Thank you for supporting FIMP! This project would not be possible without you.
The courses below can only be accessed by FIMP supporters. FIMP supporters have access to the first advanced section, “Hotseat Session Replays & Day-After Analyses,” as well as all core FIMP content in ad-free format (indicated by “AF”).
If you have supported FIMP by one of the three methods outlined on this page, but your account does not currently have access to the courses below, please notify us at Me or my assistant will help ASAP.
NOTE: Advanced course access does not include Sections A1 & A2; only the Hotseat replays & DAA.
Intro to the Free Internet Marketing Project™ [25 Min.] (AF)
This is a really brief introduction to the Free Internet Marketing Project™ — just a single lesson to help fill you in on what to expect as you go through the training here. Please take 5 minutes to complete it before proceeding into the training!
Section 1: The ONLY Way Anyone Gets Rich Online [45M] (AF)
If you’ve found your way to the Free Internet Marketing Project™, you’re probably interested in building an online business. Many of you don’t care what kind of business you build, as long as you get rich.
VERY few people that attempt to strike it rich online actually succeed. Want to know what the main difference is between successful internet business owners and the mass graves of unsuccessful “wannabes”?
Then this section is for you.
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
Section 2: Essential Mindset Training for Success [1HR] (AF)
When I hear “mindset” training, I think of woo-woo “if you believe it, you can achieve it” crap.
That’s not what this is.
Over the years, I’ve seen a small minority of people succeed with internet business and a huge majority of others fail. I found over the years that the most successful internet marketers had qualities that are almost inherent, which the unsuccessful attempters didn’t have.
I don’t think these qualities have to be hardwired into you for you to be successful. But you DO have to learn them, and those qualities that make some people so much more successful than others are what I teach in this section.
My very strong recommendation: Don’t skip any of the lessons in this section simply because it’s labeled “mindset training”.
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
Section 3: Picking and Polishing the Perfect Niche [2H 35M] (AF)
I’ve found that most product publishers treat niche selection like sort of an afterthought… something they skip through really quickly, and leave the majority of their students lost, confused, and wondering what to do next.
I’m confident you’ll find that my training does the exact opposite.
Niche selection is really tough to teach, and I think that’s why so many “teachers” shy away from digging in deep. Not me. I’d almost “bet the farm” that this is, hands-down, the BEST guidance you’ve ever seen for picking a niche.
Make sure you start this long journey on the right foot, and pick a niche that kicks ass after completing this section.
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
Section 4: “The Foundation” — Building Your Website [3H 30M]
Building a website is hard — particularly if it’s the first time you’re doing it.
People ask me all of the time, “Do I have to build a website?” The answer is absolutely, indisputably — YES.
It’s in our nature to try to find a way around things that are difficult. That’s why so many product publishers lie and tell customers that they don’t need a website. If they can convince you that you can skip over one of internet business’ biggest challenges, it’s that much easier to sell you a course!
Building a website doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. It’s actually ridiculously simple to get a skeleton website up and running, which is ALL that’s required for the first several months of running your business.
Just follow what I do in these lessons step-by-step, and you’ll have a website up and running before you know it.
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
Section 5: “The Frame” — Lethal Keyword Research [3H] (AF)
Keyword research.
It’s either going to be your best friend, or your worst enemy.
It’ll help your internet business thrive, or kill it before it ever gets off the ground.
This is an absolute must-watch section if you want to build a profitable website. I share actionable, step-by-step strategies for picking high-profit keywords that WILL result in traffic, even in the most competitive niches.
Keyword research can be intimidating when you’re first getting started, but ignoring it isn’t an option.
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
Section 6: Writing Content That Gets Ranked [2H] (AF)
You hear it all of the time:
“Content is king.”
“Make sure you write high-quality content.”
“You have to have high quality content to succeed in internet marketing.”
But what does all of that actually mean?
In this section, I’ll walk you through EXACTLY what it means and how to do it.
Not only that, I’ll show you how to do it quickly and efficiently.
It took years for me to break this down to such an efficient process that I could teach to others to create the exact same results I’ve been able to create in my own business.
And now it’s your turn!
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
Section 7: How to Promote Your Website and Get Traffic [1H] (AF)
Writing high-quality content and optimizing it for the search engines isn’t the only way to get traffic.
If doing nothing but working on content drives you nuts, I’d recommend picking ONE other form of promotion taught here and using it to grow your business.
But remember what we discussed in Lesson 1.2 — you only need one core competency + one way to generate traffic to build a highly profitable internet business.
You can tie yourself up for months or years trying to master all of them. I can emphasize strongly enough how dangerous of a cycle that can become.
That’s why I recommend picking ONE extra form of traffic generation and sticking with it. Anything beyond that will likely just lead to feelings of being confused, overwhelmed, and ultimately, increase your odds of giving up on internet business.
Keep in mind: just posting high-quality content consistently IS enough to succeed in any niche — it’s just a matter of sticking with it and working the process. But I wanted to give you more options in case you wanted or needed them!
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
Section 8: Now How the Hell Do I Make Money? [45M] (AF)
Up until now we’ve spent the lion’s share of this training focusing on one thing: how to get traffic.
But after you get traffic, how do you make money?
That’s what I talk about in this section. From CPA marketing to selling your own physical products — you’ll know all of your options for monetization by the time you finish this section.
Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).
FIMP Hotseat Session Replays & Day-After Analyses
This section contains the training and material produced during the FIMP Hotseat Sessions:
- Complete replays from all FIMP Hotseat Sessions
- Day-after analyses where I summarize everything from the day before’s Session, and dig even deeper
Section A1: An In-Depth Guide to White-Hat Linkbuilding
Ever wondered how to safely build backlinks? Or if they’re even relevant anymore?
Then you’re in for a real treat.
In this section I teach advanced backlinking strategies step-by-step. Yes, it can be a little bit tedious, but the payoff when done correctly is HUGE. You can grow a site 2-4x faster using effective content promotion and outreach to get high-authority backlinks.. which is exactly what’s taught here.
Section A2: A Step-By-Step Guide to Perfect Video Marketing
Video marketing can be really overwhelming. If you don’t have experience in that “world”, you probably feel instantly overwhelmed whenever you think about it. “Which camera do I need? Do I need expensive lighting and audio… or a professional-grade video editor?
Not to mention how terrifying it is to be on camera!!”
I hold your hand through all of that, and more, in this section. With a little practice, you’ll be a video marketing pro in no time.
Section A3: How to Trick Google… Without Getting Caught
NOTE: Watch my introduction to this section FIRST to decide whether or not PBNs are something you should pursue.
As “Big G” has evolved, it’s become more and more difficult to “trick” their algorithms into ranking your site without leaving an obvious footprint.
PBNs are widely regarded as one of the best ways to “game” Google and get rankings, but it’s remarkably expensive to get a good education from an experienced mentor who truly knows what they’re talking about.
(most people discussing & teaching PBNs are, frankly, have ZERO idea what they’re talking about)
The methods taught here do not leverage ANY illegal or immoral strategies (black hat SEO), but it’s also not considered “playing by the book”. That’s what makes PBNs “grey hat SEO”.
They are incredibly complex to build & execute correctly in today’s search climate. I studied under one of the world’s leading experts to acquire these skills, then honed and adapted them extensively myself, which cost me more than $25,000.
Now I’m making that knowledge accessible to everyone.
Do you have what it takes to pursue them in your business? Watch my introduction to this section to find out.
Section A4: Important Principles for Conversion Optimization
Conversion optimization is largely misunderstood and overlooked, but it’s what separates amateur internet entrepreneurs from the top earners.
Here’s everything you need to know (and more) about conversion optimization for this stage of your internet business.
Section A5: Google Analytics & Search Console Essentials
There’s an abundance of high-quality, free training about Google Analytics & GSC… but it’s wildly inefficient.
You’re forced to sit through hours upon hours of video training for features you’ll never use, just to get to the actionable stuff that actually empowers your business.
As a result, most people get overwhelmed by GA & GSC’s mountain of data, therefore never leveraging immensely valuable data at their fingertips.
In Section A5, we’re going to make sure you never fall into that costly trap.
Simple, Click-by-Click Google Analytics & GSC Training
I’ll be taking you into my Google Analytics & GSC accounts to show you:
- How to track links on-site & off-site for FREE using Google Analytics
- Which Google Analytics reports & features I use most week-to-week for my websites
- Which Google Search Console reports & features I use to shortcut my organic rankings
- How to do ALL of this, click-by-click, without getting paralyzed by the mountain of data within these tools
I’ll also give clear guidelines for when this data becomes important, how often you should be checking it, etc.
I know some of you have developed a bad habit of checking your analytics daily, and we need to address that ?
A6: How to Maximize Revenue of a Site with Traffic
Section A7: Building and Marketing to an Email List
Section A8: Facebook Advertising Basics
Section A9: Advanced Facebook Ads
Section A10: Building Profitable eCom & Dropshipping Stores
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