What’s Up Ya Internet Marketing Fanatics!
It’s ya boy Danyon Togia, and I can’t be bothered writing a witty introduction, so I’m just gonna cut straight to the chase – today, I’ll be reviewing Adsviser 2.0 created by Abhi Dwivedi and Oliver Goodwin. These two fellas claim that this product will help you make money online by replicating other ads. They claim that Adsviser 2.0 will help you to scope out 600,000 winning and profitable ads for you to replicate. They also say that it will help you to “…start getting instant access to profitable ads and viral content for your TeeSpring, Shopify, Amazon and Any Affiliate offers today!”
Short and sweet review for you internet marketing fanatics; let’s see if these boys can come up with a great internet marketing product that will help you on your journey of becoming a filthy rich internet marketer.
Before We Jump To The Review – I Want You To Know One Thing… These reviews are written with your best interests in mind. I do my best to write honest, real, authentic reviews on internet marketing products. In doing so, hopefully, you get a bit of entertainment out of it through my witty writing style (unless you don’t find my writing entertaining, which in that case, I guess it’s back to being a receptionist for me!), and you also save a TON of time and money by not purchasing any of the crappy internet marketing products that I review on Stopping Scams.
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“At StoppingScams.com, we care about you and your financial success.”
Here’s a quick little review snippet for you folks who can’t be bothered reading the whole review:
Adsviser 2.0 isn’t a product that’s going to help you make a ton of money online, and for this reason, I can’t recommend it to you. It does include a few nifty features such as being able to scope out some competitor’s ads, but the concepts that you learn from Adsviser 2.0 can be found for free with the help of ol’ Google.
Following the purchase of Adsviser 2.0, I was met with a barrage of upsells and downsells of additional products including an “Adsviser 2.0 Pro Edition,” a Facebook Ads template, and more.
After skipping the upsells and downsells, I was taken to the Adsviser 2.0 membership site that looks a little something like this.
To begin the review, I thought I’d give you a basic rundown of what Adsviser 2.0 really is, and what it’s designed to help you do.
Adsviser 2.0 is essentially an ad tracking software that allows you to track many online ad campaigns. In doing so, you can track the successful ads and dissect them to find out exactly the reasons as to why that ad is successful. You’d be able to find a few trends that you can then replicate into your own ad campaigns in hopes that it’ll increase the profits brought in from your advertising campaigns.
Here’s a quick example on how to use Adsviser 2.0 – let’s say that you run an online Health and Wellness business. You’re releasing a weight loss product soon, so you wanna look for successful weight loss ad campaigns to study so you can learn a few tricks of the trade and run a successful ad campaign yourself. If you were to use Adviser 2.0, you’d chuck in a few search terms in relation to weight loss in the search bar.
Adsviser 2.0 will then show you a few weight loss ads that you can analyze so that your own weight loss ad campaign will hopefully be more successful.
Pretty simple, right?
So then why is Adsviser 2.0 something that I wouldn’t recommend to you aspiring internet marketers?
What I’ve found to be true is that the majority of information that you’d find in paid training courses can be found for free with a few hours of your time and sweat equity. Therefore, when purchasing a product, what you’re purchasing actually isn’t the information itself, but you’re purchasing yourself time. All the hundreds, if not thousands of hours you would’ve spent doing self-research and piecing the puzzle bits together yourself can be saved just by purchasing a high-quality product.
The type of information offered in Adsviser 2.0 isn’t something that’s worth purchasing, and you can actually find even better information with just a few free searches on Google.
One of the first blog posts that come up gives you a ton of information with in-depth explanations as to why particular Facebook ads are successful with real-life examples.
I mean, if you can find this quality of information in a matter of seconds and for free, what the heck do you need Adsviser 2.0 for? It’s just a waste of $47.95 which is a ton of money for a crappy internet marketing product, and it doesn’t even deliver the amount of educative information that these blog posts have. It’s much more time and money efficient that you do even as little as an hour of your own research and apply what you learn to your ad campaign in comparison to purchasing Adsviser 2.0.
And that’s it for this review!
I was so close to giving Adsviser 2.0 an F, but I guess I’ll settle for a D. 47 buckaroos is just too much to spend on a piece of software that doesn’t actually do much good for you. I mean yes, you can have a quick gander at a few successful ads, but that’s nothing that you can’t find with the use of Google and an hour of your time for free! For this reason….
Your time and money are better invested elsewhere.
This is my last review for the night… I’m hella tired; I’ve already written well over 7000 words of content, and I’m happy that the last few words are going to be this – if you EVER need any help, feel free to reach out to anyone else but us.
Nah I’m just joking – reach out to the team here at Stopping Scams by sending us a cute little comment, and we’ll do our best to answer your questions. We’re actually interested in your journey, and we’d love to hear from you as you’re on your way to becoming a successful, filthy rich internet marketer.
Until next time, ya internet marketing fanatics!