The Best High Ticket Affiliate Programs That Can Skyrocket Your Income

By JoAnne D. | Affiliate Marketing

The Best High Ticket Affiliate Programs That Can Skyrocket Your Income

Affiliate marketing is mostly commission-based, so promoting products and services that are high-priced, recurring or subscription-based, or have a high commission rate can help you earn more. Today, I’m going to review 39 of the best high-ticket affiliate programs in various niches currently available on the web.

Success in affiliate marketing is dependent on many factors, and one of the most important factors is the product(s) that you choose to promote.

Because affiliate marketing is a growing industry, there are plenty of affiliate programs and products to choose from.

In today’s article, I discuss the benefits of promoting high-ticket affiliate programs, how to decide which products to pitch, and the best high-ticket programs you can currently sign up for. I also provide a list of affiliate networks to take advantage of.

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Pros And Cons Of High-Ticket Items

High-ticket affiliate programs are worth a significant amount of money, so to keep things simple, I’ll discuss products that have higher than normal commission rates or that have the potential of recurring commissions.

coins in varying sizes of jars

High-ticket programs can be a hard-sell, but there are still advantages to pitching these products to your audience.

Benefits Of Promoting High-Ticket Items

1. Huge payout for every conversion.
High-ticket programs typically demand a high investment from the buyers, so every purchase means a higher payout compared to lower-priced products.

2. A larger budget to work with.
Because you earn more for every conversion, there’s more money available to grow your business (like lead generation and marketing).

3. The opportunity to fine-tune conversion techniques.
Focusing on one or two high-ticket affiliate programs at a time allows you the time and energy to optimize content, social media, and email marketing strategies more efficiently.

The Drawbacks Of Promoting High-Ticket Items

1. Low conversion rates.
High-ticket affiliate programs are more costly than the average product, so expect conversion rates to be lower than usual.

2. More work and knowledge is required to convert customers.
This is, again, related again to the cost. It takes more content and more persuasion to convince customers to invest in a high-ticket program.

3. High risk of loss.
Customers aren’t the only ones taking a risk; you also take a risk when promoting high-ticket affiliate programs. You invest time, effort, and sometimes your own money to create compelling content, formulate marketing strategies, and convince customers that your high-ticket programs are worth buying.

Your conversion rates are already expected to be low, if you spend a lot of time and effort tweaking strategies to no avail, then you might spend more than just the commissions earn.

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How To Decide Which Products To Promote

It can be an overwhelming task to choose which products to promote – there are so many affiliate programs to choose from.

Asking yourself the following questions as you research different high-ticket affiliate programs can save you a lot of time and headaches. 

1. Is the product worth the price?
While you want to make sure that you’re promoting high-quality products,  you also want to make sure that the price is appropriate for the product.

For instance, attempting to sell an ordinary pencil for $50 will land you in trouble. You may be able to swindle a few customers, but they’ll always come back to haunt you because while the pencil might not be your product, you convinced the customer to buy it. You’re going to be the one they complain to and about on social media.

Another way to phrase this question is: will customers complain about this product in the future?

2. Is the product popular?
The product may be high-quality product, but will it sell?

Ensure that the product is a best-seller, regardless of whether people buy a lot of this product or not. Do your researchcheck your affiliate’s website, read online reviews, and reach out to other affiliates who promote the same product.

mathematical calculations written in glow-in-the-dark ink lit up by blacklights

NOT this complex, I promise.

3. Is the product popular enough to be worth the actual commission?
Fair warning: We’re about to dive into some simple math here, so bear with me.

Let’s say you have a choice between Product A and Product B. Product A is worth $200 with a 30% commission, while Product B is worth $1000 with a 10% commission. With Product A, you earn $60 per unit sold, while with Product B, you earn $100 per unit sold, even though it has a lower commission rate.

But you have to take this in context with the number of products you can realistically expect to sell. For example, if you project to sell 20 pieces of Product A, you stand to earn $1200, while selling just 12 pieces of Product B will also give you $1200. Thus, it’s now a matter of which is easier to sell: 20 pieces of Product A or 12 pieces of Product B.

4. Does the landing page persuade visitors to purchase the product?
When visitors to your site click on an affiliate link, they’re redirected to the affiliate program’s landing page. This is where they are persuaded to buy the product you promoted (i.e., the affiliate link they clicked).

You can be a great marketer, but what ultimately determines if a visitor will purchase the product you’re promoting is whether the landing page they encounter is compelling enough to convince them to buy the product.

Do your due diligence and check the landing page visitors are led to. Otherwise, you might be wasting your energy directing visitors to substandard landing pages that won’t convert.

5. How long can you earn commissions?

Let’s talk about cookies!

bowl of chocolate chip cookies set on coffee beans

No, not THIS kind of cookie.

When a website visitor clicks on your affiliate links, a cookie is placed on their browser, including your unique affiliate ID, so that you’re awarded the commission for that sale. As long as that cookie is in a visitor’s browser, you’ll earn commissions from their purchases of that product.

Thus, the longer a cookie stays in a visitor’s browser, the greater the chance that you’ll earn commissions from future purchases. Even if a purchase isn’t made at that moment, as soon as a purchase IS made with the cookie still in the visitor’s browser, you’ll earn a commission from that sale.

How long these cookies last depends on your affiliate’s settings, so make sure to clarify with them how long their cookies stay in people’s browsers.

6. Is the affiliate program trustworthy?

Ask other affiliate marketers enrolled in a high-ticket affiliate program you’re interested in if they’ve ever had any issues getting paid (or otherwise). Shoddy affiliate programs can try to cover up their shoddiness, but they can’t hide the truth forever (especially in today’s review climate).

The Best High-Ticket Affiliate Programs

Disclaimer: While this list was meticulously researched, I wasn’t able to sign up for each one. Your experience may vary. 

Also, while this information is true at the time of publication, affiliate programs can change their terms and commission rates at any time. Read any contracts and affiliate agreements you go into carefully. I will not be held liable for any loss you incur or any lost income because you didn’t read legally binding documents you signed.

None of the links included in this article are affiliate links. We make no commission on any of them.

Without further ado, here are the best high-ticket affiliate programs arranged by niche.

Web Hosting

rows of servers

Web hosting affiliate programs are among the most lucrative and highest paying high-ticket affiliate programs. An advantage of signing up as a web hosting affiliate is that even if you aren’t in an internet marketing or blogging niche, you can promote web hosting to audiences in other niches that require websites.

Liquid Web

Liquid Web offers managed WordPress hosting, cloud hosting, as well as virtual private server (VPS) and dedicated server services. Their affiliate program is run through the affiliate networks CJ Affiliate and Impact Radius.

Additional information:

  • Earn a one-time commission
  • Custom content & links
  • Custom landing pages
  • 90-day cookies
  • Advanced notice of exclusive sales & promotions
  • Dedicated affiliate managers for personalized support

Commissions: From $150 to $7000 per sale + recurring commissions.

Affiliate Program Site: Liquid Web Affiliate Program


Bluehost is one of the more popular web hosting services. They offer shared hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting.

Additional information: 

  • Free to join
  • Minimum $100 before first commission payment is processed 
  • Takes 45 to 60 days to review and process sales
  • 90-day cookies

Commissions: Flat fee of $65 per referral

Affiliate Program Site: Bluehost Affiliate Program

WP Engine

WP Engine offers managed WordPress hosting and boasts thousands of customers worldwide, which is good for marketers who

WP Engine offers WordPress hosting management and boasts thousands of customers worldwide, which is good for marketers who have global target audiences.

WP Engine is a good fit for established businesses that require stable site speed and security. Their affiliate program is run through ShareASale.

Additional information: 

  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • 180-day cookies

Commissions: $200 or 100% of first month payment for WP Engine & Genesis Pro sales and 35% of StudioPress Theme sales. Bonus commissions for multiple monthly sales (starting from 5 monthly sales).

Affiliate Program Site: WP Engine Managed WordPress Hosting Affiliate Program


Kinsta also offers managed WordPress hosting. Even though they offer a starter plan, their target customers appear to be medium to large businesses or ecommerce businesses.

They provide an extensive resource called Affiliate Academy that contains in-depth, valuable content about affiliate marketing.

Additional information:

  • Exclusive sign-up bonus
  • 60-day cookies
  • User-friendly dashboard

Commissions: From $50 to $500 per sale + 10% recurring commissions

Affiliate Program Site: Kinsta Managed WordPress Hosting Affiliate Program


Cloudways is a highly rated hosting service that offers cloud hosting management services, 24/7 expert support, and a comprehensive knowledge base. Their target audience ranges from individuals to medium-sized businesses.

Additional information:

  • Dedicated affiliate managers
  • Extensive resources such as blogs and newsletters
  • $250 payout threshold

Commissions: Cloudways offers two ways to earn: Slab and Hybrid.

  • Slab:
    • $50 to $125 per sale depending on your sales each month
    • Instant commissions
    • Best for performance marketers, bloggers, and media publishers
  • Hybrid:
    • Earn $30 per sale + 7% lifetime commission
    • Ideal for bloggers, developers, freelancers, & digital agencies
    • Refer customers with high hosting spending and get rewarded for a lifetime

Affiliate Program Site: Cloudways Web Hosting Affiliate Program

Digital Marketing

Online businesses are becoming increasingly popular, so digital marketing tools are in demand.

woman using a laptop with notes and coffee on the desk

Similar to web hosting products, you don’t need to actually be in the internet marketing niche to promote digital marketing tools; you can promote these tools to anyone who’s in need of them, whatever your niche.


SEMRush is a popular all-in-one marketing toolkit—keyword research, SEO, paid traffic, content and social media marketing, and more—geared toward digital marketing professionals and online business owners.

It’s also useful for competitor analysis: what rankings they’ve reached in search engine pages, what keywords they’re using for their paid ads and content, what kind of traffic they’re getting, and so on.

You can recommend SEMRush to site owners who have established online businesses and are looking to increase search engine rankings and traffic to their website by improving on-page SEO and strategizing their advertising and social media messages.

Additional information:

  • 120-day cookies
  • 40+ tools available

Commissions: Earn $200 for every SEMrush subscription sale and $10 for every new lead.

Affiliate Program Site: BeRush Affiliate Program for SEMRush


Hubspot offers powerful customer relationship management (CRM) and automation tools that can be used by sales, marketing, and customer service teams of small to medium-sized businesses.

A weakness of the HubSpot affiliate program is that it can only track commissions that start or end on a “.com” domain.

Additional information:

  • Track clicks, referrals and commissions from your affiliate portal
  • 90-day cookies

Commissions: From $250 to $1000 per purchase (depending on the product tier).

Affiliate Program Site: HubSpot’s Affiliate Program


Ontraport has been touted to be a more affordable HubSpot alternative, offering a suite of CRM and automation tools as well. It’s also been described as easier to use and more reliable customer support.

Additional information:

  • Dedicated resource center for affiliates
  • Promotional tools and resources
  • Dedicated support team

Commissions: 25% recurring commissions

Affiliate Program Site: Become An Ontraport Affiliate


Instapage is a landing page platform that promises to increase conversion rates for online businesses. They provide a landing page builder, split testing tool, and a collaboration platform for teams to design and create landing pages together.

Additional information: 

  • Promotional materials
  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • 120-day cookies

Commissions: 50% commission on their first year’s purchase and then 30% for every year after that.

Affiliate Program Site: Instapage Affiliate Program


Lander is another landing page platform that claims to have the best-converting landing page templates. It includes an A/B testing tool and the ability to create Facebook landing pages.

Additional information:

  • Detailed dashboard
  • Promotional materials
  • Retargeting program
  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • 90-day cookies
  • Minimum $50 for payment to be processed


  • Annual subscription = 60% commission for every sale
  • Monthly subscription = 50% commission for the 1st month and 20% commission for the 2nd & 3rd months

Affiliate Program Site: Lander Affiliate Program

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Leadpages is another landing page platform that offers a drag-and-drop landing page builder, Facebook and Instagram ad creators, seamless integrations with other marketing applications and tools, and a split testing tool.

With the LeadPages affiliate program, you can earn commissions by sharing free content, which is a rare feature. Affiliates are commissioned on customer free trial sign-ups that result in a paid subscription.

Additional information: 

  • Promotional materials including the option to co-host a webinar 
  • Comprehensive resources including a video course
  • Exclusive Facebook community for affiliates
  • 30-day cookies

Commissions: Earn up to 50% recurring commissions for as long as your referral remains a Leadpages customer.

Affiliate Program Site: Leadpages Partnership Program


Clickfunnels is an online sales funnel solution that offers a landing page creation platform, an autoresponder, a split testing tool, and analytics.

affiliate marketing sales funnel

Landing pages are an integral part of a sales funnel, but sales funnels aren’t just comprised of landing pages. It’s a whole process that includes a series of pages that guides prospective customers through the buying process. Clickfunnels is a more complete solution to increase conversions.

Additional information: 

  • Minimum of $50 for payment to be processed
  • Bonuses available (subject to terms)
  • Commissions also available for books, webinars and courses
  • Lifetime cookies


  • 40% recurring commission per user
  • 20% sub-affiliate commission on sales referred by your referrals 
  • $100 commission for sales generated from the One Funnel Away and 30 Days challenges

Affiliate Program Site: ClickFunnels Affiliate Program


Mailerlite is an email marketing solution that features a drag-and-drop email builder, a landing page and opt-in form creator, as well as email automation.

Unlike the other affiliate programs mentioned in this article, Mailerlite doesn’t install cookies on visitors who click your affiliate links. This means that if a visitor clicks your affiliate link, but doesn’t purchase in that same session and closes their browser window, you don’t earn a commission if they purchase directly from Mailerlite later on.

Additional information: 

  • Minimum $50 for payment to be processed

Commissions: 30% recurring commissions

Affiliate Program Site: MailerLite Affiliate Program

Long Tail Pro

Long Tail Pro is a powerful keyword tool that helps online businesses, bloggers, and SEO professionals find long-tail keywords to rank for.

When a seed keyword is entered in the tool, a list of suggestions is shown along with an in-depth analysis of competitors that are ranking for those keyword suggestions, how profitable those keyword suggestions will probably be, and how easily you could rank for those keywords.

They have a self-hosted affiliate program through Post Affiliate Pro, but their affiliate program is also offered through a number of third-party marketplaces such as VigLink, ClickBank, and FlexOffers.

Additional information: 

  • Minimum $100 for payment to be processed
  • Requires approval to be an affiliate

Commissions: 30% recurring commission

Affiliate Program Site: Long Tail Pro Affiliate Program

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Selling goods online has plenty of profit potential, so plenty of people want to get into eCommerce. However, setting up an online store — maintaining inventory, establishing payment channels, tracking shipments — is a tedious process, especially without any technical knowledge.

ecommerce site

Thus, there is a demand for software and website platforms that can handle all of these features and make the process easier for aspiring online store owners.


Shopify provides everything you could need to run a thriving eCommerce site: from website hosting, website builders (to easily build a website without extensive knowledge of HTML and CSS), shopping carts, store management tools, digital marketing, payment gateways, and even SEO.

Shopify’s latest innovation is a free point of sale (POS) card reader so Shopify store owners can accept credit card payments at physical locations.

Shopify enjoys worldwide popularity; over 1 million businesses in 175 countries around the world have made over $200 billion USD in sales using Shopify, so there isn’t going to be a shortage of people to promote Shopify to.

Additional information:

  • Minimum $25 to process payment
  • 30-day cookies
  • Resources for affiliates 
  • User-friendly dashboard

Commissions: Affiliates can earn an average of $58 for each user who signs up for a paid plan with your unique affiliate link; each referral will be supported to help them transition from trial to paid plan.

Affiliate Program Site: Shopify Affiliate Marketing Program


3dcart is a great alternative to Shopify. It offers everything you need to create an eCommerce website, with extras such as built-in email marketing, cart abandonment recovery tools, and eCommerce automation tools. It also integrates nicely with other applications that will help your business grow.

They also offer hundreds of text and video resources to help you maximize 3dcart’s features, as well as 24/7 support.

Their affiliate program is run through CJ Affiliate and ShareASale.

Additional information:

  • Offers content webinars and automated funnels to aid sales
  • 120-day cookies

Commissions: Up to 300% one-time commission per sale

Affiliate Program Site: 3dcart Affiliate Program


Volusion includes responsive themes, site builder, inventory management, payment gateways, and integrations with other applications that assist eCommerce efforts. It also includes built-in SEO management, email marketing, and customer relationship management tools.

Their affiliate program is offered through CJ Affiliate.

Additional information:

  • Comprehensive resources for affiliates

Commissions: 200% one-time commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: Become A Volusion Partner


BigCommerce claims to be superior in scalability and security, and to have the most built-in features compared to other ecommerce platforms. It’s proven to be less user friendly than the more popular platforms, though (especially Shopify).

Their affiliate program is being offered through Impact Radius.

Additional information: 

  • Minimum of $50 to process payout
  • 90-day cookies
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Pre-made website content
  • Comprehensive dashboard

Commissions: 200% one-time commission per sale or $1,500 per enterprise customer.

Affiliate Program Site: BigCommerce Affiliate Program


True to its name, Proof is a social proof tool that uses a small but compelling pop-up on the corner of your page to show who else has purchased a product from your site or subscribed to your email updates.

Proof is different from the other programs in this category; it’s not an ecommerce platform, but it’s a great addition to an eCommerce site.

Social proof is a powerful thing when converting casual visitors into paying customers. Showing your visitors that other people are looking at and buying your products and are taking immediate action is an extremely persuasive tactic.

Their affiliate program is offered through PartnerStack.

Additional information:

  • 90-day cookies

Commissions: 30% recurring commissions per sale, valid for the lifetime of the subscription.

Affiliate Program Site: Proof Affiliate Program

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WordPress Templates

Website templates are another product you can offer to anyone building a website, regardless of niche.

website themes

Choosing a template for a WordPress website shouldn’t be as simple as choosing the one that looks best. You should also consider page speed, SEO, user-friendliness, site security, support, compatibility with device and browser, and customizability.


StudioPress created the world-famous Genesis Framework (a theme framework) as well as various child themes. The Genesis Framework is used in more than half a million WordPress sites. If you’re a frequent internet user, then chances are you’ve seen a website built on the Genesis framework and a StudioPress child theme.

StudioPress is now owned by WPEngine, so if you create a site with WPEngine, you get the Genesis framework, plus more than 40 StudioPress themes, for free. However, the StudioPress and WPEngine affiliate programs are separate.

The StudioPress affiliate program is offered through ShareASale.

Additional information:

  • Approval required 
  • 60-day cookies

Commissions: 35% of StudioPress theme sales and $200 minimum commissions for WPEngine sales.

Affiliate Program Site: StudioPress Affiliate Program

Template Monster

Template Monster offers plenty of different themes (58,720 as of 2019) and plugins for different content management systems (CMS), not just WordPress. They also offer 24/7 support for their products.

There are plenty of affiliate marketers who are already promoting this affiliate product.

Additional information:

  • 60 days for StudioPress theme sales; 180 days for WP Engine sales
  • Dedicated affiliate management team

Commissions: 30% commission for any user’s first purchase and 10% commission on further purchases.

Affiliate Program Site: Template Monster Affiliate Program

Online Courses

two users looking at a laptop

There will always be a market for people who want to learn something new. Whether it’s to change careers or purely for the pleasure of enriching one’s life, plenty of internet users in different niches are on the lookout for easily accessible eCourses.


Udemy is an eCourse library containing 100,000 online courses on a variety of topics. Millions of students master new skills every day from the thousands of teachers and tutors who teach these topics.

Udemy frequently offers discounts and sales on smaller training courses, so students usually wait to buy those. The courses to promote are the higher-value ones for higher commissions.

This affiliate program is offered through Rakuten LinkShare.

Additional information:

  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • Promotional materials
  • Extensive resources available for affiliates
  • 7-day cookies

Commissions: 20% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: Udemy Affiliates Program


Coursera offers 1000+ high-quality courses and specializations provided by top notch institutions and teachers. The courses include lectures, quizzes, and coursework that are designed to provide maximum knowledge to course-takers.

Coursera is offering their affiliate program through Rakuten LinkShare.

Additional information: 

  • Promotional materials
  • Affiliate newsletters
  • 30-day cookies

Commissions: 20% to 45% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: Coursera Affiliate Program


edX is an online library founded by Harvard University and MIT that offers online courses from the world’s best university and institutions. They offer basic and master’s degrees.

Their commissions may be smaller than the other programs featured here, but the cost of their courses can get as high as $20,000 for master’s degrees.

They offer their affiliate program through Awin.

Additional information:

  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • Promotional materials
  • 60-day cookies

Commissions: 5% to 10% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: edX Affiliate Program

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Health And Fitness

woman doing the child's pose on a pink yoga mat

There is no shortage of people who want to lead a healthier lifestyle. Thus, the health and fitness niche is a profitable one, and promoting their products and services can be profitable for you, too.

Organifi Green Juice

Organifi specializes in superfood supplements in the form of drink powders that are meant to benefit one’s overall health without the need to juice or blend. Organifi offers subscription plans for their powders and supplements that you can earn recurring commissions on.

Their affiliate program is offered through ClickBank.

Additional information: 

  • Dedicated site for affiliate resources
  • Affiliate manager
  • Promotional materials

Commissions: Up to 20% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: Organifi Affiliate Resources

Total Gym

Total Gym offers a line of home fitness equipment as well as exercise DVDs. As the equipment is fairly expensive, this company targets people who are serious about losing weight and building strength but are unable or willing to go to the gym.

There are some factors that may be deal-breakers for you (such as no email marketing) and restrictions for some US states (Connecticut, North Carolina or Rhode Island).

Their affiliate program is offered through CJ Affiliate.

Additional information: 

  • Dedicated affiliate management team
  • 45-day cookies

Commissions: 3% to 7.5% commission per sale, depending on the product type.

Affiliate Program Site: Become A Total Gym Affiliate

Life Fitness

Life Fitness sells fitness and exercise equipment for both personal and commercial use. They strongly focus on innovation, and creating equipment with some unusual features. Again, as this entails a significant amount of investment, this is for customers who are serious about their fitness goals.

The affiliate program is only for home fitness equipment.

Additional information: 

  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • Bonuses and incentives
  • Real-time analytics and reporting
  • 30-day cookies

Commissions: 8% commission per sale

Affiliate Program Site: Life Fitness Affiliate Program


Fitbit offers innovative wearable technology that tracks physical activity such as the wearer’s number of steps, sleep length, heart rate, and even female health (menstruation, ovulation, and fertility windows). Fitbit also offers smartwatches and even smart scales to consumers who wish to track more than just their movement.

Fitbit only accepts websites based in the U.S. and Canada.

Their program is offered through CJ Affiliate.

Additional information: 

  • Free membership
  • Promotional materials
  • Exclusive newsletters

Commissions: 12% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: Fitbit Affiliates

Natalie Jill Fitness

Natalie Jill is a fitness and wellness life coach who’s made millions of dollars from fitness programs. She started with a single product: 7 Day Jump Start Program. Today, she offers plenty of programs ranging from beginner to advanced levels and also offers fitness, marketing, and personal development coaching.

Additional information:

  • Minimum $25 to process payment
  • Lifetime cookies

Commissions: 30% to 50% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: Natalie Jill Fitness Affiliate Program

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Luxury Travel

tropical featuring coconut trees and sun bathing areas

Travelling in style has become a popular pastime for the affluent, and luxury travel affiliate programs are among the highest-paying. The price of luxury flights and accommodations can run up in the thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars, which is why the travel industry has become so lucrative for affiliates.


Villiers is a world-wide private jet and aircraft company. This can be a very lucrative high-ticket affiliate program for travel bloggers with the cost of flights being in the thousands of dollars. Target businesses with employees and executives who need to fly around the world and individuals or families who can afford to travel in a private jet.

Additional information: 

  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • Promotional materials
  • Commissions paid out 14 days after a flight’s departure
  • Lifetime cookies
  • $15 deposit on application, refunded on first commission payment or when rejected

Commissions: 30% commission for each flight.

Affiliate Program Site: Villiers Affiliate Program


CruiseDirect is an online cruise travel company working directly with suppliers to provide great deals on cruise vacations.

The cruise industry has continued to grow over the years, so cash in on this growth as well by targeting individuals and families who desire a holiday cruise or a last-minute escape.

This affiliate program is offered through CJ Affiliate.

Additional information: 

  • Dedicated affiliate management team
  • Exclusive newsletter
  • Promotional materials
  • Bonus commissions
  • 45-day cookies

Commissions: 3% commission on gross sales

Affiliate Program Site: CruiseDirect Affiliate Program

Sandals Resorts

Sandals Resorts owns 16 all-inclusive Caribbean resorts that offer romantic vacations, honeymoons, and destination weddings and owns 3 Beaches Resorts that also offer high-quality vacations geared toward families

Their affiliate program is run through CJ Affiliate.

Additional information: 

  • Dedicated affiliate manager
  • Incentives, monthly newsletters, real-time reporting, & promotional materials
  • 60-day cookies

Commissions: 4% commission

Affiliate Program Site: Sandals Resorts Affiliate Marketing Program

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Luxury Items

luxury department store

Brick-and-mortar stores are on the decline, but online shopping grows more popular every year. Luxury online shopping is another industry that carries great potential for affiliate marketers in the right niche.

Hammacher Schlemmer

Hammacher Schlemmer is America’s longest running catalog store. They’re known as an “everything” store, offering a huge variety of products.

Their online store can be likened to Amazon, except with unique high-end products. Some examples include a modified golf cart worth $38,500 a personal submarine worth $2,700,000.

The Hammacher Schlemmer high-ticket affiliate program is great for the affiliate who is in a luxury item niche.

This affiliate program is offered through various third-party affiliate networks such as VigLink, CJ Affiliate, and FlexOffers.

Additional information:

  • 30-day cookies

Commissions:  8% commission for each product sold.

Affiliate Program Site: Hammacher Schlemmer Affiliate Program on VigLink


NET-A-PORTER is an online store that specializes in designer clothing and accessories. Promoting designer pieces can increase your income, even if the commission rate is less than 10%.

Additional information: 

  • Affiliates require approval
  • Promotional materials
  • Real-time reporting

Commissions: 6% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: NET-A-PORTER Affiliate Program

Moda Operandi

Moda Operandi is another online store that offers designer clothing and luxury fashion, but their edge lies in allowing customers to pre-order next season’s runway looks. Targeting die-hard fashionistas who want to stay ahead of the pack can be lucrative.

Their affiliate program is being offered through VigLink.

Additional information: 

  • Affiliates require approval
  • Dedicated affiliate team
  • Promotional materials
  • 14-day cookies

Commissions: 10% commission per sale.

Affiliate Program Site: Moda Operandi Affiliate Program

Bonus: Affiliate Networks

Aside from reviewing the affiliate program options listed above, it would be advantageous to research other high-ticket products and services in affiliate networks. Some of the affiliate programs I’ve listed above are also offered through a few of these affiliate networks.

businessman clicking on a network

Affiliate networks connect merchants and businesses with affiliate marketers who promote their products and services. They streamline the process by providing resources and tracking and payment tools.

These popular affiliate networks offer high-ticket affiliate programs:

Final Thoughts

The affiliate marketing industry grows larger year after year, and there seems to be no shortage of affiliate programs to sign up for. The important thing to be mindful of is to, no matter what niche you’re in, promote affiliate products you absolutely believe in.

Once again, here are the best high-ticket affiliate programs.

The Best High-Ticket Affiliate Programs

Final Reminders For Selecting The Best Affiliate Programs

Learn how to find credible affiliate programs and networks on your own.

If you’re associated with any of the niches discussed throughout this article, you’ll have to look elsewhere for high-ticket affiliate programs to promote on your website.

Google is the most useful tool to pinpoint profitable affiliate programs and networks, and to check out the affiliate programs your competition is pitching. It can be as simple as browsing their content for links or, if you’re brave enough, enrolling in their email list.

Remember to choose programs that provide high-quality products or services and have been proven to pay their affiliates correctly.

Read affiliate policies, terms, and conditions carefully – and follow them.

Policies, terms, and conditions can read like legalese and may not be very enjoyable to review, but knowing exactly what you’re agreeing to can make or break your affiliate marketing efforts.

Terms and conditions usually explain which types of websites are allowed to display affiliate links, as well as which keywords to avoid so as not to compete with the merchant’s SEO and other promotional efforts.

Most affiliate program terms and conditions state that affiliates are not allowed to use their own affiliate links to purchase products or services for personal use. This has become common practice because some affiliate marketers enroll in affiliate programs simply to get discounts and commissions from their own purchases.

Don’t sully your reputation as an affiliate marketer for a temporary increase in income because, sooner or later, you will get caught.

Beware of scams!!!

The affiliate marketing industry is quite lucrative, and that attracts all kinds of scammers. You need to learn how to carefully examine affiliate networks and programs to avoid getting scammed. Identifying scams can be a subtle art, but generally, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Over To You

Have you already started an affiliate marketing business and begun the search for a high-ticket affiliate program to promote? Are you an affiliate for any of the affiliate programs mentioned in this article? Share your experiences in the comments!

About the Author

JoAnne is your average, everyday, sane stay-at-home mom who believes in the power of the internet to make dreams come true. She has an insatiable appetite for chocolate, as well as all things internet marketing. She keeps up with the latest trends in blogging, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and more.

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