. In today’s post, you’ll learn how to get traffic from Quora. First, we’ll look at what it is and why you should be on it. I’ll also give you a step-by-step guide to setting up your Quora account for success. Then, you’ll learn Quora best practices to attract traffic to your blog.

Traffic is a blogger’s best friend.

Want to venture in affiliate marketing? You need traffic. Want to sell your products? Traffic. Want to level up to a membership site? Yup, still need traffic.

Aside from the usual methods like social media, you should always be on the lookout for new, creative ways to get traffic.

Quora is one of the many overlooked sources of traffic that can help you grow your audience and drive traffic to your blog.

Let’s explore Quora and how to use it to drive traffic to your blog.

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How Quora Works

Quora logo

In case you haven’t encountered Quora, it’s a question-and-answer site where its community of users ask questions, answer them, and decide which answers are the most helpful so other users can find them quickly.

Quora’s mission, according to their About page, is to provide a platform for people to share their valuable knowledge with everyone.

What makes Quora unique is that they aim to be the place where people look for answers to any questions they may have. Their algorithms, rules, and policies all reflect and work toward this objective. Quora has answers to questions ranging from “How does the core principle of the double entry system work?” to “Can Iran’s leaders be trusted?” (which was answered by none other than former President Barack Obama himself).

Barack Obama Quora Profile

Yes, it’s really him.
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Here are some more features of Quora that you’ll find important:

  • Number of views. Quora provides you an accurate count of how many times your answer was viewed.
  • Upvotes. Users can upvote answers that they find helpful and downvote answers that aren’t. Upvotes are a measure of how popular an answer is.
  • BNBR. “Be nice, be respectful.” It’s not really a feature, but as Quora is a community site, policies like this help encourage people to keep using the site instead of being turned off by offensive, harmful, and hateful content. Other social media sites have these policies in place, but Quora takes it way more seriously. If you want to get the most of Quora, you’d better adhere to this policy yourself.
  • Request Answers. Request Answers is a way for people with questions to connect to the people who can answer them. You can request answer from Quora’s suggestions, or you can go straight to a person’s profile and ask your question.

Why Should I Use Quora?

So you know a bit about Quora, and now you’re probably thinking, “That’s great, but is it any use to me as a blogger?”

The answer, of course, is A LOT. Here are some of the reasons why every blogger should be on Quora.

  • Quora has over 200 million monthly unique visitors as of June 2017. Having your content potentially seen by an audience this large is priceless.
  • The best answers on Quora are visible for longer and can continue to drive traffic months or even years after being posted. An awesome answer that users find helpful is more likely to be upvoted and viewed by users for as long as it’s relevant.
  • Discover your target audience’s questions and concerns. With Quora’s seemingly endless variety of topics and large number of users, chances are your target audience is there asking questions and answering them.
  • Learn from the influencers in your niche. If the influencers in your niche are already in Quora asking questions, then you can learn a thing or two from them when you follow them.
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your niche. When Quora users see that you’re posting high-quality answers to questions in your niche, then people pay attention to what you have to say.
  • Showcase your expertise, blog, and social media accounts in your profile. When someone sees your high-quality answer on Quora, they’re likely to click on your Quora profile. This is thus a good place to put everything relevant to you in your profile.
  • Google likes Quora. Because of Quora’s policies and the tendency of the most helpful answers to be higher up on the page, Google treats Quora as a high-authority site. Thus, results from Quora are displayed higher on their search results.
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Quora Best Practices

Hopefully, you’re now convinced that you need Quora in your blogging journey. Here are some best practices to boost traffic to your blog using Quora.

Fill out your description for success.

Having a profile that inspires trust and credibility is the first step in your Quora strategy. Users clicking on your profile photo from answers you post will see your description first, so it’s crucial that you do this right. Here are some guidelines for you to write a description that builds trust.

  • Be yourself. It sounds cliché, but being genuine is a great way to let your personality shine through. Use words you would normally use, and write in a professional but friendly tone.
  • Include social proof. If authority figures have something nice to say about you, include it here.
  • Link to your blog at the end, not at the beginning. Quora users frown on shameless self-promotion. It’s better to link to your blog at the end of your description so that those who are interested have the option to go to your blog to find out more about you, after they read your description.
  • Proofread. It’s hard to trust people with sloppy spelling and incorrect grammar. Make sure you go over your description before you post it.

Optimize your privacy settings.

Maximize your visibility inside and outside Quora by adjusting your privacy settings. First, access your privacy settings via Settings > Privacy.

Quora Profile - Privacy Settings

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You want to be found on search engines, and the best way to do that is to allow search engines to index your name, so make sure that box is checked. At this point, you want anyone who sees your answer and thus your profile to be able to get in touch with you, so select “Allow any person on Quora to send me messages.”

The same principle applies to anyone who wants to comment on your answers and posts, so check the box for “Allow other people to comment on your answers and posts.”

Find and answer relevant questions.

The simple way to find questions to answer is to click on Answers on the top bar, then scroll through the questions.

Quora Answers Top Bar

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You’ll want to answer questions that are relevant to your blog topic so you can show your expertise. The ideal scenario is that you already have a blog post answering that question so you can add a link to your blog post in your answer as additional information or reference. If the list of questions that comes up doesn’t turn up anything good, you can find relevant questions another way.

Search for a topic that you know a great deal about and find the relevant topic page.

Quora Search Example Content Marketing

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Quora Topic Page Content Marketing

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On the right-hand side of the page, beneath the “About” section, there’s a section for Questions that you can click to find questions related to the given topic. This way, you narrow down your search to only include questions that are relevant to your topic of interest.

Choose questions to answer strategically.

Some questions will be more useful to you than others. You’ll want to choose the questions that will give you the most exposure to other Quora users.

The first thing to look at is how high the question is on the feed. Popular questions and answers are found near the top of the feed. Next thing to look at is how many followers the question has. More followers means more people get to read answers to this question.

Once you’ve selected a popular question with lots of followers, the next thing is to read through the answers to the question and see if you can do better. If you think you can, go for it. If you succeed in giving a better answer than anyone else, that’s more upvotes for you and great visibility for your answer.

Answer questions purposefully.

Your Quora answers are content. Thus, the techniques to make great content apply here, too. Make sure you write useful, factual, relevant, and unique content, and don’t hesitate to include images if they improve your answer.

Here are some more things to keep in mind when composing answers on Quora.

  • Avoid questions asking for opinions if you can. But if you decide to answer one of those, make sure your opinion is an informed opinion so you can defend it if you need to.
  • Exceed expectations. Surprise users by sharing answers that are immensely helpful.
  • Give credit where it’s due. Quote your source and provide a link to it if it exists.
  • Unless you’re dealing with technical subjects, use ordinary, everyday language. No one wants to read answers that look like they were written by a machine.
  • Be accountable. If you unknowingly gave incorrect information, apologize and post a correction. We’re all human; we make mistakes. Acknowledging that publicly signals trustworthiness.
  • Don’t post the same answer on multiple Quora questions hoping to increase your visibility. It’s spammy and can get you kicked out of Quora. A better way is to select just one question, or if you really need to answer all the questions, rephrase them.
  • If you’re doing affiliate marketing as well, bear in mind that Quora’s policies forbid you to post affiliate links. So don’t even try.
  • Don’t downvote other people’s correct answers just to float yours to the top of the feed. Don’t be gross.
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Don’t promote your blog excessively.

When answering questions that you know a lot about or already have blog posts about, it’s tempting to just answer with a link to a blog post you made about that topic.

DON’T. Unless you want to get booted out of Quora.

I know it seems like a waste of effort to type an answer again when you already have a comprehensive 2,500-word blog post about the topic. The thing is, Quora values users who answer questions and not those who are merely posting links to their own blogs.

The primary goal of being on Quora is to provide value. This means you always need to prioritize answering users’ questions. Building your reputation as a trustworthy source comes first and increasing traffic to your blog comes second.

Post a substantial answer to the question and then include a link to a relevant blog post at the end of your answer. You can also invite them to comment on your answer if they have follow-up questions.

Don’t hesitate to link to other blogs.

If you know the answer to the question, but you know other bloggers who’ve answered the question in a more comprehensive manner in their own blogs, link to their blog posts. This way, you’re perceived as being genuinely helpful and humble enough to accept that even though you know a lot, you don’t know it all.

Ask questions.

Want to know what your target audience is having difficulty with? Ask them! Asking the right questions on Quora can give you amazing insight into what your target audience wants, what they value, and what they think is important.

Always wanted to ask an influencer in your niche but never had the guts to contact them? Ask them! Connecting with influencers who can give you helpful advice is invaluable.

Colleagues discussing project in office

Also, if you already have a connection on Quora, that gives you something to build on when you reach out to them in the future to ask if they can guest post, or to help you promote your products if you decide to sell your own products someday.

When asking questions, be mindful of Quora’s policies and guidelines for questions.

Turn on notifications for relevant topics.

You can have questions and answers for particular topics sent directly to your inbox. This way, you’re always updated on the most recent questions in your niche and you can have a head start in answering these questions.

Create topic-specific credentials.

When you answer questions in different topics, you’ll want to show your expertise in that particular topic before users even read your answer. If you post answers to questions in wildly different topics, topic-specific credentials will be a big help. After all, if your profile credentials say that you blog about food, they won’t take your answer to a fashion-related question seriously, even though you know a great deal about it.

To add a topic-specific credential, click on your profile page. Go to the Credentials & Highlights section then click Edit.

Quora Topic-Based Credentials Step 1 Edit

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A modal window will appear. Click on Add a credential and then select Topic from the dropdown menu.

Quora Topic-Based Credentials Step 2 Topic

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Select a topic (the most relevant ones will appear while you’re typing), describe your experience in that topic, then click Save.

Quora Topic-Based Credentials Step 3 Select a Topic Describe experience then Save

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When you answer a question in that particular topic, this topic-based credential will appear beside your name.

Quora Topic-Based Credentials Step 4 Topic-based credentials displayed on answer

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Share your Quora expertise on other social media networks

Quora allows you to automatically share your answers on your connected Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts. Doing this lets your social media followers know that you’re on Quora. Also, it’s another type of content that your followers can share, building up your presence further.

Quora Automatic Share Social

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Engage on Quora often.

The more questions you answer (and ask), the more visible your content gets, enabling you to build a stronger presence on Quora. If you’re consistently active on Quora, you become a familiar sight to users, and when you’re familiar, they eventually become curious and want to know more about you and read more of your content on your blog.

I would also recommend upvoting answers you found helpful, as well as commenting with additional information if an answer can benefit from it. You’re on Quora to contribute to the discussion and provide value.

Create a blog in Quora

It seems like a pain to maintain another blog, but your Quora blog can be quite useful in building your brand and your reputation for quality content. It’s yet another way to put your content in front of people who wouldn’t have seen it otherwise.

A Quora blog that covers the same topic as your blog is a good supplement to the great content already on your actual blog, although it shouldn’t be a replacement. Think of it like a free taste to get these users curious enough to visit your blog. You might want to write a detailed, useful summary of a blog post, post it on your Quora blog, and then include a link at the end, “Click here to read the entire blog post for more details.”

If you do this approach, make sure that the Quora blog post is complete and can stand alone without having to click to your blog post. Otherwise, it’s just a bait and switch tactic that users will quickly see right through and they’ll never trust your content again.

Your Quora blog is also a way you can repurpose your old content. However, be careful when posting duplicate content because that might wreak havoc on your search engine rankings. A solution is to include a “rel=canonical” tag in the URL so that Google knows where the original content is housed. You can read this article by Google to get more information.

Here’s how to create a blog in Quora. First, go to the main menu, then click on Blogs.

Quora Blog Step 1 Blogs

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On your Blogs page, click on Create Blog.

Quora Blog Step 2 Create Blog

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Fill out the required information. I recommend having the same blog name as your self-hosted blog, but if you don’t want any confusion then you can append “Quora” at the end of the name. I would also recommend having the same blog URL as your self-hosted blog. So if you have “” as the URL for your blog, use “” as your Quora blog URL.

Quora Blog Step 3 "Create Blog"

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Now, the point of having a blog on Quora is to reach a new audience. Make sure your description contains keywords that your target audience would likely search for so they can find your Quora blog.

Note: You can also create a Quora blog for a topic that doesn’t have anything to do with your blog topic, but I won’t discuss that further here as it’s not going to get you traffic for your blog.

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Final Words On How To Get Traffic From Quora

Being an active participant on Quora is a great way to establish your expertise and connect with your target audience. Here are some final thoughts regarding Quora.

Monitor your stats.

You should already be monitoring your website analytics to know if your Quora strategy is working. However, Quora offers its own analytics from which you can get some information.

You can access your Stats by going to your main menu and then clicking on Stats.

Quora Stats

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A line graph of the number of views all of your answers have gotten on a given day. You can also click on the individual questions you answered on the left and see how they performed.

From here you can quickly see which answers are performing the best so you can plan around that. Maybe ask similar questions to those that have a high number of views and ask less questions similar to those that have a lower number of views. You can even broaden your strategy to look at which topics are performing well and which ones aren’t, so you can focus on answering questions in topics that bring you more answer views.

First of all, aim to spread knowledge.

Most of us started a blog aiming to help our readers with problems they’re struggling with. It should be the same way with Quora. Be light-handed with the self-promotion and go heavy on spreading knowledge and building rapport with other users. The trust and goodwill you gather on Quora will help you with your goal of boosting traffic.

Have fun engaging and learning!

Being active on Quora doesn’t have to be a chore. You’re allowed to have fun while scanning questions and answers. There’s much knowledge and learning to be had on Quora, and it’s insanely addictive (I should know, I’ve been pulled into a Quora vacuum more times than I can count!). That said, be careful that you don’t neglect creating content while you’re in Quora.

Have you ever used Quora to drive traffic to your blog? Were you happy with the results? Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

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About the Author

JoAnne is your average, everyday, sane stay-at-home mom who believes in the power of the internet to make dreams come true. She has an insatiable appetite for chocolate, as well as all things internet marketing. She keeps up with the latest trends in blogging, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and more.

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