Section 3: Picking and Polishing the Perfect Niche [2H 35M]

Section 3: Picking and Polishing the Perfect Niche [2H 35M]

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I’ve found that most product publishers treat niche selection like sort of an afterthought… something they skip through really quickly, and leave the majority of their students lost, confused, and wondering what to do next.

I’m confident you’ll find that my training does the exact opposite.

Niche selection is really tough to teach, and I think that’s why so many “teachers” shy away from digging in deep. Not me. I’d almost “bet the farm” that this is, hands-down, the BEST guidance you’ve ever seen for picking a niche.

Make sure you start this long journey on the right foot, and pick a niche that kicks ass after completing this section.

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
