3.5 (Painless) Internet Marketing Economics (AF)

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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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In this video I discuss:

  • Very simple and easy-to-understand economics I wish someone had shared with me early on
  • What you should be looking for in your niche at a very minimum if you want to make money
  • Discussing commission percentage vs. total purchase value, and how they should guide your niche selection

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).

3.5 Transcript Below

Okay, let’s talk about what sounds very intimidating on the front end but that’s why I put “painless” on the front of it: internet marketing economics.

I think people see the word “economics” and they go, “Oh no.” But I promise this is going to be really painless and easy to understand.

At the end of the day, the reason I want to visit this right now is because these are economics that I really wish someone had called to my attention when I was picking a niche.

So the cheaper the product… we’ve talked about this already in past training… but the cheaper the products in your industry, the more you have to sell. And that can be a problem because that means you need more traffic and the more traffic you need, the less likely that it is to happen.

Because again, remember: the internet is going to have much fewer high traffic sites than it has kind of modest… what a lot of people would consider low-traffic sites compared to a site that’s getting a million visitors a day – getting a thousand visitors a day – is a pretty modest amount of traffic but much more achievable.

On the other hand, the higher the commission or the higher the commission percentage that you’re receiving for a product, the fewer you have to sell.

So if you’re selling something that’s $300, you’re much more likely to succeed and make decent income off of a lower amount of traffic than something that is $10.

Just look at it: if each one had a 5% commission, the commission on one is like $0.50? And then the commission on the $300 product is $15. Still not a really incredible commission but $0.50 compared to $15? You need to make a lot less of the $15 commissions to hit whatever goal you’re trying to hit than the thing that costs $10 and you’re only making $0.50 off of.

The other way to turn that on its head is a lot of digital products, for example, have really high commission percentages – like 50% to 75% of the sale so even though it may only be $30, your commission on it may be somewhere between $15 or sometimes even as high as $25.

So it’s a really important thing to keep your eyes on and we’ll talk about exactly how you do that later in this lesson.

But as I mentioned, the fewer conversions that you have to get, the better you’re setting yourself up for success than someone that needs a ton of conversions to kind of hit the goals that they want.

So a really simplified way to look at this without getting face deep… without just really diving in and getting lost in the weeds… and you know, just looking at all the different commissions and different kind of affiliate offers that are out there… you really don’t need to do that. You don’t need to go that in depth when you’re picking a niche if you’re following everything else in this training and it could actually just result in you feeling a lot more overwhelmed.

So without getting face deep in commission-hunting, general rule of thumb: sell digital products that have higher percentage of commissions or sell physical products that are $50 or more that have lower commission percentages.

So I would even say $100+ products would be even better because even though the commission percentage may be lower, you’re only looking at maybe 5% to 7% – some instances even less.

Great example is computer. A computer is going to cost someone at least $400 to $500, so your commission – even if it’s only 3% on a $400 computer – is $12. And it’s a necessity, it’s something that someone is going to buy so they might as well do it through you.

And it could range up to… In the virtual reality niche, I’ve sold $2000 computers. The only unfortunate thing is that the commissions there tapped out at like – through Amazon at least – tapped out at like $25. So you don’t get the full percentage. They kind of have a cap, they say, “Hey we’re going to pay you this much percentage up to a certain point and then we’re going to cap it.” Which kind of stinks. But whatever, $25 commissions were still decent. They were still decent. So just keep that in mind.

And there’s kind of a third tier here that’s not written and there’s no way to really know without just doing a ton of research. And again, I don’t want to overwhelm you. I don’t want to push you in that direction because it just makes things more and more difficult and adds even more moving parts.

But industries where you might sell leads or there might be free trial offers – and there are a lot of different industries everything ranging from movie streaming services to (I mentioned earlier) credit repair or insurance quotes, things like that – that you can refer people into.

And then like free trial offers for supplements, stuff like that, there are always monetization opportunities like that, too. Which probably costs the consumer – your website visitor – nothing. But if you refer them through your affiliate link and they submit their lead information, you pay $5 or $10 for everyone that does that or more.

If you get someone to complete a mortgage application… those are always really high paying affiliate commissions because they’re difficult to get someone to do online. So if you get someone to do it, sometimes the commissions on someone filling out a mortgage application is $100 or $200+ for every single person that does it. So there are always kind of options like that, too.

But as a general rule of thumb: sell things, sell digital products with higher percentage commissions or physical products that are at least $50 that likely have a lower percentage commission.

At the end of the day, don’t try to sell a high number of low percentage cheap products because like people say, “I’m going to monetize by recommending books. I’m going to review a bunch of books.” And at the end of the day, technically it’s a valid niche, technically it’s a buying audience, but you’re just going to need so much traffic to get the amount of commissions you need to make money in that niche – make consistent good money in that niche. It’s going to be very, very difficult and your odds of success are that much lower.

So you’re not going to get everything perfect, right? I really want to clarify that. Don’t feel like you have to hit all of these nail in the head perfectly because if you line up at least the majority of these factors, you’re going to be much better off than someone that’s just kind of went into and picked a niche blindly based on half an hour of training – which on the surface seems like a lot. But once you dig in and now you see how much there is to picking a niche, you’re set up for success a lot better now that you’ve watched a couple of hours of training total on the topic.

And again, it’s just such a pivotal thing. I wish everyone taught it this well and this in depth.

So you’re not going to get everything perfect. Don’t worry. But the more you do – if all of these things line up perfectly – you’re looking at a really stellar niche. So the more boxes you check, the more likely you are to succeed.

So at the end of the day, don’t get too overwhelmed if everything is not lining up perfectly but just keep doing the best you can and I’ll talk at the end of this section about when it’s time to move on, when it’s time to just make a decision, et cetera. So don’t worry. I’ll equip you with everything you need before we move into Section 4.

But for now, that’s the end of this lesson. In the next video, I’m actually really excited because we’re going to do something called “Good Niche, Bad Niche” and we’re just going to basically go through example after example after example and talk about…. you know, kind of workshop some of these ideas. And I think that’s going to make so much more of these concrete for you because a lot of this is swimming around in your head and you may be a little bit overwhelmed. I think the best way to mitigate that always is simply by talking real world examples. Again, something I wish a lot more people in this industry did.

So, as always, if you have questions, feel free to post them to the Facebook group – that is free for registered members. And if you have any questions, I’ll see you over there. Otherwise, I’ll just see you in the next video.

2.1 The ONLY Way to Guarantee Your Success Online (AF)


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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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In this video I discuss:

  • A discussion about “getting rich quick” and why you shouldn’t expect to
  • “Reprogramming” for the long journey ahead
  • How to guarantee you never fail when building an internet business
  • Introduction to creating value as the #1 focus for any internet business

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).

2.1 Transcript Below

What’s going on, you guys? Another day, another lesson here at F.I.M.P.

And I’ve probably said it too many times leading up to this, but I can’t overemphasize how important this section is. And I don’t understand why it’s skipped over in every internet marketing product that I’ve ever seen. But, without being said, I am here to teach it.

And I know based on the patterns I’ve seen over the years that I’ve had on my personal journey and that I’ve witnessed in my friends that are also very successful internet business owners, this is where it’s at. This is the main determining factor for whether you succeed or fail in this industry.

It’s kind of interesting because to a degree it’s a little bit of reprogramming over what most people – it may not be reprogramming for you – but it’s reprogramming for what most people expect out of this industry. And I want to start off this section by talking about the only way that you can guarantee your success online.

And the first thing that I want to talk about is “Get Rich Quick” is a myth that was created by product publishers. Period. It just doesn’t exist. I doesn’t happen. I can’t overemphasize that.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of products myself on Stopping Scams and prior to that I ran a site called No More BS Reviews where I reviewed products in this industry. Time and time and time again when you see anything automated, you see anything shortcut, you see anything related to “Get Rich Quick” of any kind, the product publisher just totally fails to deliver on those claims. And typically, they’re selling a really outdated product.

“Get Rich Quick” does not happen. The product publishers created that world… they crafted this world where you can use internet marketing to get rich quick because if they can convince you it’s easy, it’s easier for them to sell you a product. It’s easier for them to make money at the end of the day.

If it’s hard… like I’m sitting here telling you right now and I fully expect as I get into this, as a lot of you are going through this training, some of you are going to hit some resistance and go, “No, this guy’s full of shit and it has to be easy. There has to be easy strategies. He just doesn’t know them.”

I’m here to tell you I’ve been in this industry for many years now, I know a lot of successful people, I’ve reviewed hundreds of products personally – it doesn’t exist.

Now I know after saying that, there are plenty of people that are going to go, “You know what…”, they’re going to shut off this video and they’re going to go, “I’m going to follow someone else because they can teach me how to get rich quick.” It just doesn’t exist.

Any money you spend on a product that claims to teach you how to get rich quick… it’s going to be a waste of money. It’s not just going to happen.

I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a pessimist or a negative Nancy here but I want to really… this is the reprogramming aspect… so many people think that internet marketing is synonymous with getting rich quick or taking shortcuts or something that’s easy – it’s not.

Every single business takes serious dedication and internet marketing is no different. You’re going to have to learn a lot of new skills and you’re going to have to work really hard. If you’re willing to do those things… running an internet business, owning a profitable internet business is indescribably awesome. There is no way I can explain how great it is.

Even if you’re not making money hand over fist, even if you’ve just replaced your salary, it makes a really big difference because you work for yourself, you work from home, you have complete flexibility in your schedule, and the coolest thing of all is that you can travel anywhere you want and your business travels with you.

But as opposed to working really hard on a brick and mortar business that anchors you, you can work really, really hard on an internet marketing business, learn some new skills, and it’s a lot more freeing. So it’s totally worth it. I really want to emphasize that. It’s totally worth it. It’s just going to be a different road than I think many people imagine as they started watching my training.

But like I said, the very important thing to remember is if you’re willing to put in the time to learn and the effort to build, internet marketing is incredible. There’s nothing else like it. I really want to emphasize that because I don’t want to give you all bad, bad, bad without the good because there’s a lot of good that this industry has to offer.

So one of the things that I do in my day-to-day task is I’m part of a community where people share their goals. People share their goals to be held accountable to them, to just kind of put it out there. And I can’t tell you… this is from like two days… how often I go into those tasks – because I respond to all of them. Any time someone’s going to put themselves out there like that and share their goals, I am absolutely going to take the time to read them and give them advice and respond to them.

These are the kind of goals that people set when they’re buying into what product publishers have told them all along: that they can get rich quick and that this is a fairly easy industry to start seeing results in.

And that could be true if you already have the site with a ton of traffic or you had a huge marketing budget. You can cut out a lot of the months of hard work. But still, even with that, there are no guarantees that you would get rich quick… or get rich at all, really.

So I just want to share a few of these, because for me… I know they have the best intentions… but as someone that has busted my ass to succeed in this industry and every one I know that’s successful in this industry has grinded and grinded and put blood, sweat, and tears into their business… and then you see someone saying that they’re going to work 10 hours a week and they want to make seventy to ninety grand. It just doesn’t happen.

Once you build a business up to a point, once you’ve put in all those hours and you grind, you can get to the point that you turn it more into a passive stream of income and some of my businesses are like this where I put in maybe 5 to 7 hours a week and that business continues profiting. It continues producing five figures a month. That is possible. But it takes a ridiculous… it took me like two years of work on each one of those projects to get there. A lot of that was learning curve for me, too.

So with this training, you might be able to get there within 12 to 18 months to where it’s fairly passive. But anywhere around it, there’s a lot of hard work from you personally required by your business. This is your little baby that you have to grow up and get healthy and eventually that baby is going to make you money. You have to be willing to put in the work.

So saying you’re going to work 20 hours and you want to make half a million per year and you’d be ecstatic earning over 1 million dollars – it’s not going to happen. Those are not reasonable goals. Those are not setting you up for success long-term.

If you’re talking about making half a million dollars a year, 3 to 5 years from now – totally achievable in this industry. But that’s not what this person is saying and it’s certainly not going to happen working part-time. So, 2 hours daily, they want to make ten to twenty grand a month – it just doesn’t make any sense.

However much free time… I say it a lot… Whenever I get some free time, I want to make somewhere between $25,000 a month and a million dollars a year – well, I’m going to give this business all my free… you know, whenever I have some free time. Whenever I feel like it.

You’re not going to grow a profitable business outright. Especially an extremely profitable business outright. It’s just not going to happen.

So I know these people had the best intentions. It’s not their fault that they’ve been essentially programmed incorrectly by product publishers promising them the moon when they can’t even deliver them the dirt underneath their feet. So I really want you to know that going into this.

Much more reasonable goals are ones like this: you’re saying, “My starting goal is I want to make a hundred dollars a day. I want to get to the point that I’m making a hundred dollars a day. And I’m willing to work 5 hours a day for that.” If you’re only talking weekdays at 25 hours a week… if you’re talking weekends too, that’s 35 hours a week. Those are some really reasonable goals.

Working your way up to $500 per day – once you’ve hit that $100 a day, you’ve quit your job, and now you’re working full-time – $500 per day is not an unreasonable goal either. It’s totally achievable within this industry. It takes a lot of hard work – again – but it’s totally achievable.

Same thing with this one over here. Really reasonable goal: “I want to make a thousand dollars a month for starting and then grow from there.” “I want to make $5000 per month and I want to put in somewhere between 15 and 20 hours a week.” Those are totally reasonable goals. If you’re looking at those long-term over time, those are very, very achievable to hit.

So I want to share some examples. Obviously blocking out people’s identities because again, I know they have the best intentions. It’s not their fault that they’ve just been totally betrayed by the people that planted these seeds in their mind because again, if they could make that seed root and grow, they could sell you a product to fill that need.

But then it makes it harder for people that are actually legitimately trying to teach people how to make money online, right? Like, I’ve got no skin in this game. I’m giving you everything I know for free so there’s no reason for me to lie to you and tell you, “Hey it takes a lot of work when really there are these secrets out there where you could make a ton of money.” If they were there, I’d be using them myself and I’d be teaching them to all of my followers because it’s what would be best for them. It just doesn’t work that way.

So the first things first, internet marketing is really, really tough. Before I talk to you about… like I said, by the end of this video I will tell you the one way to guarantee your success in internet marketing. The only way… what did I phrase it? I can’t even remember how I phrased it. I can’t even remember what the title of this lesson is. But basically, the only way to success… the only way to guarantee your success. But internet marketing is really, really tough.

There is one common trait in every successful internet marketer I know. Whether it be someone that has been a follower of mine through my website over the years, or it’s someone that I have met that is tremendously more successful than me through conferences and by paying for training, and even my friends that I’ve met along the way that I have all over the world now that are successful internet marketers that make $5000, $10000, $20000, eighty to a $100000 per month.

All of them have this trait in common: they went in super determined, they went into it knowing like, “I’m going to find a way to make myself successful. I’m going to find a way to change my life. This internet marketing absolutely holds that promise.” And they latched on to that idea and they went in very determined. They understood that this was a non-linear journey.

Of course, what that means is a linear journey is just a straight line. As you learn more, as you work more, it kind of goes up and up and up. That is not a reasonable expectation for internet marketing.

Success in internet marketing is a non-linear journey. And it’s just like Google rankings are, right. You’ll see this kind of… you’ll get peaks and valleys. And over time, you kind of squiggle your way up to the top. But it’s not linear. It doesn’t go like this. Just remember that there are going to be peaks and valleys along the way. That’s very important to know going into this.

But the reason they ultimately succeeded – the reason anyone ultimately succeeds in this industry – is that they never gave up and they ultimately found success.

You cannot fail in internet marketing if you never stop making progress. If you keep going, keep trying, keep standing up and dusting yourself off after you make mistakes – because you are going to make mistakes – it’s going to happen.

So the purpose of this video and the rest of this section, we’re going to talk about goal setting and setting some reasonable expectations and stuff like that. And the rest of this section, they should be pretty short videos overall.

But what I want you to do right now… if you’re serious about this, if you want to change your life by owning a profitable internet business – because it is life changing, I can’t overemphasize that – you need to forge an iron mindset right now. You really need to grasp onto what I’m saying and just really reprogram your brain to expect exactly this and just know that: it’s going to be a long journey, you’re going to get overwhelmed, you’re going to make mistakes.

I can’t tell you how many mistakes I’ve… I still make a ton of mistakes when I’m launching projects. You learn from them, you move on. You get up, you dust yourself off, and you keep going. Everybody makes mistakes. A ton of them.

I can’t tell you how many times when I was starting that I just… I got three months into a niche website and I realized, “Man, this isn’t going to work,” or “I’m not really interested in this,” and I canned it. I did that so many times and I still do that to this day. I’m actually kind of bad. I know I have a lot of room to improve because a lot of times I launch new projects, give them 2 or 3 months, and I’m just like, “Meh.”

But the ones that I’ve seen a ton of success with are the ones that I stick with for 6, 8, 12+ months and see them all the way through. And we’ll talk about kind of expectations of how long this is going to take in the next video.

Just no matter what in your internet business, keep learning new skills, keep studying, keep self-developing, keep growing, and keep creating value in your niche.

I think one of the best ways I’ve ever heard this concept explained was: you can – a lot of the time, it doesn’t hold true always – but you can measure someone’s financial worth, what their net worth is, by how much value they’ve created in the world, how much value they’ve put into the world. And a lot of the time that holds really, really true – with some noteworthy exceptions. Don’t get me wrong but I think it’s a good general rule of thumb.

So if you keep learning, growing, and creating value… If you keep trying, if you never give up, you will succeed in this industry. As long as you never give up. As long as you’re working hard, you’re following the training – it’s going to happen for you. Latch on to that. It’s going to happen for you. You just have to keep working.

It may take 6 months, it may take 2 years… I’ve seen people that just stuck with it, stuck with it, stuck with it, and it took them 3 or 4 years. But they finally started making a full-time living through internet marketing.

It doesn’t always take that long. The training that I’m going to give you – everything again for free – is going to make sure that you have as high as a likelihood of success as possible. But just know that even if you have the crappiest training in the world, as long as you kept learning and you kept building on that, you kept trying new things, you just kept progressing, you kept attempting – you will succeed in this industry in the long run.

And I don’t mean to be totally “Rah! Rah!” because I’m really kind of against that stuff personally, but this is just fact. If you don’t give up, you will succeed at some point.

So I just wanted to share this really quickly. It’ll be worth every second.

I love travelling personally. That’s one of the reasons… I don’t have any kids yet… but another one of the reasons I wanted to start an internet business back when I was 16 years old was because I wanted a very specific lifestyle.

I wanted to work for myself. I didn’t want to answer to anyone else. I didn’t want to worry about calling in sick. I didn’t want to worry about if my dog was sick, I wanted to be able a day off work if I wanted to. Or if my dog died, I wanted to be able to take a day, or two, or three, or however many days off I wanted without answering to some boss or calling in, “Oh please could I have the day off, my dog died,” and then risking them not getting it and thinking that I’m being unreasonable.

That’s stupid. We live one life. We should be in control of it. We shouldn’t be at the mercy of these other people.

And I wanted to travel. And some day, I wanted to spend so much time with my kids as they’re growing up. That’s another reason that I really wanted an internet business that I could turn into passive income and just kind of watch my kids grow up.

So I want to share a few pictures of my wife and my travels over the years. Actually, as I talk about this, we just got back from Canada. And in a couple of weeks we’re planning to go see the full solar eclipse here in the United States. We live down in Texas – we have to drive all the way up to Nebraska to make it happen – but I’m able to pack my laptop up and go do that.

Next month, we’re going to Medellin, Colombia for a week. We’re going back to Europe for two weeks. We’re going to be in Munich for Oktoberfest. We’re going to see Vienna, which I’ve always wanted to see. And my business goes with me everywhere I go. And I can afford to – here and there – just take an hour, two hours to work that day and then the rest of the day I take off and my team members help me with the rest.

So it’s totally possible, it’s totally achievable, it’s totally worth it. I just wanted to kind of really end on a high note. Internet marketing changed my life. The reason that I’m giving all of this training away for free is so that you can use internet marketing to change your life because I felt like this was the best gift I had to give the world with this knowledge that I’ve developed over the years.

And so there we are in Munich; and bottom left hand corner riding bikes on the streets of Amsterdam; to the right of that where there’s that kind of shrine of human bones, kind of morbid to include, but in Kutna Hora which is in the Czech Republic; the Coliseum, of course; the garden in Salzburg from The Sound of Music; and over on the right there, we are in front of the Eiffel Tower – we were actually there celebrating Bastille Day in 2015 which was really, really cool.

So anyways, you can do this. It’s going to be hard. You’re going to feel overwhelmed and you can feel totally helpless at points. That’s okay. Just pick it up and keep moving. Keep making progress, dust yourself off, and eventually, you’ll be able to travel with your internet business, too.

So I hope this was helpful. I hope this reprogramming is starting to take root and that you’re ready for the journey ahead.

And so now we’re going to talk a little bit about some goal setting and making sure you can achieve those goals and how we kind of set the foundation going into beginning to build a profitable internet business. Alright? So best of luck!

If you have questions, post them in the Facebook group – again free for registered members.

And I’ll see you in the Facebook group and I’ll see you in the next video.

1.1 How To Use This Course To Build a Five-to-Six-Figure Internet Business (AF)

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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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In this video I discuss:

  • What you need to do to be successful with this training
  • Why you shouldn’t write this training off just because it’s free
  • What this course is meant to help you achieve

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FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members)


1.1 Transcript Below

And off we go! Here we are in the first lesson.

I want to… before we get into anything really deep talking about concepts and strategies (the next video really starts — we’re going to jump in with both feet), the next video really kind of… it goes pretty deep, but I think it’s going to simplify internet marketing and how to make money online in a way that you’ve never heard explained, and it’s just going to make the whole thing so much more approachable and less overwhelming.

But first, I want to talk to you specifically about how to use this course, this 100% free course, to change your life and build a five-to-six figure internet business. I’m talking about five to six figures a year, but also it’s distinctly possible… I’ve met several people over the years that have crossed into five to six figures a month.

Personally my internet business makes five figures a month. I haven’t crossed the six figures a month threshold. I have in total revenue a handful of times when I was in e-commerce but I haven’t sustainably broken six figures a month. Hoping to get there within the next year or two, but yeah it’s absolutely possible to especially, if you’re… you know… looking at early stage goals like replacing a salary that’s four, or five, or $6000 a month totally… totally achievable in this industry if you approach it the right way.

So, I want to talk to you about how to use this course to achieve those means right to make that a reality for you. The first thing I want to talk about, I mentioned in the introduction — just in case you skipped the introduction, again — please watch all of sections one and two. You’re in section one right now. So good job so far, but section two as well.

When I personally hear “mind set”, you know, talking about mind set, I’m just like, “Oh this is going to be a bunch of woo-woo crap that I have no time for.” That’s not the case. Section two about mindset is very actionable and it’s kind of reprogramming for the road ahead, which will make a lot more sense when we get there.

But a lot of people come into this industry with very unrealistic expectations, and as a result of those expectations, they fail. If they came in with more realistic expectations they would have stuck with it longer and they likely would have succeeded.

So watch all of the rest of this section and all of section 2 before you start skipping around in the training.

Of course, like anything… like any business there are no guarantees. I want to make that really clear up front. But if you put in a lot of hard work and you don’t give up, internet marketing will pay out, it’s just a matter of time.

If you’re putting in the hard work, and you’re putting in quality work; it’s just a matter of time. There are three components; hard work, quality, and time.

What most people don’t give it is time, and I understand why, and we’ll talk about how to kind of work around that and kind of mitigate that as much as we can. But it does take time to build a successful internet business.

The other thing I really want you to do is not to write this course off just because it’s free.

I don’t know why, I mean I could easily charge $2000 for everything that I’m putting into this course. It would… it would totally trump products that I’ve paid hundreds or thousands of dollars for. I’ve paid up to $8000 for courses in the past, a little over eight thousand dollars for courses in the past. I’ve paid $5000 to attend seminars on the other side of the world.

This course that I’m building is intended to trump all of them, okay. Just because it’s free does not mean it’s not the absolute best quality training you can get. That is what I’m hoping for it to be.

In fairness: I don’t know everything, don’t get me wrong. There are people out there teaching things that I don’t know and there’s just so much to know in this industry.

But I know, and I say this with humility, I know a heck of a lot. It’s just been ten years of studying my butt off time after time after time, year after year and now I sit here ten years later and I’ve accumulated a lot of knowledge.

So I want to share that with you. Please, don’t just go, “Oh this is a free product. You know what, I just received this email about this thousand dollar product that has to be better because this one’s free and that one charges $1,000 or $2,000, or charges $500.”

It’s not. I’m telling you this training — it’s possible that that that’s another good course; there are a lot of good courses out there — but this training is free, and just because it’s free does not mean it’s not the highest quality — the highest tier of quality as far as internet marketing training goes.

So, I don’t want to belabor the point too much but do not write this off because it’s free. Don’t just drop this and pick up something else because there’s a like a shiny object out there that someone is charging money for.

You can build an internet business, a very profitable internet business, with this training alone — period. That’s what I’ve built it for. So, at the end of the day, use this course for what I made it for — to set you free.

And that may sound cheesy or cliché, but when I talk to people in this industry over and over again, that’s the consistent thing people want: to break free of their day job. People want to break free because they want to travel and they want a business that travels with them. People want to break free because their family deserves better than what they have right now and they want to make sure they give their family what they deserve.

So, like I said: the consistent theme is to break free. So, use this course to do that. I’m putting hundreds of hours into creating this specifically to achieve that… specifically so that you can achieve that.

So, please use this course for what it’s for, give it its fullest shot — give it all your effort — and like I said make sure to go through sections one and two, and I think you’re going to have a much better shot at success in internet marketing than you ever have before. That’s my intent, and I intend to fulfill it.

So, that’s it for now. If you are a registered member — which is free, by the way — you can do it all over this member’s area: Feel free to post any questions you have to the Facebook group.

But other than that, I will see you in the next video!

3.5 (Painless) Internet Marketing Economics

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  • Track all of your progress and easily pick up exactly where you left off
  • Get support from me and other members whenever you get stuck using our members-only Facebook group
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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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In this video I discuss:

  • Very simple and easy-to-understand economics I wish someone had shared with me early on
  • What you should be looking for in your niche at a very minimum if you want to make money
  • Discussing commission percentage vs. total purchase value, and how they should guide your niche selection

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).

3.5 Transcript Below

Okay, let’s talk about what sounds very intimidating on the front end but that’s why I put “painless” on the front of it: internet marketing economics.

I think people see the word “economics” and they go, “Oh no.” But I promise this is going to be really painless and easy to understand.

At the end of the day, the reason I want to visit this right now is because these are economics that I really wish someone had called to my attention when I was picking a niche.

So the cheaper the product… we’ve talked about this already in past training… but the cheaper the products in your industry, the more you have to sell. And that can be a problem because that means you need more traffic and the more traffic you need, the less likely that it is to happen.

Because again, remember: the internet is going to have much fewer high traffic sites than it has kind of modest… what a lot of people would consider low-traffic sites compared to a site that’s getting a million visitors a day – getting a thousand visitors a day – is a pretty modest amount of traffic but much more achievable.

On the other hand, the higher the commission or the higher the commission percentage that you’re receiving for a product, the fewer you have to sell.

So if you’re selling something that’s $300, you’re much more likely to succeed and make decent income off of a lower amount of traffic than something that is $10.

Just look at it: if each one had a 5% commission, the commission on one is like $0.50? And then the commission on the $300 product is $15. Still not a really incredible commission but $0.50 compared to $15? You need to make a lot less of the $15 commissions to hit whatever goal you’re trying to hit than the thing that costs $10 and you’re only making $0.50 off of.

The other way to turn that on its head is a lot of digital products, for example, have really high commission percentages – like 50% to 75% of the sale so even though it may only be $30, your commission on it may be somewhere between $15 or sometimes even as high as $25.

So it’s a really important thing to keep your eyes on and we’ll talk about exactly how you do that later in this lesson.

But as I mentioned, the fewer conversions that you have to get, the better you’re setting yourself up for success than someone that needs a ton of conversions to kind of hit the goals that they want.

So a really simplified way to look at this without getting face deep… without just really diving in and getting lost in the weeds… and you know, just looking at all the different commissions and different kind of affiliate offers that are out there… you really don’t need to do that. You don’t need to go that in depth when you’re picking a niche if you’re following everything else in this training and it could actually just result in you feeling a lot more overwhelmed.

So without getting face deep in commission-hunting, general rule of thumb: sell digital products that have higher percentage of commissions or sell physical products that are $50 or more that have lower commission percentages.

So I would even say $100+ products would be even better because even though the commission percentage may be lower, you’re only looking at maybe 5% to 7% – some instances even less.

Great example is computer. A computer is going to cost someone at least $400 to $500, so your commission – even if it’s only 3% on a $400 computer – is $12. And it’s a necessity, it’s something that someone is going to buy so they might as well do it through you.

And it could range up to… In the virtual reality niche, I’ve sold $2000 computers. The only unfortunate thing is that the commissions there tapped out at like – through Amazon at least – tapped out at like $25. So you don’t get the full percentage. They kind of have a cap, they say, “Hey we’re going to pay you this much percentage up to a certain point and then we’re going to cap it.” Which kind of stinks. But whatever, $25 commissions were still decent. They were still decent. So just keep that in mind.

And there’s kind of a third tier here that’s not written and there’s no way to really know without just doing a ton of research. And again, I don’t want to overwhelm you. I don’t want to push you in that direction because it just makes things more and more difficult and adds even more moving parts.

But industries where you might sell leads or there might be free trial offers – and there are a lot of different industries everything ranging from movie streaming services to (I mentioned earlier) credit repair or insurance quotes, things like that – that you can refer people into.

And then like free trial offers for supplements, stuff like that, there are always monetization opportunities like that, too. Which probably costs the consumer – your website visitor – nothing. But if you refer them through your affiliate link and they submit their lead information, you pay $5 or $10 for everyone that does that or more.

If you get someone to complete a mortgage application… those are always really high paying affiliate commissions because they’re difficult to get someone to do online. So if you get someone to do it, sometimes the commissions on someone filling out a mortgage application is $100 or $200+ for every single person that does it. So there are always kind of options like that, too.

But as a general rule of thumb: sell things, sell digital products with higher percentage commissions or physical products that are at least $50 that likely have a lower percentage commission.

At the end of the day, don’t try to sell a high number of low percentage cheap products because like people say, “I’m going to monetize by recommending books. I’m going to review a bunch of books.” And at the end of the day, technically it’s a valid niche, technically it’s a buying audience, but you’re just going to need so much traffic to get the amount of commissions you need to make money in that niche – make consistent good money in that niche. It’s going to be very, very difficult and your odds of success are that much lower.

So you’re not going to get everything perfect, right? I really want to clarify that. Don’t feel like you have to hit all of these nail in the head perfectly because if you line up at least the majority of these factors, you’re going to be much better off than someone that’s just kind of went into and picked a niche blindly based on half an hour of training – which on the surface seems like a lot. But once you dig in and now you see how much there is to picking a niche, you’re set up for success a lot better now that you’ve watched a couple of hours of training total on the topic.

And again, it’s just such a pivotal thing. I wish everyone taught it this well and this in depth.

So you’re not going to get everything perfect. Don’t worry. But the more you do – if all of these things line up perfectly – you’re looking at a really stellar niche. So the more boxes you check, the more likely you are to succeed.

So at the end of the day, don’t get too overwhelmed if everything is not lining up perfectly but just keep doing the best you can and I’ll talk at the end of this section about when it’s time to move on, when it’s time to just make a decision, et cetera. So don’t worry. I’ll equip you with everything you need before we move into Section 4.

But for now, that’s the end of this lesson. In the next video, I’m actually really excited because we’re going to do something called “Good Niche, Bad Niche” and we’re just going to basically go through example after example after example and talk about…. you know, kind of workshop some of these ideas. And I think that’s going to make so much more of these concrete for you because a lot of this is swimming around in your head and you may be a little bit overwhelmed. I think the best way to mitigate that always is simply by talking real world examples. Again, something I wish a lot more people in this industry did.

So, as always, if you have questions, feel free to post them to the Facebook group – that is free for registered members. And if you have any questions, I’ll see you over there. Otherwise, I’ll just see you in the next video.

2.1 The ONLY Way to Guarantee Your Success Online

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  • Track all of your progress and easily pick up exactly where you left off
  • Get support from me and other members whenever you get stuck using our members-only Facebook group
  • Secure your spot in a followup accountability course designed to assure you’re making progress

Or simply log in if you already have one.


[mepr-show if=”loggedin”][mepr-active memberships=”2338,2509″ ifallowed=”hide”]Unlock more training for growing your online income — with the business tools you’ll need in the process.
PLUS, get:

  • Time-tested methods to get traffic fast with NO risk of getting Google-slapped.
  • The most profitable ways to make money—and exactly how and when to monetize.
  • Access to Ian’s expertise so that you can ask him questions every time you need to.

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[mepr-show if=”loggedin”][mepr-active memberships=”2338,2342″ ifallowed=”hide”]Twice the results. Half the time. Would you be interested?
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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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In this video I discuss:

  • A discussion about “getting rich quick” and why you shouldn’t expect to
  • “Reprogramming” for the long journey ahead
  • How to guarantee you never fail when building an internet business
  • Introduction to creating value as the #1 focus for any internet business

Please direct all questions and requests for support to the FIMP Facebook group (free for registered members).

2.1 Transcript Below

What’s going on, you guys? Another day, another lesson here at F.I.M.P.

And I’ve probably said it too many times leading up to this, but I can’t overemphasize how important this section is. And I don’t understand why it’s skipped over in every internet marketing product that I’ve ever seen. But, without being said, I am here to teach it.

And I know based on the patterns I’ve seen over the years that I’ve had on my personal journey and that I’ve witnessed in my friends that are also very successful internet business owners, this is where it’s at. This is the main determining factor for whether you succeed or fail in this industry.

It’s kind of interesting because to a degree it’s a little bit of reprogramming over what most people – it may not be reprogramming for you – but it’s reprogramming for what most people expect out of this industry. And I want to start off this section by talking about the only way that you can guarantee your success online.

And the first thing that I want to talk about is “Get Rich Quick” is a myth that was created by product publishers. Period. It just doesn’t exist. I doesn’t happen. I can’t overemphasize that.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of products myself on Stopping Scams and prior to that I ran a site called No More BS Reviews where I reviewed products in this industry. Time and time and time again when you see anything automated, you see anything shortcut, you see anything related to “Get Rich Quick” of any kind, the product publisher just totally fails to deliver on those claims. And typically, they’re selling a really outdated product.

“Get Rich Quick” does not happen. The product publishers created that world… they crafted this world where you can use internet marketing to get rich quick because if they can convince you it’s easy, it’s easier for them to sell you a product. It’s easier for them to make money at the end of the day.

If it’s hard… like I’m sitting here telling you right now and I fully expect as I get into this, as a lot of you are going through this training, some of you are going to hit some resistance and go, “No, this guy’s full of shit and it has to be easy. There has to be easy strategies. He just doesn’t know them.”

I’m here to tell you I’ve been in this industry for many years now, I know a lot of successful people, I’ve reviewed hundreds of products personally – it doesn’t exist.

Now I know after saying that, there are plenty of people that are going to go, “You know what…”, they’re going to shut off this video and they’re going to go, “I’m going to follow someone else because they can teach me how to get rich quick.” It just doesn’t exist.

Any money you spend on a product that claims to teach you how to get rich quick… it’s going to be a waste of money. It’s not just going to happen.

I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a pessimist or a negative Nancy here but I want to really… this is the reprogramming aspect… so many people think that internet marketing is synonymous with getting rich quick or taking shortcuts or something that’s easy – it’s not.

Every single business takes serious dedication and internet marketing is no different. You’re going to have to learn a lot of new skills and you’re going to have to work really hard. If you’re willing to do those things… running an internet business, owning a profitable internet business is indescribably awesome. There is no way I can explain how great it is.

Even if you’re not making money hand over fist, even if you’ve just replaced your salary, it makes a really big difference because you work for yourself, you work from home, you have complete flexibility in your schedule, and the coolest thing of all is that you can travel anywhere you want and your business travels with you.

But as opposed to working really hard on a brick and mortar business that anchors you, you can work really, really hard on an internet marketing business, learn some new skills, and it’s a lot more freeing. So it’s totally worth it. I really want to emphasize that. It’s totally worth it. It’s just going to be a different road than I think many people imagine as they started watching my training.

But like I said, the very important thing to remember is if you’re willing to put in the time to learn and the effort to build, internet marketing is incredible. There’s nothing else like it. I really want to emphasize that because I don’t want to give you all bad, bad, bad without the good because there’s a lot of good that this industry has to offer.

So one of the things that I do in my day-to-day task is I’m part of a community where people share their goals. People share their goals to be held accountable to them, to just kind of put it out there. And I can’t tell you… this is from like two days… how often I go into those tasks – because I respond to all of them. Any time someone’s going to put themselves out there like that and share their goals, I am absolutely going to take the time to read them and give them advice and respond to them.

These are the kind of goals that people set when they’re buying into what product publishers have told them all along: that they can get rich quick and that this is a fairly easy industry to start seeing results in.

And that could be true if you already have the site with a ton of traffic or you had a huge marketing budget. You can cut out a lot of the months of hard work. But still, even with that, there are no guarantees that you would get rich quick… or get rich at all, really.

So I just want to share a few of these, because for me… I know they have the best intentions… but as someone that has busted my ass to succeed in this industry and every one I know that’s successful in this industry has grinded and grinded and put blood, sweat, and tears into their business… and then you see someone saying that they’re going to work 10 hours a week and they want to make seventy to ninety grand. It just doesn’t happen.

Once you build a business up to a point, once you’ve put in all those hours and you grind, you can get to the point that you turn it more into a passive stream of income and some of my businesses are like this where I put in maybe 5 to 7 hours a week and that business continues profiting. It continues producing five figures a month. That is possible. But it takes a ridiculous… it took me like two years of work on each one of those projects to get there. A lot of that was learning curve for me, too.

So with this training, you might be able to get there within 12 to 18 months to where it’s fairly passive. But anywhere around it, there’s a lot of hard work from you personally required by your business. This is your little baby that you have to grow up and get healthy and eventually that baby is going to make you money. You have to be willing to put in the work.

So saying you’re going to work 20 hours and you want to make half a million per year and you’d be ecstatic earning over 1 million dollars – it’s not going to happen. Those are not reasonable goals. Those are not setting you up for success long-term.

If you’re talking about making half a million dollars a year, 3 to 5 years from now – totally achievable in this industry. But that’s not what this person is saying and it’s certainly not going to happen working part-time. So, 2 hours daily, they want to make ten to twenty grand a month – it just doesn’t make any sense.

However much free time… I say it a lot… Whenever I get some free time, I want to make somewhere between $25,000 a month and a million dollars a year – well, I’m going to give this business all my free… you know, whenever I have some free time. Whenever I feel like it.

You’re not going to grow a profitable business outright. Especially an extremely profitable business outright. It’s just not going to happen.

So I know these people had the best intentions. It’s not their fault that they’ve been essentially programmed incorrectly by product publishers promising them the moon when they can’t even deliver them the dirt underneath their feet. So I really want you to know that going into this.

Much more reasonable goals are ones like this: you’re saying, “My starting goal is I want to make a hundred dollars a day. I want to get to the point that I’m making a hundred dollars a day. And I’m willing to work 5 hours a day for that.” If you’re only talking weekdays at 25 hours a week… if you’re talking weekends too, that’s 35 hours a week. Those are some really reasonable goals.

Working your way up to $500 per day – once you’ve hit that $100 a day, you’ve quit your job, and now you’re working full-time – $500 per day is not an unreasonable goal either. It’s totally achievable within this industry. It takes a lot of hard work – again – but it’s totally achievable.

Same thing with this one over here. Really reasonable goal: “I want to make a thousand dollars a month for starting and then grow from there.” “I want to make $5000 per month and I want to put in somewhere between 15 and 20 hours a week.” Those are totally reasonable goals. If you’re looking at those long-term over time, those are very, very achievable to hit.

So I want to share some examples. Obviously blocking out people’s identities because again, I know they have the best intentions. It’s not their fault that they’ve just been totally betrayed by the people that planted these seeds in their mind because again, if they could make that seed root and grow, they could sell you a product to fill that need.

But then it makes it harder for people that are actually legitimately trying to teach people how to make money online, right? Like, I’ve got no skin in this game. I’m giving you everything I know for free so there’s no reason for me to lie to you and tell you, “Hey it takes a lot of work when really there are these secrets out there where you could make a ton of money.” If they were there, I’d be using them myself and I’d be teaching them to all of my followers because it’s what would be best for them. It just doesn’t work that way.

So the first things first, internet marketing is really, really tough. Before I talk to you about… like I said, by the end of this video I will tell you the one way to guarantee your success in internet marketing. The only way… what did I phrase it? I can’t even remember how I phrased it. I can’t even remember what the title of this lesson is. But basically, the only way to success… the only way to guarantee your success. But internet marketing is really, really tough.

There is one common trait in every successful internet marketer I know. Whether it be someone that has been a follower of mine through my website over the years, or it’s someone that I have met that is tremendously more successful than me through conferences and by paying for training, and even my friends that I’ve met along the way that I have all over the world now that are successful internet marketers that make $5000, $10000, $20000, eighty to a $100000 per month.

All of them have this trait in common: they went in super determined, they went into it knowing like, “I’m going to find a way to make myself successful. I’m going to find a way to change my life. This internet marketing absolutely holds that promise.” And they latched on to that idea and they went in very determined. They understood that this was a non-linear journey.

Of course, what that means is a linear journey is just a straight line. As you learn more, as you work more, it kind of goes up and up and up. That is not a reasonable expectation for internet marketing.

Success in internet marketing is a non-linear journey. And it’s just like Google rankings are, right. You’ll see this kind of… you’ll get peaks and valleys. And over time, you kind of squiggle your way up to the top. But it’s not linear. It doesn’t go like this. Just remember that there are going to be peaks and valleys along the way. That’s very important to know going into this.

But the reason they ultimately succeeded – the reason anyone ultimately succeeds in this industry – is that they never gave up and they ultimately found success.

You cannot fail in internet marketing if you never stop making progress. If you keep going, keep trying, keep standing up and dusting yourself off after you make mistakes – because you are going to make mistakes – it’s going to happen.

So the purpose of this video and the rest of this section, we’re going to talk about goal setting and setting some reasonable expectations and stuff like that. And the rest of this section, they should be pretty short videos overall.

But what I want you to do right now… if you’re serious about this, if you want to change your life by owning a profitable internet business – because it is life changing, I can’t overemphasize that – you need to forge an iron mindset right now. You really need to grasp onto what I’m saying and just really reprogram your brain to expect exactly this and just know that: it’s going to be a long journey, you’re going to get overwhelmed, you’re going to make mistakes.

I can’t tell you how many mistakes I’ve… I still make a ton of mistakes when I’m launching projects. You learn from them, you move on. You get up, you dust yourself off, and you keep going. Everybody makes mistakes. A ton of them.

I can’t tell you how many times when I was starting that I just… I got three months into a niche website and I realized, “Man, this isn’t going to work,” or “I’m not really interested in this,” and I canned it. I did that so many times and I still do that to this day. I’m actually kind of bad. I know I have a lot of room to improve because a lot of times I launch new projects, give them 2 or 3 months, and I’m just like, “Meh.”

But the ones that I’ve seen a ton of success with are the ones that I stick with for 6, 8, 12+ months and see them all the way through. And we’ll talk about kind of expectations of how long this is going to take in the next video.

Just no matter what in your internet business, keep learning new skills, keep studying, keep self-developing, keep growing, and keep creating value in your niche.

I think one of the best ways I’ve ever heard this concept explained was: you can – a lot of the time, it doesn’t hold true always – but you can measure someone’s financial worth, what their net worth is, by how much value they’ve created in the world, how much value they’ve put into the world. And a lot of the time that holds really, really true – with some noteworthy exceptions. Don’t get me wrong but I think it’s a good general rule of thumb.

So if you keep learning, growing, and creating value… If you keep trying, if you never give up, you will succeed in this industry. As long as you never give up. As long as you’re working hard, you’re following the training – it’s going to happen for you. Latch on to that. It’s going to happen for you. You just have to keep working.

It may take 6 months, it may take 2 years… I’ve seen people that just stuck with it, stuck with it, stuck with it, and it took them 3 or 4 years. But they finally started making a full-time living through internet marketing.

It doesn’t always take that long. The training that I’m going to give you – everything again for free – is going to make sure that you have as high as a likelihood of success as possible. But just know that even if you have the crappiest training in the world, as long as you kept learning and you kept building on that, you kept trying new things, you just kept progressing, you kept attempting – you will succeed in this industry in the long run.

And I don’t mean to be totally “Rah! Rah!” because I’m really kind of against that stuff personally, but this is just fact. If you don’t give up, you will succeed at some point.

So I just wanted to share this really quickly. It’ll be worth every second.

I love travelling personally. That’s one of the reasons… I don’t have any kids yet… but another one of the reasons I wanted to start an internet business back when I was 16 years old was because I wanted a very specific lifestyle.

I wanted to work for myself. I didn’t want to answer to anyone else. I didn’t want to worry about calling in sick. I didn’t want to worry about if my dog was sick, I wanted to be able a day off work if I wanted to. Or if my dog died, I wanted to be able to take a day, or two, or three, or however many days off I wanted without answering to some boss or calling in, “Oh please could I have the day off, my dog died,” and then risking them not getting it and thinking that I’m being unreasonable.

That’s stupid. We live one life. We should be in control of it. We shouldn’t be at the mercy of these other people.

And I wanted to travel. And some day, I wanted to spend so much time with my kids as they’re growing up. That’s another reason that I really wanted an internet business that I could turn into passive income and just kind of watch my kids grow up.

So I want to share a few pictures of my wife and my travels over the years. Actually, as I talk about this, we just got back from Canada. And in a couple of weeks we’re planning to go see the full solar eclipse here in the United States. We live down in Texas – we have to drive all the way up to Nebraska to make it happen – but I’m able to pack my laptop up and go do that.

Next month, we’re going to Medellin, Colombia for a week. We’re going back to Europe for two weeks. We’re going to be in Munich for Oktoberfest. We’re going to see Vienna, which I’ve always wanted to see. And my business goes with me everywhere I go. And I can afford to – here and there – just take an hour, two hours to work that day and then the rest of the day I take off and my team members help me with the rest.

So it’s totally possible, it’s totally achievable, it’s totally worth it. I just wanted to kind of really end on a high note. Internet marketing changed my life. The reason that I’m giving all of this training away for free is so that you can use internet marketing to change your life because I felt like this was the best gift I had to give the world with this knowledge that I’ve developed over the years.

And so there we are in Munich; and bottom left hand corner riding bikes on the streets of Amsterdam; to the right of that where there’s that kind of shrine of human bones, kind of morbid to include, but in Kutna Hora which is in the Czech Republic; the Coliseum, of course; the garden in Salzburg from The Sound of Music; and over on the right there, we are in front of the Eiffel Tower – we were actually there celebrating Bastille Day in 2015 which was really, really cool.

So anyways, you can do this. It’s going to be hard. You’re going to feel overwhelmed and you can feel totally helpless at points. That’s okay. Just pick it up and keep moving. Keep making progress, dust yourself off, and eventually, you’ll be able to travel with your internet business, too.

So I hope this was helpful. I hope this reprogramming is starting to take root and that you’re ready for the journey ahead.

And so now we’re going to talk a little bit about some goal setting and making sure you can achieve those goals and how we kind of set the foundation going into beginning to build a profitable internet business. Alright? So best of luck!

If you have questions, post them in the Facebook group – again free for registered members.

And I’ll see you in the Facebook group and I’ll see you in the next video.

1.1 How To Use This Course To Build a Five-to-Six-Figure Internet Business

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WARNING: Goo-roo’s ain’t gonna like this

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In this video I discuss:

  • What you need to do to be successful with this training
  • Why you shouldn’t write this training off just because it’s free
  • What this course is meant to help you achieve

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1.1 Transcript Below

And off we go! Here we are in the first lesson.

I want to… before we get into anything really deep talking about concepts and strategies (the next video really starts — we’re going to jump in with both feet), the next video really kind of… it goes pretty deep, but I think it’s going to simplify internet marketing and how to make money online in a way that you’ve never heard explained, and it’s just going to make the whole thing so much more approachable and less overwhelming.

But first, I want to talk to you specifically about how to use this course, this 100% free course, to change your life and build a five-to-six figure internet business. I’m talking about five to six figures a year, but also it’s distinctly possible… I’ve met several people over the years that have crossed into five to six figures a month.

Personally my internet business makes five figures a month. I haven’t crossed the six figures a month threshold. I have in total revenue a handful of times when I was in e-commerce but I haven’t sustainably broken six figures a month. Hoping to get there within the next year or two, but yeah it’s absolutely possible to especially, if you’re… you know… looking at early stage goals like replacing a salary that’s four, or five, or $6000 a month totally… totally achievable in this industry if you approach it the right way.

So, I want to talk to you about how to use this course to achieve those means right to make that a reality for you. The first thing I want to talk about, I mentioned in the introduction — just in case you skipped the introduction, again — please watch all of sections one and two. You’re in section one right now. So good job so far, but section two as well.

When I personally hear “mind set”, you know, talking about mind set, I’m just like, “Oh this is going to be a bunch of woo-woo crap that I have no time for.” That’s not the case. Section two about mindset is very actionable and it’s kind of reprogramming for the road ahead, which will make a lot more sense when we get there.

But a lot of people come into this industry with very unrealistic expectations, and as a result of those expectations, they fail. If they came in with more realistic expectations they would have stuck with it longer and they likely would have succeeded.

So watch all of the rest of this section and all of section 2 before you start skipping around in the training.

Of course, like anything… like any business there are no guarantees. I want to make that really clear up front. But if you put in a lot of hard work and you don’t give up, internet marketing will pay out, it’s just a matter of time.

If you’re putting in the hard work, and you’re putting in quality work; it’s just a matter of time. There are three components; hard work, quality, and time.

What most people don’t give it is time, and I understand why, and we’ll talk about how to kind of work around that and kind of mitigate that as much as we can. But it does take time to build a successful internet business.

The other thing I really want you to do is not to write this course off just because it’s free.

I don’t know why, I mean I could easily charge $2000 for everything that I’m putting into this course. It would… it would totally trump products that I’ve paid hundreds or thousands of dollars for. I’ve paid up to $8000 for courses in the past, a little over eight thousand dollars for courses in the past. I’ve paid $5000 to attend seminars on the other side of the world.

This course that I’m building is intended to trump all of them, okay. Just because it’s free does not mean it’s not the absolute best quality training you can get. That is what I’m hoping for it to be.

In fairness: I don’t know everything, don’t get me wrong. There are people out there teaching things that I don’t know and there’s just so much to know in this industry.

But I know, and I say this with humility, I know a heck of a lot. It’s just been ten years of studying my butt off time after time after time, year after year and now I sit here ten years later and I’ve accumulated a lot of knowledge.

So I want to share that with you. Please, don’t just go, “Oh this is a free product. You know what, I just received this email about this thousand dollar product that has to be better because this one’s free and that one charges $1,000 or $2,000, or charges $500.”

It’s not. I’m telling you this training — it’s possible that that that’s another good course; there are a lot of good courses out there — but this training is free, and just because it’s free does not mean it’s not the highest quality — the highest tier of quality as far as internet marketing training goes.

So, I don’t want to belabor the point too much but do not write this off because it’s free. Don’t just drop this and pick up something else because there’s a like a shiny object out there that someone is charging money for.

You can build an internet business, a very profitable internet business, with this training alone — period. That’s what I’ve built it for. So, at the end of the day, use this course for what I made it for — to set you free.

And that may sound cheesy or cliché, but when I talk to people in this industry over and over again, that’s the consistent thing people want: to break free of their day job. People want to break free because they want to travel and they want a business that travels with them. People want to break free because their family deserves better than what they have right now and they want to make sure they give their family what they deserve.

So, like I said: the consistent theme is to break free. So, use this course to do that. I’m putting hundreds of hours into creating this specifically to achieve that… specifically so that you can achieve that.

So, please use this course for what it’s for, give it its fullest shot — give it all your effort — and like I said make sure to go through sections one and two, and I think you’re going to have a much better shot at success in internet marketing than you ever have before. That’s my intent, and I intend to fulfill it.

So, that’s it for now. If you are a registered member — which is free, by the way — you can do it all over this member’s area: Feel free to post any questions you have to the Facebook group.

But other than that, I will see you in the next video!
